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Everything posted by calebR33

  1. It had run out of power steering fluid!
  2. Yeah getting it checked. Thin kit could also be power steering. Found out it doesnt just happen when ur moving when cold but when you TURN THE STEERING WHEEL. think it might be related to that
  3. hmm one of my friends suggested it might be a worn fan belt?
  4. A month ago there was one morning (on a cold start) where if you pressed the clutch it made VERY LOUD NOISES and the car was undrivable. Only hapened once though
  5. Im not 100% sure. It happens when the clutch is engaged + im accelerating. If i just hold the clutch and dont touch the gas i dont think it makes any noises.
  6. Um during the change of gears i guess?? a mech did say my clutch was worn before..
  7. I have an issue with my r33 rb25de ! So basically when the engine is COLD and i start driving it. In first and second gear when my revs are low the car makes a whining noise (i THINK when im holding down the clutch and accelerating). Realyl worries me, sounds like theres a major issue. Any help will be appreciated!@
  8. Please sms 0433 66 9398 ! interested in ur subs / speakers. Wanting to pick up asap

  9. I painted my rims black too. Results are great although mines starting to have hints of white showing cos i didn really do layers,,, jsut did it till it looked good. But its defs worth doing. Cost me 15 bucks, if theres any issues i can jsut do it again for 15.
  10. Mine did that too but dad just sprayed WD40 in it and it stopped!
  11. Also selling VERY BAD CONDITION R33 airbag steering wheel. needs a retrim so its up for 20 bucks
  12. i wanted to buy the subbie and box im in sydney please sms 0433 66 9398!
  13. Ur numbers not on there. sms me on 0433 66 9398
  14. Front bar sold. Spoiler still for same .... 40 bucks its great cond.
  15. i feel for you mines like that. i just totally ripped it off and put a steering wheel cover over it. maybe you could do that ? buy a 10 dollar steering wheel cover
  16. I know people who just rang like every wrecker in sydney until they got one :L EBAY has some, for sale section has a few, oh and i happen to find a s2 spoiler on gumtree for only 50 bucks :L try ur luck there
  17. Got an r33 S1 airbag model, and the whole steering wheel is ripped up so i desperately need to change it. Does anyone have a boss kit that fits for the r33 na 95 model WITH airbag model ? Im located in sydney 0433 66 9398! thans in advance.
  18. My friends selling a S2 R33 non turbo, great cond sms me 0433 66 9398 and ill give you his number btw located near parramtta
  19. Just wondering, does ur boss kit + steering wheel for a non turbo s1 r33 AIRBAG model ? please sms me to 0433 66 9398!
  20. Hey guys I got a series 1 r33 95 model WITH THE AIRBAG and ive been looking around the forums but theres a lot of different views on it working or not... Just wondering if anyone knows what type of boss kit i need? Apparently standard one will make the airbag light stay on or something? I want to change becoz my steering wheel is .... well leather is basically all ripped off and gone and releathering costs around 250! thanks in advance! got this one! http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/post-a146574-95-GTR-S1-Wheel.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/339647-does-my-s1-r33-have-no-airbag/&usg=__wWSJOFy_ToKR0qrs1Zm_3VUPnv0=&h=450&w=600&sz=54&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=xmS6N1B1bINBpM:&tbnh=112&tbnw=162&ei=fgCKTYSVL4vBcd64ybMM&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dskyline%2Br33%2Bairbag%2Bsteering%2BS1%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1065%26bih%3D500%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=465&vpy=70&dur=19&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=150&ty=103&oei=fgCKTYSVL4vBcd64ybMM&page=1&ndsp=16&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0
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