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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. pretty poor form from Prestige to refer to it as a Skyline.... for goodness sakes people, it's a GTR!!, not a skyline! We don't even know if it will be referred to as a x36. it's a Nissan GTR. End of friggen story. I would have really thought Prestige would have known better. And those pics are VERY bad photochops, which make the new GTR look like poo. EDIT: very, very bad photochops. I can assure you, "IF" there is an Evo GTR, it certainly WON'T look like that^
  2. ^ ooook?
  3. hmmm... will look into
  4. are you sure they're available in 18" only has 17" on that site EDIT: even koya.com.au only has 17"
  5. i'm going to get a mod to close this for the time being. The new kit i'm after is WELL over $2k (not even painted yet, and DOESN'T include the front bar), so i'm going to have to rethink a few things. if i start another thread, it will be FOR SALE, not EOI. thanks daniel P.S. will take meticulous care of parts in the mean time just in case
  6. dude, you = legend. i look forward to the pics... whatever they maybe
  7. bonnets can end VERY badly. There was a thread not that long ago with someone very disappointed in the fitment of the bonnet (from a certain, c-mate). Can look very exy, and dangerous if cheap stuff... if twisted/bent slightly, can crack splinter, blah blah... take out pedestrians eyes, same old same old
  8. oh so you can't ask a question, unless you're logged in? hmm... i wouldn't know how to setup an account either... well, if anyone has a yahoo acount, could you possibly ask the following question? はじめまして。車の真後ろから写真を(your mail address here)に送っていただけますでしょうか。よろしくお願いします change email to r34skyline at gmail dot com cheers!
  9. awesome, thanks mate. I hope that japanese isn't a marriage proposal! it's ok, the seller has these up all the time, i think it's a ongoing thing for the moment... so what exactly does it say? and where exactly is the link for asking the seller as question?
  10. black 18's > silver 19's. now, pick the fastest car at P1, and make the Evo quicker what would be the quickest car you guys have their?
  11. Hi all, Just wondering if someone might be able to help out. I found a part that i'm quite keen on from the yahoo! auctions but would like to see if it's possible to get some more pics. Is it possible someone could email the seller and ask for a specific angled pic or some more pictures? http://page7.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/g50787183 i'm after a pic of what it looks like taking a picture directly behind the car. cheers if you can help! daniel
  12. i've been reading a few things saying be VERY careful about over-filling... not sure by how much, but apparently it's something to be very wary of... It's a manual, i have also heard auto's take more oil. I think this is just a general car thing to, manual less oil needed than auto, in general... So are you saying that you used 5 litres of the same oil to do both diff and gearbox? not 5 litres per area? Because i'm going to order 4 litres of the gearbox, and 2 for the diff
  13. i think just the one... a guy with a r32 gtr a few pages back is loving his, and says it's going very well. He only ever seem to mention just putting 1 in.
  14. ahh, that's right. 'khunjeng' told me that Motul 300V was better than mobil 1. coming back to me now This is where i'm heading jonesyGTR Engine: Mobil 1 0w40 (unless i can get Motul 300V cheaper than what i've seen around) Gearbox: Redline MT-90 Diff: Redline Gear Oil 75w90 EDIT: i've been told though that Redline Lightweight Shockproof (for gearbox) is a better bet for higher km car's/gearboxes. MT-90 is for the 'less kms' gearboxes. Your GTR might have done eough that the Lightweight could be a better option. How is your gearbox? slightly notchy at all?
  15. EDIT: double post Are you referring to Motul 300V Chrono 10w40? This is much better than Mobil 1 0w40? How does Royal Purple engine oil stack up against the Motul 300V Chrono and Mobil 1? I can get RP at the same price as Mobil 1. Motul 300V is quite expensive, around $85-89 for 4 litres, so you'd have to buy another 2 litre one at $45. Would do Redline for those prices
  16. hmmm... just about to head out and get some Mobil 1 0w40... Is the Motul 300V really that much better? when you say they are about the same price, are we talking about $11 a litre? because that's what i'll be paying for the Mobil 1 ($10.90)
  17. i used www.whitepages.com.au Do a 'business' search, put in 'nissan' and choose Queensland. Find the nearest dealership, and give them a call. Will most likely have in stock. I'm going down tomorrow to pick up the filters, haven't got all the oils yet. Will be organising that tomorrow as well.
  18. should be what you need http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...st&id=84149
  19. ok, couldn't find anything really R34 specific, so just went with manual R33's or Rb25's.. - ENGINE: about 4.5 litres (just buy a 5L) - GEARBOX: about 4 litres (prob use 3.something L) - DIFF: about 2 litres (again, prob use about 1.something L) does that sound about right to the mechanics/DIY oil changers out there? cheers, daniel
  20. MT-90 from Redline is for cars which don't have high k's. So i'd put the Mt-90 in my R34, not the lightweight shockproof. Maybe that's why people with "new" gearboxes, etc... have had issues with the lightweight shockproof, because the synchro's are mint. MT-90 for the "lower" km gearboxes
  21. as per title, looking for the amount of oil i need for: - ENGINE - GEARBOX - DIFF R34 GT-T, manual. 1998. just need to know so i order the right amount!
  22. ^ sounds like you need some different shocks in there as well buddy... http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...&hl=Springs
  23. almost certain that it will be pod OR front mount, regardless whether the pod is enclosed. I'd imagine the two together would still be considered two intake mods?
  24. so it is or isn't?
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