Did this today, couldn't / wouldn't have done it without this Tutorial. SAU is like a wise old friend.
I thought I might add a pic or 2 or 3 that might help others having difficulty.
Besides getting that stoopid twist lid thing off, my biggest hassle was removing the sender from it's bracket.
I ended up removing the fuel pump by lifting it up, out of the bracket. (probably didn't need to but it was more for curiosity)
After much farting around trying to get the sender off its bracket, I ended up doing the same lift up and out with the bracket for the sender.
Then I could lift the back of the plastic bracket thing on the sender and gently pry it off the metal bracket with a screwdriver.
Pulled them both out of the tank and done.
Cleaned and put it all back in.
I should add that I plugged the sender back in before I reinstalled it and put the float to the top, switched the ignition on and yep, the needle went up to full but the fuel light came on.
I'm pretty sure the fuel light sensor is a little silver thing attached to the level sender about 3-4 inches from the bottom.
I hope this might make things a little easier for anyone wanting to do this in the future.
I thought this was going to be a good way to get to know what is involved in changing my fuel pump.
Now I know that this is actually harder, Fuel pump should be easy.