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Everything posted by Marlin

  1. On the way to the doc now!
  2. Sorry to hear you hurt the car Vivien! No damage to the crew I trust?
  3. I'm with Harry here..... AGAIN! lol
  4. Wise words from DC. Simplistic dribble from Johnny Herbert.
  5. One lousy f**king goat!
  6. He's like a school yard bully coming late into a lunchtime fight trying to finish of the wierd kid with a massive wing-nut who wears some other school's uniform because his parents are transients. hey..... inhe!
  7. Wow, you actually said that!!!!
  8. haha, Harry owns all
  9. One can only assume Massa has Polaroids of someone deep inside a goat.
  10. So the real issue is they're two hacks who somehow found themsleves in good cars, and are fighting with eachother sorta kinda but not really toward the front? Put both of them in something like a HRT and they'd be berated out of the field very quickly.
  11. With all due respect, and you've been around a long time, but I reckon we'd go a long way to find a bigger Lewi fan boy! Martin and David were both astonished with the stewards decision in my opinion, but they need to bite their collective tongues.
  12. Is that "The Predator" behind Rowan?
  13. Mate no I'm not hanging around. Gotta get back to work pronto. Would be awesome if you guys could make it.....
  14. Sweet as brew! Gives you some extra recce time
  15. Congrats again on getting the gig girls! See you up there What's the plan? Drive it smooth and aim for a result or to hell with a result and rip tyres off the thing all the way up Buller and watch the video go viral?
  16. I for one hope it all goes well for you Blaise and that you take it to the Porsches! THC.... who's going? I'm doing "00" again, and will be driving up there Thursday PM with Captain Fathom, primed for festivities
  17. I completely agree Harry. I still see it as Hamo's fault. But would like to see some GPS data to confirm it. To my mind, Hamo needed to be much more forthright to take that position cleanly at that part of the track, and he simply wasn't. Massa's not liable to gift him the spot is he? It's a dubious passing spot, and if Massa WAS to yield, then I reckon he would simply have to go wide into the dust, and hence, understeer off the track! To make any pass clean and successful, the passing driver needs to have the capacity to drive his own car, but also "get his brain" into the car he wishes to pass, and decide then if the pass can be made successfully! I think even Lewis would admit (if he were honest) that he didn't do that.
  18. I want to see the GPS lap traces of the Massa/Homo thing. Both at the incident and the laps prior.
  19. Every time I see Massa's brother, I want to punch him in his fat mouth. Just looks like a cock.
  20. What. The fark!!?!?!?
  21. Oh Lewis that was NEVER on!
  22. You just wouldn't want it would you? Ok ok, Maybe at $20k? Really high kays, resprayed very poorly, and what looks like a mid 90's Nissan Pulsar seat material retrim (also on the doors!?). A car with very dubious history I would think...... I'd rather a wart on my dick.
  23. Do any of you really think Kimi can be truly competetiivd if he returns? Personally I think Schu gas more drive and potential to succeed. As an aside, I don't think even I'd get into a Williams! Better chance in a Toyota Sera
  24. I reckon the south circuit will actually be alright. Especially now I ken weekord my rayses to you ess bee.
  25. Trez, some great pics mate! Ya reckon I can find any of my Mt stuart pics.... Nope!?!?!
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