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Everything posted by syx

  1. thanks for the color codes thread.
  2. well said
  3. I live in SA, that means I might get to see the mythical Golgo Beast in the flesh ! Oh,and condolances and all that =] Im sure you will get somthing even better. ps. where should I look for it
  4. syx


    From the album: syx's Gallery

  5. syx


    From the album: syx's Gallery

  6. syx


    From the album: syx's Gallery

  7. chops, nope about a week earlier
  8. great work on the pictures
  9. Thanks heaps to Will and Boostworx for the day, and anyone else who helped I would also like to thank the sympathetic comments that people made when they saw the key marks on my poor car.
  10. thanks heaps i'll try and decode it in the morning
  11. turbz: good luck yourself
  12. congratulations
  13. thanks to sly33 for the 33 tyre placard. i'll update with my attempt at getting over the pit soon.
  14. Thanks Oosh and Sly The print your own sticker thing sounds good, although 33's are a bit rare down here Im trying to arrange a spring swap for the suspension. With the child restraints, I have a mate who is a fitter and turner, he reckons he could make them. Does that sound legal ? Or would they have to have some sort of certificate ? Thanks
  15. I didnt know how serious he was about the defect me straight away bit, so I kept my mouth shut after that.
  16. Yeah, the guy said that the compliance shop and the person who originally let it go through the pits stuffed up.
  17. I just bought my car from NSW, the only thing I have to add is that you will have to put your car over the pit to get the rego transferred over to SA within one month after you buy it. (assuming that its still got rego)
  18. Howdy, I just took my 33 down to the RTA place in Mount Gambier. The guy had a 'ooo a import, im gonna defect this till the cows come home' look about him. I think he actually rubbed his hands together when he saw it. So he asks to look at the engine and straight away tells me that the blow off valve is illegal. I said, 'thats strange because it is stock'. He moved on pretty quick after that :lol: THen he said that the boost guage was illegal, I asked why, and he said that it can change the boost, and I said no it is ONLY a guage. Then he said that cops will defect me for it. I thought that its only defectable if its higher that the dash, I said that too him and he said I would get defected anyway because cops will THINK that its a boost controller. THen he started with the whole 'I could defect you right now but I'm not going to' power-over speech. To stop me asking questions. So after that rant, what I need help with are these things. Where can I get a tyre placard ? About how much? I have a turbo timer in the ash tray. Do I really need to take it out? Are they gonna look in there or be able to tell its there from seeing wires or somthing somewhere else ? And how much is it gonna cost to take off ? How much is it gonna cost to get 'Child support anchor points' put in ? Ive also got to raise the car 2cm because it is too low. He said I will need to buy new springs. Is that true ? or is there an easy way to do it ? Thanks for reading this far, any help will be hugely appreciated. Clinton
  19. nozilla: co-incidence, havent had any trouble with police so far *touch wood*
  20. Im down in Mount Gambier though. Say hi if you guys are ever down this way.
  21. Hi, I've just bought my Skyline. It'll be my first dyno and my first SAU club event. It'll be good to put names to faces
  22. I get that somtimes (very rarely). It has a powerfc. It goes away almost as soon as I start driving
  23. speed does not kill, its the part when you stop suddenly that kills. have you been speeding before ? are you dead ?
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