I didn't read any of the thread. But my biggest issue with the whole debate is that many people that argue for plates on bikes due to law breaking, just don't know what is and isn't illegal for a cyclist to do.
Did you know? - If a cyclist stops at a red light, they are then allowed to proceed as long as it is safer than it would be to stay at the lights.
It is also 100% legal for a cyclist to lane split to the front of traffic lights. - This is stupid IMO, You shouldn't allow the slowest of traffic to the front of a queue. and make traffic pull around them at every set of lights down Victoria road.
As a whole:
Cyclist are often really the dumbest of the dumb. Just because you are allowed to do it, doesn't mean you should. 1/2 the time they are being selfish and outright stupid
Don't ride down Parramatta road. its dumb
Dont ride through gallstone at 6pm on a Tuesday night. It's dumb
Dont ride 2 or 4 abreast down any single lane road.. EVER. It's selfish
Dont ride up the left hand side of a bus, IT'S JUST f**kIN DUMB... (3 people were killed in as many weeks recently doing exactly this in NSW)
Cyclist's are putting themselves and their foam helmet up against tonnes of rolling steal, they will never win. It's not a fight anyone should be getting into. They need to take their own safety into their own hands and not put themselves into these situation.
Yes, Car drivers are f**kin stupid too, but they will beat you 100% of the time.
I cycle myself, I will often ride 10-20% further distances just to not ride on a busy traffic road. I know car drivers are dream boats, I am one. So on my bike i avoid that situation, just like i avoid dark alleys at night.
I do really wonder what some cyclist are thinking sometimes.