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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. was the wheel painting pricey?
  2. damn it, i was wrong, i was going with GT-C's.... are those Buddy Clubs??? look haaawwt mate. I can't find a f*cking SD card to take pics of my new rims! where'd u get em sprayed again? EDIT: take advantage of them off the car.... put about 1 million layers of wheel wax on em... makes them stupidly easy to clean with some PWC at the local car wash
  3. well you just keep us informed shan of any workshops gearing up for this car hahaha, i remember keyboard warrioring with you on the price. Hate to say it, but told you you were just a "tad" high
  4. the black one is going to look sooo hot can't wait for the Nismo versions as well i'm sure they've got something special cooking
  5. right, just got a bit confused with this line... "Cost: Special Discounted Price for Forum Members $185" i'll see if i can spread the word
  6. if non SAU people come, i'm guessing their price is different? Or is this day for SAU Vic members only??
  7. BMW use to have their steptronic, UP to go up, DOWN to go down a gear. But reversed it in the new cars and to fall into step with their SMG boxes as they felt keeping it relative to the forces the driver is experiencing is more natural. Accelerating you're being pushed back in your set, so PULL the gear stick back. Braking is the opposite, so PUSH the gearstick up... that's what i think the logic was anyway...
  8. rims details could be handy... 17 x 8JJ +30 (Front) 17 x 9JJ +35 (Rear)
  9. SS8_Gohan

    Black Mask

    ah.... what's the connection to the new GTR???
  10. AFAIK, R34 GTR's didn't even have an option of non-xenon. I hope no-one tried to pass off the lights that you bought as being off a GTR and charge you more for them are those ROTA rims?
  11. SS8_Gohan

    Black Mask

    how'd u find that site??
  12. baron, wasn't directed at you mate SOME have basically said it's a waste of space if there is no "real" manual, i just couldn't be bothered quoting at the time... exhibit a). let's all go beat things with sticks and throw rocks
  13. hahahahahah,
  14. who determines when it makes it onto the SEVS list? Do DOTARS monitor new model releases that fit the SEVS requirements?
  15. i realise technically we can import the new GTR (i'm not calling it an R35 until official word, cos i can't see how it can be that) but how come all a workshop has to do is apply? Don't they have to bring one out, smash it up, can an engineer to do a package, send it off to DOTARS, get them to look through, then come out for an inspection of a freshly complianced car, pick over it, find problems, create 'discussion points' go back and forth with the workshop to fix em and THEN they can start compliancing that certain model only AFTER all of that? or is there a different process considering that the car will be sold here officially?
  16. aren't you guys putting a lot of faith in the compliance red tape juggernaut that is DOTARS and Engineers? The combo of the two create a delay that likes of which we can't even begin to imagine
  17. hmm... i thought that sort of info would be confidential between Nissan and would-be owners like C-Red? but thanks for the info though!!! That's probably our best indication yet of what price we're looking at. Seems like my 997 Turbo calculations were not right, but i've said for a long time $150k+ before we knew the 7.8mil japanese price. so ~$140K + on roads... direct price comp with the new M3, cheaper than the RS4, well over half price of a 997 Turbo... can't wait for this car to destroy the new M3 (my bro works for BMW, and just says "but it's a Nissan") muaahah, going to be tasty
  18. my goodness people, this is a car competing against the worlds best, and you're going to right it off because you can't row with a 6 speed??? you'll NEVER be able to shift as quick as these boxes, EVER! what's an OTP c-red?
  19. which is the front and which is the rear camber kit? KCA348 KCA347 cheers, daniel
  20. my car isn't lowered at all, but will i still need the kits if i want to get it aligned properly? I don't know why the fronts were chopping out on the inside as the car is stock height, but i def don't want a repeat on my new set of 18's.
  21. hi guys, just wondering if R34's have factory camber adjustments front and rear? i have a feeling it's front no and rear yes? My old 17's had their inside front tyres chopped out big time (hence the 2 x free tyres in my for sale thread), and i don't want to repeat with my new 18's... but i have a feeling that traction tyres told me they did what they could up front (when i got an alignment) but said there wasn't a factory camber adjustment? I don't know if this is front or rear or both... i don't want to go pay for another alignment for my new 18's just for them to turn around and tell me they did their best, but couldn't do it properly... but still pay please cheers, daniel
  22. Brighton!! What are these f*ckers doing in Brighton!! I live in the bayside area, and yes, it's unusual to see skylines around, let alone GTR's, but tow trucked from new st!??!! this makes me uneasy... i don't really worry about my car in my area... mate, so sorry to hear your number is in my phone and i'll definitely be keeping a look out. god damn this makes me angry if you're staying at a friends place, it seems strange that they just "happened" onto your car, and know that it would need a tow truck, and not be a quick boost job. Seems like they had some sort of info on the car... What have the popo had to say about all this? You might get the Brighton police actually care about it as i guess they don't get too many stolen car reports
  23. SS8_Gohan


    troy, you're alive! sounds like a bit of a tosser, +1 youtube action
  24. PRICE DROP $1450 feel free to make an offer
  25. i always thought $150K+ (rough half price 997 turbo) but using the calculations of a new 997 Turbo in japan to what they retail for here, puts the GTR at $114k (47% extra ontop of the raw yen > aud from a japan rrp price) And i'd imagine Porsche would be making profits on 1 car sale, where Nissan might not try and aim for a profit from 1 unit sale, and just get the profit from parts/servicing? Black, black leather and red stitching sounds hot!! I'd so hit that!
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