The 3G is great, I get around 650kb/s (im with telstra) If your set on vodaphone you'll want to ask someone in adelaide on vodaphone with an iphone what its like. Here in Mount Gambier you only get gprs with vodaphone on the iphone.
Email is great, you can have the push style.
I use to have problems with custom apps not working almost every day, had to delete and install one to make them all work again which I think was a common problem. It hasnt happend for a while now.
Wifi is unreal.
The GPS is unreal.
The web browser is unreal.
I want to mention that of 3 screens of downloaded apps (3x16) I have I have only paid for 3 of them, and all for less than $5.
I have an app to vnc to my servers.
I have an app to ssh to my servers.
I have an ebook reader.
I have a skype/msn/googletalk client.
All free
Theres Dynolicious and PocketDyno for your Petrol Head Needs™ (and im sure more by now)
Theres so many cool apps.
You can do the whole unlock thing, but everytime I look at doing it I ask myself why, and I have no answer. If you want to do it to unlock it from a network the quickpwn thingo works fine.
Everything is backed up to itunes (apps,contact,music,etc.....) if you stuff it up.
I hate apple and their 'walled garden' approach to business but ive had this thing since just after they were released in Aus and I have not regretted it .... well ive wished it ran the android os a few times
Edit: also zedevan is on the money imo