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Everything posted by ianjb

  1. HAHA! too funny.. I was in the commodore in front of him. Fireworks sticker all over it.
  2. Id have put this in events but i'm not really trying to organise a meet up. I'd like to know if anyone has ever been to Kartatak in Wolli Creek or Villawood? If so, thoughts? http://cudo.com.au/sydney/three-10-minute-go-kart-rides-in-2-locations/
  3. Yo, I cant see a date?
  4. Cancellation of Hillclimb Event March 2013 We regret that we have had no option but to cancel the March Hillclimb. This has been due to there having been insufficient entries. We have noted that at this time of the year, several other events are on offer so we attract a few less competitors. There may be a few who would want to turn up on the day, but we cannot plan for this, the costs of staging the event, unless covered by entry fees would see us unable to continue in the longer term. So we hope to see you at our next event, which we believe at present will be held on September 22nd 2013. 0408 290 286 OR 0403 748 629
  5. Pic of Webber is cool
  6. Dad's a real estate agent and we were speaking about this the other day. A lot of foreigners do this, Indians are especially good at it. But they go beyond the immediate family.
  7. Bought it last night. Playing sandbox till i get the hang of it. Like it so far. Has some better and some worse features over 4.
  8. the side's looked awesome on the weekend Eric. And I dont normally like carbon on cars.
  9. No dramas, I understand. I know how its done anyway I've been a pyrotechnician for 12+ years. You can make awesome coloured flames with the right chemicals, We should talk / play one day.
  10. secrets, shmecrets.. It it's not hard to do, the easiest way would be the same as the sparkler writing but I'd probably do it differently to most.
  11. If the Evo's are allowed, so are ze Germans.
  12. Had drama's with the camera. Something happened to the card & it has a bunch of corrupted files... so lost a bunch of photos. Tried recover them, got some... Then, Photoshop wants a serial number so I had to grab a something free to resize them. Free software goes "we can make your photos look more awesome!" so I said yes... Turns out over saturation is what people think is awesome. These are the only photo's i managed to recover.
  13. I'll pay that. Both technically correct and a quality comment. What I did mean was: what was the propellant? What did you use to move it around? IE: rag on a stick... Why are you LOL'ing for?
  14. what you use for the flame?
  15. It should be legal for you to nudge dream boats that sit in the right lane and aren't over taking. and the 80km thing should be dropped to > 10. just farkin move karnt!
  16. I just noticed the watermark was put in.. I used the wrong action in Photoshop to resize them. they are also out of order. ehh...
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