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Don't care

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Everything posted by Don't care

  1. Yeah I've thought of that already but the father wouldn't let me buy a shell
  2. I might just get it looked at by an auto electrition they should know what to do, sence I'm on my L's going onto My P's i need an odometre reading for hours, thats why i thought it was so important
  3. Yeah I think that's what I'm going to do anyway I might put it on car sales or something for like 8 grand and see if anybody is interested if they are I'll look at my buying options and then maybe sell it, But I'd still like to drive it for a while it is a suprisingly good car to drive. But yes unless someone desperately wants a skyline for 8 grand then I will drive it around till i get my opens the only cent I will spend on it is for servicing parts, because most of it I do myself, OH you wouldn't happen to know anything about odometres and speedomometres? because my speedometre reads 45 when I'm doing 100 and my odometre just clicks over reaaaaaaaaaalll slowly
  4. I have in my posession an RB20E Series 1 Skyline, I am aware that it is a Slow car (It's better than you think at high revs, No I haven't been stupid in it) This is my first car and I'm going onto my P plates very soon, I have just rego'd and CTP Fire and Theft'd the car (Great Vocabullary i know) I bought the car about a month ago for 4750 from NSW and as i am qld had to re rego it and rwc etc. The car owns me just under 6 grand. Now i know RB20E's are technically illegal because of power to weight ratio but hey, it was 4750 with no mechanical issues and has been cared for very well by previous owner. But now to the point. I love the car it is my first car, I know its not fast but it's still a skyline. Sence I've just rego'd and Ins it I'm torn between a few options, I know i cannot get alot of preformance out of an RB20E without spending alot of money. so my options are : 1)Spend alot of money to upgrade it (I think not) 2) Wait until the rego etc is about to run out and then try to sell it for a profit either to a car yard or private and then buy another skyline N/A like the 2.5L R33 or a 2.0L R32 (They appeal to me more) something like that. OR option 3) I think this is my best option as i don't want to be buying and selling alot and don't really care about the preformance of the car as I am on my P's and as much as i would love to have a fast car...Really I can't so.. My third option is to putt about in my R33 RB20E( Don't Laugh) until I'm off my P's and then buy a better car (Skyline R32 GTR, Supra, R34, Evo, WRX, S15) List goes on. I'm just here for some insite by members that have more experience in the motoring world than me so please don't flame or cause rants on this thread, I would really like to know my best option as I have very little money and need to start getting it back..the joys of working. Cheers Oh and option 4 is to leave it on the side of the road with a note saying 'take me' so I can get 10 grand from Ins. (Jokes, No fraud) Sorry I know this topics been discussed several times on these forums but I am reaaaaally stuck for Ideas. One of my dads mates works at a caryard and says it could go for around 8-9 grand, so really I'd be making 2 grand profit if hes being honest
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