Hey folks
Has anyone done a steering rack rebuild on R32 gtst or any of the skyline series themselves? From the steering rack diagram below it just looks like a couple of seals around the rack and maybe on or two around the pinion. Here is the diagram:
Can't seem to find tutorials anywhere but just want to know how difficult it is. So long as the rack itself isn't damaged, then my current options are:
A) Locally, the cheapest I can ask if I undo myself and take the rack in myself is $550-620 incl alignment. Testing and new rack ends, boots are included.
B) Send it to this guy: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/360505996690?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 (get everything done, rack ends, boots, checked and sent back up) ~$400 including shipping. Then alignment later ($80). This way I can do other things to the car like changing some bushes, oil, get injectors checked out etc..while I'm waiting. Apparently has 2 day turnaround.
C) I can get a reseal kit for $110-130 from the guys from Option B and do it myself. New rack ends $70. New boots ~$30. Alignment = $80. = Roughly $310. Save about $170 compared to sending it down to option B.
Played with engines, brakes and whatnot but never power steering. Figured I would ask the community if it is worth it and if anyone out there has experience...at the moment option B seems the most reasonable since I can work on other aspects of the car whilst waiting since time = money. But always willing to take a bit of time to do things if it means saving and learning at the same time.
What do you think?