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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. chris mate, know exactly how you feel. (EDIT: original poster Chris, not chris above ) i got my alarm looked at by Ash's (R31Nismoid) contact, great guy and just cos he was diagnosing a problem he fixed in about 30mins, he didn't even want to charge me! (i insisted i pay) And since then, i've rung him a few times with other alarm related stuff, and he's just helped me straight out over the phone. And even managed to help a total DIY noob like myself get my alarm working again! highly recommend using that contact, you'll definitely get quality work, he really knows his stuff
  2. "like sands through the hour glass, so are the days of our lives... " anyway... does the speed reached at the top of the power curve mean anything?? I noticed mine gets to about 185kph, which seems to be a bit higher than some of the other graphs that have a higher power reading??
  3. Hi there nope, not sold yet but i do have some very serious interest in these parts, so they'll most likely be gone soon. Nope, won't fit a R34 GTR i'm afraid. But you're lucky in that there are a lot of tasty kits around for the GTR's... more so than the GT-T's i reckon. Check out the Nismo/Do-Luck and C-West kits for the GTR. Very nice
  4. a few key cars?? sooo.... how much of a difference does it actually make??
  5. where do i find the intake temp? Probably a stupid question, but my tyres are 40psi or more, it says 35... that wouldn't make any difference would it? EDIT: think i found it, IT: 22??
  6. thanks for the comments about the car guys Big thanks to the exec SAU crew for putting on a great day!! Didn't get to try the lamb sausages though... Nice to say hi to a few people, Ash, Brad, Paul, Mav, Roy, Jack, Pete, Matt and meet some new ones Dave, and the two dudes, one with that drift spec silver 32 (i'm not sure if we got each others names, sorry if i've forgotten!!) Car didn't make what i thought it was capable of, and especially after seeing some of the dyno results here, something definitely seems a bit odd. Here's my graph.... The curve looks ok and but seems to be well down on power considering i have a full 3" stainless system (BATMBL split front/dump pipe, 3" cat, 3" cat back HKS super dragger) And one of those $30 boost controllers. I did notice that it was spewing out a lot of smoke though which i guess coincides with how rich the car gets. Oh thanks for Roy and Matt to explaining the AFR curve for me So yeah, thoughts on the graph? I'm thinking it should be make about 20kw's more going on something like Chris's graph and even the silvia graph above. Is there anything i can look at before i go playing with the ECU?? I'm going to get a Dr Drift remap, but if there is something i can do about it before that, i'm willing to give it a try.
  7. nengun.com?? saw your car on sat mate, tucked away in the corner, looks like it was waiting for a heart transplant Seems like there are some big things in the works for this car. Keep us up-to-date!
  8. i'll add you should ditch the super streets and go check out SydneyKids group buy suspension kits
  9. i read there is a $100 deal, so membership and dyno runs packaged together
  10. i'll know for next time, i'll just have to figure out a way of doing without it coming off like i have an attitude
  11. ok, update... rang Sth Melb police station last night. Sort of interested, sort of disinterested... basically, it wasn't a type of car they recognised for unmarked cars, said it wasn't their's. Also thought the i.d. around the neck on an orange lanyard was strange. Person i spoke to said it could be any number of people, and the following were mentioned. VicRoads Port Authority Fisheries & Wildlife To me, i would have thought all 3 would have had marked cars, so i'm thinking it's none of those. When the guy was shining the light in my face, he seemed to be studying my eyes i thought... which made me think at the time, they probably think i've got drugs. So i'm tending to agree with the people who think it might be drug related. Person at the police station also mentioned that it could be any number of operations being conducted in the area, but they are not privy to that kind of knowledge. So yeah, could have been some issues recently in the area, and some drug related op is currently ongoing, who knows. And in regards to rules?? Stopping at a red light is a traffic rule. Always asking for badge number at the such, that's not a rule. How many people here honestly ask for a badge i.d. EVERY time they get pulled over? A lot of people seem to be replying in the sense that i can jump in a time machine and go back in time Please, 99% of people on here would just cooperate in a situation like that, for fear they'll get hit with something trivial or matters taken further just for showing "attitude". I'm thinking it was a drug patrol, and really... if someone wanted my address, there are probably easier, less elaborate ways of getting it.
  12. JC should sue for plagiarism http://youtube.com/watch?v=UZh3bl-LJzE&feature=related
  13. the f*cking play station generation again. That was THE MOST unimaginative, unoriginal, boring review ever. JC basically reviewd the R34 GTR in exactly the same was with it's MFD, and tried to get laughs that way, which was kinda funny the first time. Then the prev TG presenter, the fat guy, used the EXACT same playstation, g-metre type commentary and then proceeded to say that GTR's constantly crack brake discs??? Now this knob jockey comes along, obviously having seen previous reviews of the R34 GTR and spills out that exact same crap! "Playstation generation" "let's see how many g's i can pull.." *acts surprised at the readout and sarcastically makes note of how impressive that is to other people* - That review was nothing but plagiarism. I have yet to see ANYONE else write anything about understeer, and if anyone was going to notice it, it was the Autocar guy. He really did give it a flogging, and knew what he was talking about. But not much of a surprise really, the presenter does own a 997 Turbo Face it mate, your however many thousand pound 997 Turbo is a slow car compared to the R35 GTR!
  14. the "professionals" probably opened it and lost the spring
  15. As per the title, long story short, i cut the cable that runs from the cabin to the bonnet latch. Quick question, does this make the bonnet more susceptible to flying open at high speeds and smashing my windscreen??
  16. so by better pad, you mean the k750 over the k500?? i do have a track day coming up on march 14th, but realistically i would be doing maybe 2-3 track days a year. Would this warrant though going up to the K750's?? I assuming there is also a trade off in 'rotor wear' from the k500's to the k750's?
  17. just on the phone to the sth melb police station at the moment
  18. come to think of it, this is really not cool... the question of where did i work was asked.... perhaps graeme, our residential cop can shed some info? Reckon i should ring the local police station for that area?
  19. i checked my boot when i got home... they left my old school jumper leads i had in there... had a few receipts, some parking tickets (not infringements, actual bought tickets) and then yeah, just the spare tyre and jack and stuff... but i don't know if i had anything else in there. I'm pretty sure it was quite empty because of the recent driver training day at sandown, but having said that, i guess i won't know until i can't find something and remember that it was probably in the boot
  20. As per title, i was pulled over on beach rd a couple sunday nights ago (around midnight) by an unmarked car with 2 plain clothes police officers, well, at least i thought they were police... Turned left onto beach rd from Kerferd rd, i'm not sure if they were behind me at the time or if they came up from port melb way. Anyway, cruising bang on 60 when i notice someone right up my ass, flashing blue light, and flicking the high beams. No siren, just a dash mounted flashing blue light, nothing external either, so thinking it's the police i pull over. At this stage, i didn't know two people were in the car, but it was a white Toyota pickup, i THINK it was a Hilux? Looked like the new model and was sitting quite high off the ground. Dude comes to the window, asks for my licence. Of course he had to have the standard issue maglite/light on him that he had to shine in my face, so i couldn't see jack... but i did notice he had some sort of id around his neck hanging of a orange lanyard. He never showed me the ID or said he was police, didn't think anything of it at the time. Then the usual questions, name, address, what are you doing, where are you going, where have you come from, why are you working this late... (my answer of "credit card fraud" probably wasn't the smartest at the time). And then he asks, can i look in the boot? I'm like, sure, whatever... it was then i noticed in my rear view mirror a second guy open the boot after i popped it and start rummaging around. Pulled everything up, checked tyre well, etc, etc... they were discussing something they found for a bit, couldn't hear what. The guy comes back and says, studies me for a bit (like just looking straight at me, maybe checking my pupils or something, i dunno), asks if i've got anything in the car i shouldn't have.. "aahh... don't think so?" He's trying to shine the torch through the UV cut glass, but not having much luck Then says, i'll just run your licence... This took a lot longer than any other "licence check" i've had done which i thought was a little strange.... Anyway, guy comes back, hands me the licence and before i could say anything, he was off back in the pickup and turned off beach rd. Couple things... - He never said he was police, or offered to show me the i.d. around his neck. And because of the constant light in my eyes, i couldn't really even see the i.d. properly anyway. Should plain clothes police say they are actually police?? Every other time i've been pulled over it's been by marked cars. - Anyone else been pulled over by a white Toyota pickup before? maybe on beach rd somewhere? - Does it sound legit? I have no idea what was in my boot at the time... but i'm pretty sure there wasn't anything of value in there as i probably would have cleared it out last time i went to Sandown. I'm not too concerned, just a few thoughts that it might not have actually been police that's all.... i "think" the car looked something like this...
  21. that rings bells for when i had my coilpack issue, error 21 time for splitfires!!
  22. interesting.. how does one do this? oh, i've also paid my deposit quite a few days ago Kev
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