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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. i just took delivery of a JJR return flow cooler (just jap) i'm only looking for around 200-220rwkw, so it should suit me fine. i look every now and then on the yahoo auctions for r34 coolers, and i was never able to find a return flow cooler second, regardless of brand (MAYBE say a greddy one once) so good luck in finding an ARC return flow, second hand. But will prob be a great buy if you do find one. i'll let you guys know how i go once it gets put on and i get a tune (have booked in an ECU remap with Dr Drift, should be interesting, as i don't know any other 34 owners with a doc remap, and i think i'm the 34 guinea pig on SAU with the JJ return flow as well)
  2. sEpang.. hehehe "saftey car", judging from the tacho shots.... he's driving real safe but why not ey!
  3. dude, what rear bumper is that?
  4. if anyone has install pics... (especially for an R34) post away!
  5. ^ @ Final Inspection???
  6. for the record, the kebabs at 'Kebabs R Yummy' (yes that is the name of the place) are possibly some of the best 'babs you'll ever have (they close at 9pm though) AND WHERE ARE THE GOD DAMN PICS!!!!!!!!!!
  7. i think when you first go from crap oil (ie, "don't know how it came from japan" oil), give it a good clean out, and then put some real good quality stuff in, i think there CAN be differences in idle, noise, lifters, etc...
  8. Hi everyone, just wondering if i could ask a favour from any R34 owners out there with FACTORY XENON headlights (NOT aftermarket H1 kits to deal with butchered compliance headlights). I've never actually seen what the factory lights are like at night and was wondering if anyone would be so kind to take a pic of their car at night, facing a wall, garage door, etc... preferably not parked too close to the wall/door. Basically i want to see what the cut-off and beam pattern is like, etc.... cheers! daniel
  9. yeah, pics people, i rocked up at AP round 9:30, everyone had gone, drove to the other end (Queens st end) and randomly found a bunch of lines looking lost, had a quick chat, knew where they were talking about (kebab place in wells st) but thought that was strange, as i was pretty sure it was shut at that time. Whoever's nav told them to go OVER kings way to st kilda rd has a screwed up Nav. Anyways, found the guys again and told them the only other place i could think of was 'Wise Guys Pizza' so we cruised there, found everyone else and yeah.. that's it. Only reason i knew all the spots was because i work just up the road, about 200m from Wise Guys (above the BMW car yard). I also saw a silver V35 Coupe probably also lost on park st Pics people! Andru, sounds like your car was getting a lot of attention, was speaking to Dion (trix34 or something) who was raving bout it. Don't think i'll be competing with your car anymore!
  10. hot diggity, nice pick up - will i see it prowling the streets of bayside? Straight to Damian @ Final Inspection for a bit of a clean-up
  11. GTR skirts/lower extensions DON'T fit a GTT. Think about it. You have flared guards either end of the skirt, the change in width is too much. Additionally, the East Bear lower extensions only really fit the East Bear side skirts, i'm sure you could TRY and whack 'em on with bolts and glue, but they're designed to fit onto the East Bear side skirts.... The other thing is i can't tell if the JSAI parts are extensions, or ONE MOULD skirt+extension (not the OEM way), which some companies do. It seems as if the skirts are ONE mould, ie with the extensions already part of the skirt. my East Bear 34 (with lower extensions)
  12. dezz i was referring to possible use of the route for later events, of course i know it's been run already and also referring to the recent Monash debacle which is probably the least hooning type event you could possible have, for goodness sakes, the group ends up eating duck and rice! just putting it out there, that's all...
  13. and who the hell said i was referring my post to yours?? see post by Nismo32R, he's the only one to have popped up with a random DT opinion that was obviously incorrect (as i've seen your car when it was at DT and a subsequent to... if it's the wide body purple 33 i'm thinking of) for goodness sakes, my car was resprayed by Vu, and my body kit. settle down!
  14. given recent events with police knowing details of events/meetings, perhaps not post the route taken?? just a thought, might be just paranoid....
  15. damn dude, go any further back and you'd be talking to Jeebus i had rack binding issues when on the track, but this was remedied via a p/s fluid flush followed by some top notch Castrol Transmax Z - $$ stuff, but completely smoothed out my issues on the track. The p/s fluid was black as anything when removed, probably cooked at prev driver days/track days. And yes, it's fine for p/s fluid despite what the monkeys at Autoshack/China cheap auto tell you
  16. besides the guy spouting crap... wouldn't water marks be etchings that are left behind 1) AFTER (not during) the car has been sprayed 2) after it's rained? how the fudge are you getting "water marks" otherwise in the spray process?? water marks/etchings are mineral deposits left behind once the rain dries, this then etches into the clearcoat. This is a maintenance matter for the OWNER. Obviously having a healthy sealant or wax will prevent this etching process, and if it does etch a bit, it's taking place in the sacrificial layer (sealant/wax) so there is nothing to worry about. And of course this can be rectified via paint correction as well (polishing)
  17. ^ if you've read the thread, the car hasn't been painted
  18. the original gurus have posted same info a few times, Trex101 and Busy2k were our resident guru's in this thread, Khunjeng knew his stuff as well Rp is AT LEAST grp 4 afaik Castrol Syntec 0w30 is def Grp 4, different weights/viscosities might POSSIBLY be grp 3 but Castrol has kept quiet. Mobil 1 0w is group 4 (also possibility here of grp 3 being used without them saying anything)
  19. without doing back to back dyno tests of JJ vs ARC, how are we to know (in a low rwkw application) if one is better than the other? most people will be hanging around the 200rwkw mark (hence looking for a cooler upgrade) and if these are more than up to the task this end of rwkw town, why not use one?
  20. return flow = retain stock airbox (as far as i know) ie.
  21. well it's still a relatively new engine so why go as high as 10w??? Less than 25,000km... find me a new performance car these days that uses more than 5w from factory i'd be tempted to go 0w for the next few months, unless there is some track work planned, then i'd go 5w30. The bigger the different in the numbers, the more additives, so try and keep it close as possible.
  22. by unprofitable model are they referring to the TOTAL cost of the car, ie... the countless hours and $$ in R+D. As opposed to the profitability relative to one GTR unit?
  23. settle down captain, do you see me comparing anything?? i merely stated that just jap sell a return flow FMIC for the 34. That's it. Make of that what you will
  24. get insurance... yesterday
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