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Everything posted by Ska

  1. hmmm do you think we'll get broken up by the lights? guess we are a small group, you so know you wanna!!
  2. Musical, BABAH AHAHAHH AHAh hahAAH I am not even that ricy, those musical horns are SUPER GAY!
  3. Hmmmm maybe I should drink more coffee, make it an even 15 cups for the day! Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee !!!!!!!
  4. glow worms sounds cool though......
  5. Whatever I'm cool with whatever, i dont care whatever everyone else wants to do i dont care just wanna cruise maybe we'll make decision at yatala bp?
  6. Bugger that sucks Smooth!
  7. But MJ should be online soon so i'll let him speak for himself
  8. MJ said Yatala is good for him, so so far it is mejohn and MJ at yatala BP 8:30 so after that I dont mind, just wanna cruise!
  9. mindflux is it too much of a drive for you to come all the way up to yatala?
  10. Yeap 8:30 BP Yatala sounds good, but if smooth is right we might wanna just go see the glow worms, give BWCP a miss, I dont mind as I got nothing defectable, rock stock has got it's avantagdes
  11. Just got MJ's number he's in
  12. mindflux can u PM MJ too as I know he'd be in it, just trying to chase him down, i dont have his mob and strutto is not answering his MSN but pretty sure he's got MJ's number so I'll leave message for strutto to get hold of him and maybe if he gets your or johns mob then he can join in.........? Yeah sounds good what time at BP john? and meet at BWCP mindflux?
  13. No mobile, cant afford both line and phone, so i made the sacrifice and got rid of mob phone, but you name the time and I'll be there!
  14. Nope i dont have either's phone numbers, MJ would definatly be in, too bad nex would prolly be in too, i dont have a mob so they couldnt call me after we down there either, bummer MJ would definatly wanna come as he has tomiss the thurs meets cause he works!!
  15. Alrighty meeting spot? when where? John I can meet you at BP Yatala as you pass right by there on the way down, then cruis in and meet mindflux somewhere, suggestions?
  16. looks like me and mindflux is gonna cruise da coast, anyone else in?
  17. Hmmmm going somewhere where I have to park around the corner, bah that sucks, I take pride in my car and would want to drive it there, but as i am as skinny as a rake and am as yella as a lemon, I'll pass Got any ideas john/mindflux?
  18. But where john, you up for some cruising still mindflux?
  19. Ska

    Hello All!

    Alrighty then mindflux is porking it, anyone wanna fill the spot, ??
  20. John, yeah lots of coffe works well as i have "management training" on fridays, so I had hmmm lets see, bout 11 cups of strong coffe now i am ALL HEPPED UP AND RARING TO GO! but got nothin to do....... and wtf is harry's mindflux?
  21. Ska

    Hello All!

    For those who need the address Umart Online(Gold Coast QLD) 1/46 Smith St Southport 4215 QLD
  22. Bah clubbin's not my scene, never been out in GC on friday/saturday nights, got any nice places to cruise by mindflux, any ideas?
  23. I'm In! Edit: Easy PM'ing list Ska PhatMirage Nexus9 yamutha33 jaqule GOR33 CGB_R32 FYN33 Smoothline Nismo_Boy NA_R33 GenesisR32 Charly Yotis jaqule Zoix 666DAN Belgarion EVO83 jlnewton Squizz Whole bunch of "maybe's"
  24. Hey Kudos go out to Gary and slip for making it out, even though I had to have someone point them out to me and i didnt get the chance to say ello to em, but yeah great going! Zoixy hows your front bar? and did you end up getting your stickers?
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