While that makes sense, I was taught to drive by my mum, my dad, my sisters, sister's husband and 2 RACV instructors. I think it would be hard to enforce anything like this. But i think proffessional lessons (Maybe minimum of 10 hours) should be manditory with the instructors name(s) on the application before anyone else can take you driving.
Also, while this is the opposite to what a lot of people on SAU would want, I think we need much more strict guidelines for roadworthy certificates and harsher punishments for writing up dodgy ones. Ive seen (And owned) cars in shocking states been given a RWC no problem.
Lastly, its too easy to get a license. in victoria anyway. I dont know about other states. When I got my P's, I was a shocker driver. While I knew the road rules, I had still had very little driving experience but there was no way vicroads would find that out on a 10 minute cruise while the tester had a good ol laugh with my instructor.
months after getting his P's, I had a mate driving me to the city. He told me it was the first time driving on the freeway. How the f**k do we give people license having never driven on a freeway. This is an entirely different level of driving. And I didnt worry too much about going for my license because at the very least it was going to be a waste of 100 bucks and an hour or two of my time and I could always rebook the next week if i failed. No big deal. Why would I make sure I'm a great driver when its so easy to try again? And whats to stop me developping bad habbits as soon a i leave the center?
Make it harder to get a RWC
Make people learn to drive with an instructor before theyre family and friends
Extend the testing process for P Plates. Include a freeway driving section. (Still need to make sure that testers are doing their job properly.)
Limit people to 1 test per 3 or 6 months. This way people will make sure that they are ready before they book a test
test drivers every 3-5 years to make sure they havent slipped into bad habbits. Maybe every 2 years after 55 years old or something.
These things would probably all piss me off at some point in time, but there are far too many dangerous cars/drivers on the road at the moment.