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The Real GTR

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Everything posted by The Real GTR

  1. Thanks for the help guys? who sells these genuen wheels which place in victoria?
  2. will 19 inch affect my gearbox
  3. HI. Guys just want to get a feed back from you all as i have a R33 GTR looking to put 19inch 10,5 te37 wheel sis that ok or should i put 18inch te37..
  4. Awsome GTR well presented and immaculate condition one of the best r33 gtr going around if i dident buy my one this car would be in my garage.. good luck with the sale jack.
  5. Thanks guys for the feed back is there anything else that i should know when buying the car and what to look for..
  6. Looking to buy a R34 gtr stock standard could someone tell me what type of costs am i looking at annualy to maintain the car?
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