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Everything posted by Marlin

  1. Cheers Roy. Yeah I remember reading it was partly public road but was unsure if that was still the case. Thanks for clearing it up
  2. Haha thanks mate. Would have been fine if I'd realized I wasn't wearing my specs
  3. So, Spa, is it a permanent track or is it true that portions of it are public road, a bit like Bathurst?
  4. Superb! With the exception of 38 seconds of GoPoo
  5. As likable as you are young Pal, I'm not about to read paragraph after paragraph of drivvle.......... Have you tried texting [email protected] just a thought.
  6. Shell....., vintage 2002 and Counting
  7. Exactly, you just painted the image I had in my mind.
  8. Gosh, that'll be fun! haha
  9. You've been in one. You've lived a charmed existence Count.... That's it. I officially hate you.
  10. If by some travesty MY F1 couldn't be silver, I'd bend, and take it in antracite. I'd then prompty go and to emaulate Peter Robinson's original road test in an antracite example, and aim to get my own version of a picture where he got it completely airborn over a rise tapped in 5th gear. That same test is the first time I ever read the now often used line; "Every time you use full throttle.... it's an event". In fact, there are so many great descriptions in his article, you re-read it now and quickly remember what a goal post moving car the F1 was. The trainspotter is coming out in me now.... not something I usually share. haha
  11. And Baron, I really think the '91 ZR1 was the ONLY decent US car of the era.... hence it deserved a mention.
  12. The original F1, short tail, road version for me, without a shadow of doubt. The #1 "own above all" car for me.
  13. Baron, the Alfa "Monster"....... nice mate, nice! I don't think too many of the younger generation would be aware of them
  14. You've lost me on slant nose Porsches mate....... you've driven them, and therefore you should know that one of the allures of punting them through corners in the pair of pontoon gaurds aiming out in from of you. The slant loses that. Now, Corvettes have been mentioned, and if I knew how, I would furnish you with an image of a 1991 ZR1, complete with the Quad OHC alloy V8 made for Chev by Mercury Marine. Now THAT, is a 'Vette to own
  15. I'm struggling.... how does one insert Google Images into this Godforsaken forum these days?
  16. Ditto that!
  17. Fark it... it's going viral Straight to Facebook! lol
  18. That is MIGHTY tough!... but there.... on the street! You game! haha Stalling it up and launching burning 4 would be terribly addictive I'd reckon
  19. Come on Craig, mate, six figure car with $5 camera? All that time and money spent to enjoy an icon and to remember it all with sound quality like that...... is a shame. Permanantly mount a V-Box or something high quality with muliple angles, decent sound, and map/date overlays would be more befitting. I hope I don't sound harsh, but I'd like to watch the footage in full rather than turning sound off.
  20. Your standards are slipping gents.
  21. 80's and 90's ya say, easily my favorite era........ This was bad though. A shame! (do you know what it's from?) http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSYvHccHU6y82rRzva3LSNf04ssI4e50nMUPfT3ItM7mBFGdUdlyg Whilst this had such great promise, even Schumacher had one, albeit in a truly appalling colour combo of blue/yellow from memory, but alas, as with many things in that era...... http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTd4CnQE8DNuM3kfeAdUaBhB8-JyprYWCmXuc7bKJJUrQAvYTuXyw
  22. I'm not reading that.
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