Well, yesterday I wrote this e-mail to shell:
Hey there,
Just wanting to enquire about your optimax product. As a Tasmanian, I've found that in the last few years thre has been an significant increse in jap imports, etc. and as a result, the demand for your optimax fuel has incresed.
Has your company any plans for this fuel to be made avaliable at the pump in the near future? I'm sure that even if there was only one service station in the north and one in the south equipt with this fuel that it would sell really well(no one else sells 98 octane yet either).
Would a petition help to sway the decision, as there is in my opinion, demand for such fuel here.
As a reply I got this:
Dear Daniel,
Thank you for contacting Tell Shell Australia.
In reference to your enquiry, Shell Optimax, a high density/high octane petrol is currently only available in Victoria, New South Wales, ACT and Queensland. Optimax is the result of a unique refining process and currently can only be manufactured at our Geelong Refinery in Victoria. This means that there is limited volume. Shell wish to ensure that sites can be supplied consistently before expanding the distribution network. This causes us some logistics hurdles in providing the product to the rest of Australia.
Optimax's unique formulation also means its specifications are different than other unleaded fuels. Shell Australia always ensures we meet all State Government legislation, and this prevents us from selling Optimax in some parts of the country.
We are planning to complete many of the regional NSW sites and northern QLD as soon as feasible - if you wish to check where you can purchase Optimax before travelling, sites are listed on our web site www.shell.com.au or contact our Customer Service Centre on 1300 134 555. Please be assured that we are working towards having the fuel available nationally.
Kind regrads,
Tell Shell Australia.
I wonder what legislations would stop them from distributing the fuel from one state to another? Also I'm suprised they haven't started selling optimax in bulk as a replacement for premium, as its worth more per dollar?
i'll write to bp tonight. Good to see they answered all my questions too.... :headspin: