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Everything posted by puckish

  1. MrSnrub Do you sometimes park your line on the south side of 5th Ave in our wonderful suburb? there's a grey two tone one there a fair bit. I wonder if it is still viable to bring in a R33 GTS with people finding so hard to sell there's at cheap rates?
  2. I think my comments about the 350Z apply here. Looks like a Audi TT with a boot. I don't like it. Or the new Soarer. Ronin you hit the nail on the head with this comment:uh-huh:
  3. Am I the only one who thinks this thing looks like a Audi TT? I don't like it.
  4. Um Stock no ... clearly you guys haven't met me. The Gen 3 was stock but with the auto didn't seem to have the push in the seat grunt I was expecting. Wereas the Soarer was with probably the same claimed power as the gen 3 pushed him well into the seat when it came on boost ( see not stock ). Agreed the stock Soarer is a major let down. Interesting comments about the HSV and low end grunt. I hope they go ahead with the 7 litre block.
  5. I'll never forget the dash on the VX at night. You could see the light globes through the black backing. Drove a AU2 for two days and was blown away with the handling and steering. Engine lacked grunt in the midrange through. Gen 3's are okay but take a lot of rev's for a V8 to get going. Got taken in my mates VT Gen 3 (one of the first in Perth) and thought ho hum, threw him in the Soarer and he nearly wet his pants! For what it's worth the BA Falcon looks the goods, but some recent write up's are worry some. Apprently Carpoint tried to pop the hood on a XR6T ute and the handle popped off !
  6. Have they sorted the rear suspension yet? Drove one for over 500Km in one day and was REALLY scared above 90 Km/h with the rear end doing all sorts of weird things. Also has the build quality improved? Summoner you did WHAT? Hope you had a couple of cement bags in the tray!
  7. Yep Carvells Auto Transmissions in Welshpool. Just across the raod from the train station.. nice and easy that. Did the Soarer there. you may find it cheaper to get custom joints made by Veale eng. Had this prob with a Navara as it was $600 for the joint and $200 for a custom made one!
  8. WHOOO HOOOOO And it sounds like a sweet car as well. I think it was worth the wait. Make sure you have insurnace BEFORE you pick it up, you may find that some insurnace companies pike at the last mintue with cover notes.. It happened to me TWICE!
  9. Drain the oil Why? Well one it weighs a shed load less making it easier to haul out the box. Two it's good practice to change the oil every so often.
  10. I've had a really good run with HKS ones. There relatively cheap @ US$90 and have installed them in most mates cars. You can install them yourself if you get the wiring harness that plugs straight into the existing connectors. Has anyone tried the Cheater car alarm. Someone was saying they had an inbuilt TT.
  11. Hahaha.. glad you found this little road. It's cool coming up from Freo past the left bank up to Canning Hwy. Nice corners .. lottas fun. Work do was good but......... Kym you get me hat bud?
  12. That was me smiling:)
  13. Yes worked as the WAN/LAN Network Engineer for GECITS/CSC/DoJ WA. An no it isn't Acacia in Murdoch. thats a remand centre where under 18's are sent. Acicia is behind Midland next to the Prison Farm..
  14. Having seen inside every prison in WA most are quiet luxurious.. I say that compared to my last London Hostel ! The only two that would scare the bejesus outta someone are Broome and Eastern Goldfields.. Anyhow he's got a year at the remand centre out Murdoch way. If I have ever seen one big tea party.... There is no justice my friends:(
  15. Alrighty then I'll post somin in the events area. Greg if your coming I can give ya the money directly.
  16. Need some help. Who in West Perth minds dropping the $15 to Greg for the caps on Friday night. I have a work dinner I can't get out of. Speaking of West Perth whos was the Grey GTS on Friday lunch giving it some off the freeway up hay street and onto parliment street. And if anyone wants to organise a skyline australia west perth lunch gimme a yell and I'll organise it.
  17. Okay you can have a RADAR dectector in WA but apprently importing them is illegeal (go figure). I tried buying an Escort detector via the web one a few years ago and they refused to sell it to me because of the weird laws over here. Cops can detect your detector using V2 technology.. but there are anti V2 detectors as well. Those Jammers are a waste of money. If you read the doco on them they only work under some specific conditions. There is a mob in Subi that does the best ones but be prepared for the cost $$$$
  18. Your not going to beleive this .. I am in West Perth as well. Next to the IBM building. .. Just behind the Federal Police building.
  19. Boost you could ask the DPP ( Department of Public Prosecutions) if they would like a victim of the crime to make a stsement to the Judge prior to sentencing ( since he is already glity). You could say how it effected a hard working honest memeber of the community and you couldn't get to work etc. Should go down a treat.
  20. Best story I've seen to date about theiving gits getting caught. Love the Judges comments. Friends Dad was working at Prisoner Reception for a Prison when the guy who stole his sons car came in. Didn't end up in the best block lets put it that way. Whos White GTS was thats anyway?
  21. That Yellow R33 GTSt did a good run on the dyno. I think it was around 260Hp. I still can't get over that turbo Barina at 170 odd at the front wheels... WHY. I reckon it was too loud. I tried to have a conversation with the head of the Soarer's club and we ended up yelling at each other and finally gave up!
  22. I went saturday and missed the R34 but Christ that turbo setup looked the goods! I think this car and the stickiness of the Plex is gonna set a GTR record soon. :uh-huh:
  23. Swap the fuse... but first remove the boot light that caused all this trouble in the first place. To remove it the fuse box lid has a small set of removers that work like a pair of tweezers. They should be made of black plastic. If you don't have them you can remove the fuse with some long nose pliers .. just be real careful not to press to hard or half the fuse will be stuck in the holder!
  24. Troy that nonsense is only so the Petrol companies can charge us more. How many times have you filled up at different spots and noticed the difference in your cars behaviour .. lots I bet. This thread is a can of worms waiting to happen:(
  25. Go the Turbo. I had no end of trouble trying to sell my N/A. One of the guys here in Perth is so frustrated in trying to sell his he's going a turbo conversion. Finacially the best thing to do is buy a manual turbo. It's going to be easier to sell than a N/A. But as far as importing I think you might be better off (as a first time buyer) getting something already here off one of the guys.
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