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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. and Link is a Christchurch based company that lost it's HQ's in the earthquake - i bought like a month or so after it happened, so don't feel bad buying from them either - supporting the ANZAC spirit
  2. apples and caviar, microtech vs Link G4
  3. just go flex-fuel setup. Ethanol content sensor ECU with digital input (Link G4, some of the Haltechs etc) And get some ID1000's at least, to leave you some headroom if you change your mind. Better injectors anyway.
  4. i had to get adapters. I have a greddy rail, but the previous injectors were Nismo 600's, which i would assume would fit a standard rail? Assuming the previous injectors were for a 'standard size' that means my greddy rail is also 'standard size', ergo ID's don't fit standard rails. I got some adapters from an online place in Melb, wasn't much, $30-$40 i think, tuff car parts or something like that? Just make sure when you install there aren't any metal filings still hanging around... i didn't want to machine the rail.
  5. and everyone else has missed the fact the Trent's dyno DOESN'T read higher than other dyno's in melb It made 370rwkw on 98, which is about what you'd expect for 98 for '5s RB26 - it's around what the RP cars make on 98, Chasers cars make on 98 etc. If an RP car came up in a thread saying they made 370rwkw with -5's on a 98, no one would blink an eye and think it's just par for the course. Hub dynos read higher if the operator wants them to read higher
  6. i was under the impression it was 20psi doesn't sound that far fetched... i got 400rwkw on 256 cams at 21psi - this car has bigger cams would seem reasonable i guess It's E85 as well remember
  7. yeah, but my car has read 350'ish awkw on 98 at Chasers 4WD dyno and 356rwkw on 98 at Trent's dyno. I'm due for a service and what-not, so i'll try and can get a Racepace one done as well. For Melbourne, Trent's dyno is inline with all other big shops
  8. i think you'll find that the N1 pumps are ok for street duties, just the temps will be a bit higher than OEM ones - but they don't like idling/real low speed stuff though IMO - probably best to go OEM unless it lives at the track
  9. that was sort of my impression from the group buy way back - sorry to hear
  10. Thanks guys! although still waiting for the "sweet, sweet... candy" moment .... where you guys turn into "Rowdy Roddy Peeper!"
  11. Racepace has been playing with a couple 35's (including race prepped ones) so i'm sure they could sort out any servicing issues. But still at the end of the day, there isn't really a reason why labour should be more/oils should be more etc than any other new car that requires synthetics. If they make you run Mobil 1, i'm sure you could get it cheaper than what they charge, same with tranny fluids, rotors, tyres etc. Something like an oil/filter change is still just an oil/filter change - the badge should have no effect on the costs of such things, i know that's not how it is in practice, but in reality what is the difference? Will your dad be taking it to the track?
  12. i was under the impression you can always hear the lifters a bit - one of the first things i noticed when i got my GT-T but everyone who i pointed it out too (and who knew their skylines) told me it was completely normal. what oil you running?
  13. near identical to my old setup - OP6 rear housing highflow, return flow cooler, stock airbox, 256rwkw on 98, 17-18 psi i think ,that tapered off a couple psi Birds i think you'll need to look at something more than just the spring in your intake pipe. I did the rev210 mod with my intake pipe and one day i found it crumpled and collapsed. My guess was all the extra heat from having a hotter running HF turbo killed it, but i'm not sure. Chasers made me a full metal intake pipe and if i was doing it again, that's the only way i would go. Sure everything was fine to start, but it didn't turn out great in the end. Just get Scotty to knock you one up, done quite a few HG intakes by this stage i reckon
  14. absolutely stunning! Graphics are very tasteful, such an amazing package overall do you know how much she weighs at the moment?
  15. never claimed it was economical, and that's just all the more reason to run a renewable fuel with less emissions anyway... and when it comes to car travel yes, E85 is part of 'doing my bit' but i mainly take public transport anyway. The GTR is rarely driven, but when it does or it goes to the track, at least it's on a mostly renewable fuel. ERD was talking about Hydrogen, that might be interesting to look at as well. still not sure what your point is?
  16. i couldn't justify running a GTR without it being on E85, not just for knock protection etc, but for emissions. These are old tech engines, no variable timing etc... they are not "friendly", i know many on here couldn't give a flying monkeys, but i do, so E85 is the only thing i'll run. Especially when we make it in a fairly sustainable way in Oz, via crop by-product. i'm going to read up on the whole excise, subsidies thing... see what the go is...
  17. i see your point but what exactly is the POINT of this forum? Do they just want peoples families to have a vent at the retards, retards to act like retards, and walk away with some good ratings? What exactly are they trying to accomplish? The context is key. It just seems like a glorified "let's take them to the principles office and give them a dressing down" scenario, what's that going to achieve. This is how SAU will turn out
  18. ACA? i believe 'complete retard' is the high water marker they're trying to reach for their viewing audience... But i do agree about attending can't do us any harm, being vilified means you have only one way to go but up... but i'm sure the 'prinny' boys will be doing their best to lower their standing amongst the public I say stick it to the show as well... ask them, why weren't car clubs approached? Why did you go and target people from known hot-spots knowing full well the sort of person you'll be getting? This of course is all blindingly obvious to us, but those watching/their usual audience don't have the IQ to process past the flashy graphics and botox, so i would be trying to get admissions from the ACA. They'll most likely edit it out but just mention it a lot, maybe their response to your questions will have to be put in at some point. I'd say that we, as in SAU Vic, a legit car club, had to find out about this second hand and ASKED to be a part of the show - if you're doing a forum like this, why was that even the case? And then i would just flat out accuse ACA of their usual mis-deeds (because really, how often would that chance come up! ), "we all know you guys had an angle that you were pursuing, regardless of the nuances of the debate and public discussion around 'hooning', just to further stigmatise car enthusiasts and to play to what is obviously a topic that 'rates' well. You obviously had no interest in progressing the public discussion past "they're all idiots", ".
  19. you're f*cking kidding me, an ACA forum? i'm sorry OP, but you'll be surrounded by a bunch of in-bred half-wits. Logic, facts, rational objective thinking... these have no place within ACA walls...
  20. that's the thing other thing... it's not like it's going to be a whole bunch of "undecided" punters out there, it's either, all people who like cars are idiots doing stupid things or "i don't really care" - i don't know what the point of the 60mins forum is? i'd think it'd be much better to get an indication of exactly what 60mins is planning to do/trying to achieve/format of show etc. I don't watch free-to-air really at all these days, so i'm not sure how 60mins is at the moment, but back in the day it was reputable - certainly not the trash level of aca/tt, things could have changed though.
  21. LMGT4 was discontinued i thought?
  22. there's a shot of him splitting traffic on the front straight, i'm assuming at well over 300km/hr... The crazy thing is, it still has a full interior and no roll cage. Imagine once they really start stripping it and getting some rigidity going (cage etc), surely will pull some ridiculous track times. One day i'll put in an order for a 35RX
  23. I do agree with some extent with Nick. If you're going down to "prinny" to find people for a TV forum on 'hooning' you have a pretty high chance of getting a dipshit to attend. I believe there was a riot of some sorts in the area not that long back... plus a whole host of retarded behaviour most weekends. Our angle should be, you shouldn't paint all car enthusiasts as hoons. Just like not all bike clubs are "bike gangs", not all Muslims are Terrorists, not all herald sun readers are complete morons... actually, maybe we can use the broad brush for the last one So we should show there are responsible groups out there who actively promote "taking it off the street" just like the popo and government want, run charity days, actively support local businesses, etc etc. You could then throw around a bunch of figures to sound more authoritative on the subject and perhaps point to other countries and their laws etc, that obviously have good outcomes. Ie, i don't know the specifics of Japan but might be interesting to compare their driving education, licensing, their legislatively take on 'hooning' etc. You'd also want to push issues around driving education, the big thing. eg look at Germany and how friggen long and hard it is to get a license there. You can be an idiot in any type of vehicle, it's attitude that counts not if you have two intake mods etc. More motorsport facilities of course has been brought up before, but you need something to back you up. So point to things like skate parks and see if any studies have been done around why they were put in, for what purpose and what were the outcomes, less public property 'destruction', 'nusiance' etc. What made the councils put them in the first place? Another thing i could think of was the very reasonable pitch by Driver Dynamics to try and run twilight track sessions at Sandown during daylight savings, 4:30 - 8:30 i believe, very reasonable but knocked back by council. Show that the enthusiast community is trying to make an effort. Getting CAMS present is a great idea too. Something i've thought of is that perhaps there should be another level of license, a performance one that allows certain cars to be driven. If you just block kids from driving certain cars, what magically happens when they turn a certain age that means they can suddenly drive a performance car? Time behind a fwd Pulsar isn't exactly the best thing for jumping to a hi-po rwd. You can also pivot at some point if they bring up the road toll, number of young people dying etc... what are those numbers exactly? I'd hazard a guess and say a lot more young people take their own lives than die in a car crash, and probably a whole bunch of other things that rank higher, as morbid as that maybe. Why spend so much time and money on road blitzes? Which of course leads to $$ collected by the TMU/Gov... you can allude to the 'is this just all about revenue raising?' line - show some numbers around that perhaps. And lastly, there's the "you're always going to have dickheads" line, it's about supporting and promoting responsible groups (SAU Vic etc) and not lumping them in with all the retards. Oh, and get Graeme to help us out - a different perspective, but a good one My 2 cents so far...
  24. yeah, pricing is bullshit - i thought there were some ethanol subsidies floating around as well...
  25. put it this way, i had to physically go out to meet him and go with him to an ATM to get my money back in the end. i have no idea if he's still in Vic, but if you know he works for Toll, why not start there? When's the last time you contacted him? How do you know the seats never left Japan?
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