With lap times around a minute, I wouldn't be suprised to see WTAC run the shortened circuit. The 1 minute laps of Tsukuba seem to suit the event format well.
Just throwing it out there!
$15k is the minimum I reckon. Closer to $20k if you're running out of Qld like I do.
Could possibly do it tighter, but it's a "bucket list" event, so if you're going to do, then, "Do It!"
Most of you would know Baron and myself know the crew at TengaEgg.com quite well, but what you may not know is I'm also a Top 10 client at Tug Toner (Baron is #3)..... Here's a vid if you're unfamiliar.
Tim's balls are that big he's probably reading a novel while I "drive"......
Here I think he was looking for one of his many women in the spectators;
And lol @ understeer of fail on the Evo..... boring cars. Fast. But boring.
Webster BONED by Red Bull pit stop.
SV really outclassing everyone.
Alonso BONED by Fezz being kept behind that sap Massa.
DRS bullshit ruins it... Hamo being able to cruise passed MW after MW's hard won braking dual pass proves how shit DRS is. Hamo wasn't even concerned, knew he's pass again easily. Was still entertainment I guess.
The amount of tyre rubble effectively makes the race line one lane wide..... which is also shit.
Still, a most enjoyable race. I cannot believe (well I can actually) that the track in unused throughout the year. The amount that track morphed during the weekend was astounding.
The Octagon do have a great team, and sure, no harm in letting Stu (To1-100) know that you're keen to help too!
I've been fortunate enough to be able to be part of mobile crew a couple of times now, and thoroughly enjoyed it