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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. wow, baby time! good luck and congratulations mate! i still remember the smoking dude giving me a lift to my first ever cruise back in the day, in your black 32... i thought that car was the sh*t yo! avid golfer i see?? dude, do yourself and your retirement a favour and give HIM the golf clubs. Getting your PGA Tour card is like getting a license to print money
  2. liking white i see?? rims (see sig)
  3. ahhaha, you nutter troy yeah, what is happening with the yellow panda?
  4. aahh... looks like a 2 + 2 to me? FINALLY someone has designed the main control area to be tilted higher towards the roof! Makes it sooo much easier to use the central controls as opposed to a flat face design. I don't know why car companies don't do this more. Vents are very Porsche/Ferrari aren't they? I thought they use those big circular vents as well... and is that leather across the top? I thought i saw stitching to the right of the steering wheel, that's a real nice touch IMO I reckon the interior is RAD, especially love the angle of the control area under the MFD
  5. ^ +MF1!! (for colour/trim choice, but i ditch whatever weight i could, so no bose system or any of that crap for me. I'd take the titanium exhaust though to save kg's though...) 20" rims on the older GTR's?? Don't know if i've seen 20's on any GTR's before. See lots of 19's, especially on the 34's (kinda look like they need 19's)... 20's would be very interesting...
  6. that's what i've been trying to tell people when they said "well the R32 didn't sell very well did..." blah $107k (i think it was) was A LOT to splash on a car back in the early 90's. And think how many $100k+ cars are on the roads these days. Nissan OZ will sell out of their alotment of GTR's (whatever it happens to be) and i'm sure Nissan will make a profit from these cars worldwide. I think they've created something too good not be taken up by the enthusiasts worldwide, plus i think the fact that this is the first GTR to be sold everywhere is going to help a lot.
  7. yeah, that first pic is like the best angle/shot of the GTR i've seen thus far. The darker colour of the pic just makes it look even more menacing. The light shows off all the reflections/contours beautifully.
  8. Just noticed in some of the threads, people are running their cars lower at the rear compared to the front. Ie, from centre of the wheel to the guard might be say 340mm and the front will be 350mm... just wondering what the idea behind running different heights, front to back, is?? I think even the SK group buy might specificy different heights front/back EDIT: sorry, thought i was posting in the suspension section, mods feel free to move if you think it's not in the best area
  9. it's official, 2nd place now that's said they can't do anything for me on the fronts. Need a camber kit. The front right is running -2 degree camber, and this is a car with practical brand new tyres, 18' rims, and stock ride height. thinking of getting the front camber kits from the GB thread, but it's only +/- 1 degree. I really don't want to go chopping the insides of these new tyres though.. i had the whole suspension checked, bushes are fine, shocks/springs fine, no leaks etc... Is there anything common that could be causing me to be running -2 degree camber up front???
  10. that camber "kits"... just look like a bunch of those yellow things... after buying one of the kits, are you able to adjust anything?? Or once you put one of those yellow things in, you just run the setting SK recommended and that's it? cheers daniel EDIT: just looked a bit closer, and there seems to be silver "arms" of sorts. But it only says +/- 1 degree. I just got my car aligned and the guy said the front right had -2 degree camber. Running like this, it chopped out the insides of my old tyres badly. SK has a setting of -1 camber up front, won't this be quite bad for the inside of the front tyres?
  11. interested in these ones? (see sig) 2 FREE tyres thrown in with em as well
  12. I thought it was mentioned somewhere that on the options list will be a titanium exhaust, reducing the weight by 10-15kg. Most likely will be standard on the "V-spec" and up... i think this was on the edmunds site man, soooo many cool things still to come from this car. JGTC, V-spec and more hardcore versions, Nismo versions, tuning house versions (Mines), all the aftermarket goodies... exciting times EDIT: tread pattern on those tyres are really interesting...
  13. looking at the standard equipment list, there is certainly A LOT of stuff to throw out to save weight. And it doesn't have a CF roof/bonnet yet either. Titanium exhaust will prob be standard on the V-Spec+ versions, which is 10kg right there. Prob 100-150kg to be found i reckon. hey funky, when we get them sold officially here, and say Nissan AU decides not to bring the V-Specs out, does that mean we wouldn't be able to import any V-Specs because there is a silhouette car already here? If the standard GTR can knock off a 911 Turbo, can't wait to see what the more track orientated ones can do In terms of rims, how many aftermarket 20" choices to you get in the lightweight/racing area? You'd have your pic of a shiteload of chrome, but staple a/m rims like the TE-37, LM-GT4's, etc, etc... are you going to have much choice in the 20" range?
  14. to the thread starter... have you read ANY of the threads in this section?? some of this shit has been confirmed for ages, thanks to people like justin (7tune.com) and i read the whole article in wheels. 1) wheels=useless, 95% front cover holden, mag 2) they have on their front cover the INCORRECT power figure, nice work 3) In the contents pages, they call it a friggen Skyline GTR. wheels=useless the thing has OFFICIALLY been released, with full specs on the website and the god damn CEO himself giving the power figure, and they still get it wrong idiots
  15. hungry, this is how much i read of your post.... that was it... i didn't need to waste my time reading anymore as all that would follow would surely be drivel, judging from your posts in other R35 GTR threads Mate, you sound to me just like a keyboard warrior aching for attention. Were your grades that bad this year at school that you've just not bothered finishing out this year, hence, it's school holidays already? What was the hype? i believe it centred strongly around "could it be such a monster of a car such as the 997 turbo, and for less than half the price?" that's the hype surrounding this car. Can it mix it as a TRUE supercar, the likes of which the 997 turbo is it's closest neighbour... 2 secs quicker around a damp 'Ring track is not only living up to the hype, it is SURPASSING IT!
  16. i got my car through j-spec I'm referring to physical places (import yards/dealers) not "brokers" - big difference
  17. from multiple threads in different state sections, there could quite possible be NO SUCH THING as a good import dealer. They bring in crap, whack a body kit on and some rims and ask huge prices. i'd stay weeeeelllll clear of any import dealers/yards.
  18. hawt.... interior/engine bay look very clean
  19. GTR R35 is dead right. Mate you have your head in the sand if you reckon there is no new tech on this car. (DSG by the way isn't new tech) Have you seen what you get with the car standard??? No freakin wonder it ways 1700kg. There is A LOT of stuff you can ditch. With a CF bonnet, Titanium exhaust and ditching quite a few of the luxuries... 100-150kg could be found and i reckon that's what will see in the track versions. This car has a lot of weight to shed if you really wanted to, it's just giving Nissan room to move by piling everything into the standard one. It still laps the Ring quicker than a lighter 997 Turbo, so the weight factor is vastly reduced with that performance.
  20. hellll yeah!!
  21. they need more cameras...
  22. gah.... they're killing me!!!! listen to that music!!!!!!!!!!!! awesome!!!!!!!!!!
  23. i.............................. can't...................... take .....................................it............................
  24. anyone getting any sound? EDIT: just got it.... soooo f*cking exciting!!
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