^ what's the point of that? if what ash say is right, (new laws, even a stock GTR can't pass)
ok, we'll now rev to 5100rpm
oh ok, let me just set that on my fancy shmancy rev limited, there you go 5100rpm
right o.... fail. next.
are you saying that they won't be able to rev it passed 4K? that will be pointless as they will know there is a restriction somewhere, find it, disable, and continue with the test.
kyoto is waste of time without everyone involved. don't wait for stuff like that, do it yourself. Join green fleet, change your light bulbs, get solar panels, use more public transport, car pool when you can. Plant craploads of trees. Don't chop down ones you have. Turn off any appliance you don't need on, standby modes use almost as much power as machines being on, etc, etc...
sad fact is, without countries like china/india involved, kyoto is worthless
EDIT: so Dr Drift ECU tune is illegal?