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Everything posted by Phorte

  1. yup. heard it from a friend who is unfortunately a big regular at Regency. Not sure how he found out but he has no reason to make it up.. I'm too scared to want to find out of its true or not with the tools at Regency..
  2. anyone heard of the new law at Regency where if u get defected twice in 3 months, you get charged like $400-500??????? something needs to be done!
  3. i hate regency. sorry to hear that they picked on you more mate.
  4. yeah i heard it was a glitch at Autosalon dyno as well. but the car i saw wasnt the ex-JMS car.. was some other one.. the red was muchmuch deeper.. couldve maybe had a glitter on it but maybe that was just the scorching heat lol..
  5. saw some custom cherry red looking r33 today.. front end looked like a gtr but couldnt really tell through the scorching heat (hard to keep eyes open ya know). bodykitted with gtr wing but didnt notice much else.. big white sticker on back which couldve been a for sale sign.. driving up grandjunction/mainnorth/ptwakefield intersection around 2pm ish..
  6. to answer a previous question.. engineer's certificate in SA wont get you past a cop. similar to interstate, you can still get defected, the engineer certificate will just get you past the inspection afterwards. HOWEVER, due to the current ****ed up situation at Regency, they will ignore the engineer's certificate either way - which legally they're not supposed to do as they are not qualified engineers. also height-adjustable coilover suspension is NOT defectable. Regency wont let you through with them 90% of the time because they're ****s.
  7. yeap they can just make up anything.. they'll find something absolutely minute then off you go for a full inspection.
  8. 360mm sounds like eyebrow distance.. whcih is distance between centre of wheel axle and middle of wheel arch.. each car has its own specific limit and they have a book whcih they refer to..
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