This topic sucks, and it's gone from talking about how a bunch of people were apparently oogling over a 35 instead of a Lambo, to a thread about "what constitutes a Supercar" debate, which is pointless, because since the R35 arrived, the lines have been blurred.
Does the 35 "look" like a traditional Supercar in my opinion? A definate no. But, does it PERFORM like one? Absolutely!
So to me, the R35 is kind of like a "Super Sports Car".... definately above a 911 Carrera S, but lacking the "wow' factor looks wise, and simply too practical as an every day car, to make the step into the "Supercar" ranks.
Stuff like an Enzo isn't a Supercar.... it's a Hypercar.
Stuff like 458/Gallardo etc, are at the bottem end of the Supercar genre, whilst Mucielago etc is toward the top.