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Everything posted by puckish

  1. Check out http://planetsoarer.com/OilAnalysis/OilAnalysis.htm Makes for some interesting reading as to wear rates.
  2. The braided line stops balooning of the rubber. In other words the rubber tends to give a little at it's weak spots thus expanding at these spots. I think it's a good idea but wouldn't know what impact it would have on the feel or weight of the clutch...
  3. 911 was silver. MrSnrub you STILL in Armadale ;-)
  4. Yeah it was one of those that where smack bang in front of you, there was no avoiding seeing the thing. Scary thing was the front of the car was intact.
  5. Was driving my sister home from Freo last night coming down South Street past Coats Hire towards Stock road. A cop car had blocked the far left lane and had a fully laided double B road train in front of it. Moving into the right hand lane to go around I saw why it had happened. The Road train had mounted the kerb and gone across the verge into a side street taking out a brand new 911. The roof of the car was 5 feet in the air and the a pillar was where the gear stick should have been. I don't see how the prosche driver could have survived. Really sad as he had no chance. I've seen a lot of major prangs but this one was unbelievably bad.
  6. Adam The torque wrench and compression guage are north of the river. Yell when your ready to pick up
  7. Definately haggle down the dealers. If the cars been in the yard for a while your've already got the upper hand. My line was $25K I haggled him down to $17.5 K. Soarer was about the same kinda savings. Both cars were in the yard for about two months.
  8. Sounds like AFM or TPS. If you only run the AFM and the injectors does the same problem happen ? What voltage are you getting the the TPS test points ?
  9. Adam you have a PM.
  10. Dude did you turn on the heater when bleeding out the system ?
  11. 15BTDC for normal and 18BTDC for a crisper response. Always use PULP Throw in a good injection cleaner now and then Reset ECU when you do ya oil or plugs. Disconnect batt and stamp on brake. Reconnect batt. Change ya fliters when recommended. Get a manual for things like TPS and Timing.
  12. Umm well no not quite PVA. The 15 year laws are to do with importing into Australia and the Australian Laws. Just type SEVS onto a search engine and have a read.
  13. To stop the binding problem go one click with the torque wrench. Repostion the torque wrench onto the bolt and go again with the same setting.
  14. Puckish I give crap to Imcalu8 all day and listen to his bull crap stories. Gav works down stairs with the train sets ;-)
  15. Thanks for that one buddy... I can now sleep in piece. Back onto where does the picture go when you turn off the TV ???
  16. I'd go 35 then 75. The backoff breaks the gasket in spots. Trust me you'll hate it when that one happens to ya on a 40 C day !
  17. Adam Some head gaskets don't need to be retorqued. They are marked as such on the packet. To re torque it pop the rocker covers and retension to the correct settings in the correct order. DO NOT BREAK THE SEAL by cracking the tension off. I have had troubles doing this in the past. Some mechanics say don't retorque and I have never got the same answer from two mechs. Your choice but my method doesn't hurt but does take up time......
  18. Mobil 1 is tried and tested amongst us so it is the go. Others have their preferences but all go for the well known brand name stuff... So there is something in that. Plantiums are a matter of opinion. If I change normal NGK R's every 20,000 I am still saving from buying the Platiums. Your choice.
  19. A 15 YO car is easier to bring in than a newer car. Basically less hassles with compliance and taxes.
  21. I reckon Bretts offer of $800 off his GTR is a steal. Get you local exhaust shop to do the plumbing and your laughing!
  22. I've used the Bunnings plastic stuff on three cars. No problems so long as there sealed correctly and bracketed up. Go for the thicker plastic and a can of gloss black paint !
  23. I think we'll just wait and see. ATM I just can't justify $25K for a 15 YO R32 GTR. Yeah it's a dream car but it's still 15 YO. As far as HSV's go a guy at work is looking at a GTS300 thingy second hand. There $93 K new and $53 a year old with 20K on the clock and 3 year warranty ! Last time I complain about depreciation.
  24. M8 drop a PM to a guy called Meggla. He seems to know a bit about the 15 year old law and has done this sort of thing. Good luck with it and let us all know how it goes.
  25. Dude the car looks great. Nice pics too..
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