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Everything posted by puckish

  1. I hope it hasn't got it's rear drum brakes still....
  2. puckish

    V35 Gts

    At least it looks better than that Audi TT tryhard the Z33 350ZX. God that things ugly. I hope the Skyline looks as good in the metal as the V35 sedan does.
  3. Hello Twin Turbos, 24 valves, 4 litres, BIG FMIC and a after market ECU. What airbox (Pod or cold air) and a 3 or 4 inch system. Power is at the calling.. these things are going to be fast. I have been told the BA ECU's are reprogramable using the Ford ECU computer thingy in the workshops. Much like the Gen 3 ones are in the Commodore.
  4. Thats not a Stagea thats the Galant Wagon. 2.5l TT V6 with 4WD. Sweet though. I personally am in the same boat Prank. I need something to put the mountain bike into. My sister reckons a bike rack but that would look dodgey on a R. I am thinking maybe a RZ Supra or 180SX cos of the hatch area. Still don't know what I want so am stuck with the ulsar:( BTW the new V35 Stagea is the coolest looking wagon.
  5. Hmm Since we are not a club as such but just a group of people who contact each other over the web then we are not a collective so to speak, so who are they gunna sue? Not the cruise organiser as he is not responsible for the person driving (or trying to drive) nor the other vehicle that may be at fault. Honestly who could be held responsible for the fact that someone else caused there own death due to their stupidity. The reason cigrette companies were sued was that there product could only have been satistically correllated to the death of smokers. Silly ......but true.
  6. Mario congradulations on a world class time.
  7. I hear you on that one. Try Clarks rubber in Cannington. The help me out a lot with rubbers and are less than half price most of the time for common rubber shapes. Just don't go a generic rubber and try bending it into shape. You might get leaks but will get wind noise .. badly. Also try Instant windscreens. They might know where to get the rubbers from cheaper.
  8. If it's the new bug eyed version have you fitted the twin headlight conversion kit yet ? Looks cool and if looks count then it has to be worth something down the quarter:D There is so much out there for the Rex I think it's a matter of what combo is going to work?
  9. Hmmmm... VERY interesting.. thanks for the tip Meggs and enjoy your new ride. Are you going to post the process of getting a 15 year old car complied?
  10. If I get a speeding fine in the Uslar I'm framing it and showing the new owner. See looky here can do the speed limit:uh-huh:
  11. I am interested in the exhaust side of things. Is it cheaper to treat a average exhaust than get a stainless steel version? Say a stainless exhuast for a Commodore is say $700 a mid steel would be around $200 less. Personally I would rather have 3" mid steel coated unit than a stainless one.
  12. Saw a current model Lightenflenter (SP?) Vette in the states. A mag clock one of these at 1.97 0-100 times. Has a 7 litre GMC truck block with LS6 heads and two turbos.
  13. I think it's time to fit a surge tank. Use the old pump to take fuel to the surge tank and the bigger unit to the injectors. This will also make it easier for future upgrades cos you know the fuel set up is ok. It ain't as expensive as it sounds but takes some thinking out. Whats ya feul pressure running at?
  14. Meguiares is the best. And those who say it's too expensive I have a 1/4 bottle of softwash and 1/2 bottle of wax I bought 2 years ago. T Cut stuff is good too. It's English and I highly recommend it over the other cheaper stuff. It's your call.....
  15. The new SEVS laws are going to make things better for us. It will just take some time for all the crap to be sorted through. It will mean less likly event of any of us buying a badly crashed car that's been rebuilt. Customs is currently cracking down on these and I firmly believe it's the right thing to do. It's just these bad eggs are giving imports a bad name and taking advantage of the current laws.
  16. Slightly off the topic has anyone tried the WA made octane booster. Quiet a few mags reckon it's the ducks guts so to speak. I can just see me at the local BP in Armadale trying to buy a 44 gallon drum of Toulene... maybe i should send my blackfella neighbour down.. he'll do anything for a good laugh..
  17. I went for a unsecured loan with National. Very easy took less than three days to complete. The only wanted three pay slips and asked me what I was buying with the money. The catch was they wanted the car FULLY insured. I even haggled them on the interest rate and got it down a few points.
  18. Hey Brett one are you gunna strap Vince into this one...
  19. Macka you just opened a can of whoop ass. Well done with that time.
  20. Go Macka...
  21. Macka are you running the stock turbo? If so I would have thought the thing woulda run outta puff at higher boost levels. What does the dyno map do above 3500 RPM? Does it skyrocket or mystriously level off at some rev point? What are the injectors doing (i.e duty cycle?) Fuel pressure? Is the pump suppling enough fuel? Fuel air mixtures may be deceiving. If for example the engine isn't keeping enough fuel in the combustion chamber the exhaust output appears rich. Just some thoughts ......
  22. I haven't had this problem. My sister does and gets out of the car and walks towards the other person. So far all have got back into there car scared. Personally I hate tail gaters. I sit in the lane next to them at the lights and when the lanes merge again nail it in front of them. Special people make special faces.
  23. Who else is intrested in the following; http://forums.skylinesaustralia.com/showth...=&threadid=6020
  24. Barrys is neat compared to the OS Giken Factory photos I've seen. He's kinda like those Japanese back street tuners you hear myths and ledgends about.
  25. Also speak to wheels world in Subi if Mr Mag can't help you out...
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