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Everything posted by Ska

  1. Yeah well you now know the best seat in a barina is actually sitting on the bonnet
  2. Nah nothing really phases me, and I was very, very toned down compared to my usual behavior, so next time I am down you all better be read for..... SLAYAH!!!!™ **for explanation of SLAYAH!!!!™ please see following video:
  3. I'll make sure I'll check with you next time i am down and organise my life to revolve around Sl¡m time? Yeah really was 50ty billion times better then doing nothing Thanks again Nick And it wasnt cold, apparently last night Rocky got down to 5oC
  4. Lastly, this would not be complete without showing everyone how to impersonate Mr Bean, SAU Style! Again, THANK YOU! I had blast Cy
  5. Well first a HUGE thank you to Nick. Going out of his way to pick me up, drop me off and scoot me around doing touristy things in Sydney. Without him, I would've spent the night sitting in my hotel room, bored out of my mind. Secondly, thank you everyone who came and said hello. I had a great night. Wonderful cars, wonderful people, wonderful stories. Thirdly, here are my pics. Although I have the picture taking skills of an epileptic elephant, so dont expect too much.
  6. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I had to sell my Stagea to buy a house, and now a year later I still bitterly miss my stag.
  7. you suck, that is all
  8. And from this morning:
  9. Ska


    Next week eh, good to see you NSWer's learnt to count, and/or read a calendar............
  10. Ska


  11. Ska


    I had a mate from NSW once, was banging his teacher, too bad he was home schooled........
  12. Ska


    Doing a tour of 3 Universities that have Automatic Bank Reconciliation functionality enabled in Peoplesoft Financials, it sounds just as exciting as it is
  13. Ska


    Well considering I dont actually have any banner, and the fact I dont actually own any blue or maroon coloured clothing, it might be a bit tough to actually go........ I doubt my flight will land in time but, I am leaving USQ in Toowoombah around 4-5pm, 2hrs+ drive to Brisbane Airport...... 1.5 hour flight + 30mins dicking around with the hire car and baggage means I probably wouldnt get to the hotel we are staying at till god only knows what time. I'm staying somewhere close to the University of Sydney as that is where I am actually going to be going on thursday. So all in all I think your reaction has been not too bad, considering I couldn't actually give a crap who wins, but always good for us to match the all time point spread record, just to show you how easy it can be
  14. Ska


    Ummmm rental car will be waiting for me, but I'll let you pay for my ticket to get in, I wonder if spindly little guy in a maroon outfit with a HUGE MOFO QLD banner being bashed senseless inside Tel$tra Dome would make the news?
  15. Ska


    I'm actually going to be in Sydney for the first time, flying in the afternoon/night of the 3rd game, who wants to take me there?
  16. Dunno, but will let yall know SLAYAAAHHH!!!
  17. I just got this email, and it has some good points in it:
  18. REPOST! http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Omg-Wtf-t170831.html
  19. Ska

    Omg Wtf!

    I believe my blood is still splattered all up the side of J's garage wall
  20. Ska

    Omg Wtf!

    Epic Picture Find from Jason: teh CyGrinderous: And it's effects on CyRice: Cy: Uuuuh dude I think we need to go to the hospital.... J: nah nah lets have a look at it in the sink........... oh shit!!!
  21. Ska

    Omg Wtf!

    <thread mining> Nevermind me, just turned 31, thought everyone needed to know, that is all.
  22. Pffft who needs boost.... if this is available in Australia when the 2008 GTR's are, and at a comparable price I think I would be more swayed to buy one of these over a GTR....... http://www.jaylenosgarage.com/video/video_...html?vid=229378
  23. Just filled up. $4.20, not happy jan, last time I filled up the scooter it cost $4.05, and that only gets me ~200kms........ what will I do.....................
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