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Everything posted by Marlin

  1. I loved the design (the 928 was a car of many "firsts"), but the age of it let it down. A mate had a very late 5.4 litre GTS I think it was, in red, and I still hanker after one just like it....... I know it would be a disappointment, but they're a future crassic
  2. This. Doubtful it's coil packs. Possible ADM issue too. One issue will likely be your economy and idle problem. It needs a wheel alignment badly.
  3. I'm referring to the windage trays you noob, not the sumps.
  4. I edited it because I knew you'd want to go on with it I'm OUT.... what goes on at Targa, stays at Targa.
  5. Maybe the price gouging (6 drinks, 80 bucks)? Or the fact that it stinks like the dump across the road? A mate of mine was in the beer garden area, and literally spewed. lmao... it was really bad that night.
  6. I had a 1981 Porsche 928. My God it was woeful.
  7. That's fine with me! I purchased everything to turn mine into a crazy wide tyred thing, but pulled the pin on that idea, because then it was effectively ruined for tarmac rallies and now, THIS type of racing
  8. FWIW, I looked at fitting the RB26 windage trays to my RB20 as I thought the racier RB26 would have a design better than the lowly 20. I was wrong. RB20 windage tray is better. So I wasted an hour of my mate's time milling my RB20 girder to accept the 26 trays.... because of course, I assumed it would be an improvement without actually checking huh. What a Doofus.
  9. haha, nice! Final joke is on you though...... take a look in the mirror Champ.
  10. personally I prefer the company of other men.
  11. Plenty of scum out there mate. Sucks.
  12. What looked like a good idea on paper didn't translate to the real world. R33 Autech 4 door Gtr's are farking rotten looking things.
  13. I love how hose clamp authenticity is now how you confirm a genuine car. Thread would be GOLD if it wasn't so annoying.
  14. Sounds good, but my car won't be eligible even If they move the year. I'm a gts-t. I can see it being good fun! Rules need some ironing though.
  15. Haters. I'm old enough to know that we're not looking back through rose colored glasses at Senna's career. He was hero worshipped when he was alive, I'd venture to say worshipped more than any driver prior, so it's not a James Dean style thing. The only one who came close in his generation was Prost. Senna was awesome behind the wheel, yes he may have had some judgement failures, many do, but he was awesomely quick, and will always be one of the greatest in my mind.
  16. There's a sucker born every minute
  17. You don't even knhw if it's actually turbos!!!!! Do you have too much money? You won't soon!
  18. 27 you say.....
  19. Not a "car" it's a ute Can't half tell it's friday afternoon and everyone's waiting to head home. haha
  20. haha, here we go, THREAD MORPH #2. Tell me which Ford still has leaf springs?
  21. i reckon you're pretty close to the mark there mate
  22. It's kind of funny that the harder the car is to live with, the more "Super" or "Hyper" it becomes Really, if we were all sane, these fancy cars should all be labelled 'Shit Cars", because they're not actually very good at being cars..... a Falcon on the other hand... that's a Super-car
  23. This topic sucks, and it's gone from talking about how a bunch of people were apparently oogling over a 35 instead of a Lambo, to a thread about "what constitutes a Supercar" debate, which is pointless, because since the R35 arrived, the lines have been blurred. Does the 35 "look" like a traditional Supercar in my opinion? A definate no. But, does it PERFORM like one? Absolutely! So to me, the R35 is kind of like a "Super Sports Car".... definately above a 911 Carrera S, but lacking the "wow' factor looks wise, and simply too practical as an every day car, to make the step into the "Supercar" ranks. Stuff like an Enzo isn't a Supercar.... it's a Hypercar. Stuff like 458/Gallardo etc, are at the bottem end of the Supercar genre, whilst Mucielago etc is toward the top.
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