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Everything posted by Alphamox

  1. Jst want to say it was a great day out in tge hills despite our small numbers...we had sum adventures as we hit a dirt path on the way to the bbq but it was ol gud and we shud all thank chris for organisimg this meet and providing us the hospitality at his house...also I want to thank h8tax for being a gud sport and letting us sit in his 35gtr and experience sumtn that most of us will probably never experience...it was gud to c all my fellow sedan'rs too....
  2. Hey Guys, I just want to say that last night was a great meet up. This was the first official Skyline get together since I got my V35 sedan late last year. Met alot of interesting folks and the machines that you guys had were amazing. For those who missed out, we had a two R35 GTRS rock up, both were black and appear to be going on some patrol or sorty in the hills (they looked like a pair of jet fighters). Also want to thank Mr Windsurf for taking my friend and I on a joy ride in his R32 GTR. That was my very first up front experience in one and most people that I know would not be so inviting especially with a pair of newbs like my friend and I... I'm down anytime for a meet. I'll become a paid member somestage this week
  3. Spotted also an r33 gtr in midnight vb purpke in craigeburn safeway lstnyt it had sau stickers...i was wntng to say hi but was with my famiky
  4. Spotted a nyce blue r34 gtr driving along fawkner yestrday pm...with the famous plates gtrr34 sumtn o rather...a bit om the crazy side with the driving but who woukdnt be wit a machine like that....was waving to him but he was too cool to wave bak lol
  5. Im coming along wit my mate in the passenger seat
  6. Ive got the ztube k&n drop in and its great
  7. That wud be cool
  8. Sound gud thats mY day off Keep us postee
  9. Hello, I'd like to bless my V35 sedan on its first ever skylines australia cruise...keep me informed
  10. LOL that silver sedan would have been me as I was on my way to the Bayswater area to have my stereo, speakers and amp fitted. We should meet up one time
  11. The Tociko blue shocks should fit our sedans...the skyline v35 sedan and the infiniti g35 sedan are the essentially the same car.... parts are interchangeable. I've got RSR down springs in my sedan and I'm hopefully going to change my shocks to Tokico once my stock shocks go. The Tokico blue shocks are pretty much OEM spec
  12. Hello guys, My name is Larry and just towards the end of last year, I acquired an 03 Nissan Skyline V35 sedan. Its the 350GT model with sunroof and 6 speed manual transmission. Hope to hit the cruising scene with you guys in the near future
  13. Hey bro, Would have came to this one but I just accepted a shift on Sunday. I recently acquired a nissan skyline v35 sedan and actually I live in Roxy park too. We probably have bumped into each other not know lol...
  14. This will erupt an old topic, Having my V35 sedan for just a month, I had a near miss on New Years Eve. I was following the speed limit on the side streets and then all of a sudden a police officer came out in the middle of the road and instructed me to pull over and show me my license. You see, my jap-spec exhaust, when accelerating, makes a nice throaty note. Anyway, he was accusing me of speeding, which was not the case. He then made comments like "Have I been in trouble with the authorities?, Do I need my License? etc etc" He then let me off saying to "...be careful as there are alot of crazy kids running around" and that "..I should be more mindful as you got your girlfriend in the car"
  15. Thanks Victor T for the welcome, I'm not really chasing anymore power as the car is powerful enough for the road. The exhaust itself already adds a nice tone and all that is left to do is fix up the air intake section. You see, the guy from Japan did the most dodgiest job to put a pod filter in the car. What he did was cut off the end of the MAF housing, removed the airbox and placed the pod in place. Originally I was going to go for a Fujita air intake kit, but with the exhaust already deep and mean sounding as it is, having the intake kit too will be very loud for my standards. Mind you that the exhaust piping is 3" from the cat back, orignally I was worried that there will be a powerloss, but my friend told me that a cat back exhaust is mainly for sound and hence I decided to keep it. What I'll be going for is the Z-tube, the MAF housing itself and a K&N (33-2031-2) drop in panel filter. That should keep the engine and authorities happy :) I was fortunate enough that the previous guy in Japan, put some pretty good lowered springs. Further inspection revealed that they are RS-R springs. All that is needed is put on some nice wheels. I want to run staggered offset being my first RWD sports car (I'm thinking 18's or 19's) I'll try get some pictures is
  16. Hello guys, Just a quick update, I picked up my v35 sedan last Tuesday and I must say these last couple of days have been fun. It has similar performance to my mazda 6 mps, but no hair dryer strapped on this time (all NA power ). I don't know if anyone notices this, but I feel that this engine wants to be driven hard as I feel I have all this power under my foot. Anyway, I just want to make myself official to this forums as I'm now the proud owner of a skyline . One question, the cat back exhaust came from Japan, and it's a cannon style tip. I was wondering if anyone can tell me what brand it could possibly be as I can't find a bolt on cat back with a cannon tip ??
  17. Desperately need that stock airbox....please pm me as I'm new here and the rules don't allow me to pm until I reach greater that 10 messages
  18. Hello, I'll buy your stock airbox off you. Can you provide me pics of the whole assembly as I'm in the need for one right now...Ill pay for shipping too since I am in Victoria... I cannot pm you as I'm fairly new to the forums...hence my number is 0404 018 870...
  19. Welcome Mickhail... I'm fairly new too to the SAU side of things. There is a wealth of info on these forums to keep you busy. You will sure love the V35 series of skylines. Very nimble and responsive and mind you that is in a sedan, I have yet to be in a coupe
  20. Hello guys, It's been a while from my last post and thanks once again to the tips provided, especially in regards to sourcing the owners book and manuals. I've just made my order now and should arrive hopefully sometime next week. The mechanical check went great by state roads inc. Scored 80% in everything, perhaps one thing that concerned the inspector was a slight vibration travelling along the gear knob at higher rpm, but I confirmed this on other forums that it is normal, especially in this particular year. Just wondering what others hold on this finding. Other than that, the inspector was happy with the vehicle in general and everything was working the way they should. The car has no evidence of being in a major accident, and the km's are genuine according to the import papers. The time when I'll be collecting my v35 has been reduced. I'll be actually driving away in it next Tuesday. I'm very very excited. The car itself is pretty much a standard model with the exception of a cat back stainless steel exhaust kit (brand unknown), which sounds awesome and not too loud. I'm also lucky it came with a sunroof (big plus as I go on long drives with the family). The car came with a pod filter attached to the factory intake set, but I told the importer to put it back on as I may opt for a proper kit (like Fujita) in the future. The only negative is that the radio does not switch on, but fortunately the aircon works and appears that the previous owner in Japan has put an aftermarket din kit (radio currently in car is aftermarket and not genuine nissan item). I'll be buying a decent in dash unit from ebay for 500 dollars (some people suggest using branded items, but I had these so called-cheap units from ebay on my aurion and they haven't let me down). I'll keep everyone updated
  21. Thanks for the tip Well its only three weeks to go and it should be all good. I'll be getting a comprehensive check tomorrow and if all goes well then I'll be putting a deposit down. The private importer where I am buying is confident that it will pass with flying colours. As for servicing, I'm not sure where to start as the one I'm buying doesn't have any manuals or service books. All I can go of is the import papers and the odometer itelf. How to I get a V35 manual and a service book for this vehicle??
  22. Hello guys, I am Alphamox from Victoria. I'll be soon trading in my 2007 Toyota Aurion (which was a nice care btw) and hopefully will be seating in a 2003 Nissan Skyline 350GT sedan (manual version) in the next three weeks. Originally I was going to buy a 1998 nissan skyline R34 but I wanted something family-like (as I hopefully will be having a family of my own) and at the same time, very sporty and powerful (before my Toyota Aurion I blew big dollars on a mazda 6 mps, which didn't last me too long as parts were very expensive as these cars never really got into the market. I just couldn't get over the manual transmission as my family and I have been driving manual cars for a very long time. I hope you guys can be patient with me as this will be my first ever grey import car. I'm just wondering how spare parts are for the sedan version of the V35 sedan? I've been calling around to some performance places around my area and they all state that the V35 isn't anything special and parts are easy to source and can be had the same time as any local delivered car. I just want to clarify this with the experts on these forums...When I mean spare parts I mean big items like drive shafts, engine, gear box, suspension, control arms etc...being an older car, are the prices reasonable or still expensive (mind you on my mazda 6 mps, the clutch cost 3000AUD excluding labour) Thank You
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