1) these kits are easy to install... i have absolutely ZERO knowledge of the workings of cars (a car fan yes, but mechanic i am not) and was able to get mine in (plug and play once you get good access to the headlights. I actually took my front bar off, not sure if that was completely necessary)
2) after-market kits are 95% poorly made, unless you get some decent brand like Philips, maybe GE and some korean ones are quite good. If you bought one of those $250 kits, good chance it's a crapper (and some can be quite dangerous in terms of engine bay fires)
3) in the end, the light will be shit from these after market kits in R34 Xenon assemblies. Fact of life. Replace with OEM parts or do a projector retro-fit, = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$