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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. hey alan yeah there were many issues... the RAWS team in Canberre are not our friends considering you're so close, i'm happy to provide R34 rides for events, you don't have a skyline do you? don't know anything about boost leak do you? dezz, 2 years is a long time, you still waiting on yours? or is it all sorted?
  2. "wheels up" is just a phrase, for travelling kinda. You can use it to say when you're leaving... wheels up most likely refers to a plane retracting it's landing gear?
  3. thanks guys, actually GTTR34 i think i saw your car at the Glen area about 1 month back, 100% it was your car, the wing and gold/silver rims are hard to miss i think i may have a boost problem tho.... does the guage under the tacho ever go past 4? it seems to hover close to it when cruising and then never seems to go past it when i put the foot down.... and i'm not sure if the boost guage is getting above 0.... i really have a lot to learn, but is it possible that i have a leak somewhere? i thought i might just be getting use to the power (coming from a 54kw '91 pulsar) but i think some days are better than others, i swear it was running better the other night...
  4. well, the day that i was beginning to think would never arrive, has finally come. that's right for those of you who've hung around these boards for a while will know that i've actually owned a R34 GT-T for a while (lets not mention 18 months) and also most likely know that it has not been registered...... until Wednesday the 29th of March. Yep, my car that i have owned officially since June 2004 finally has number plates!!! It's taken 2 years (since i first started looking with the broker) to the day i got it registered, and there were times when i just didn't even care. But now that i can drive it legally i'm one happy camper. I'm sure a lot of you will read this and think "meh" but i know there are a few of you who know kinda what's been going on. anyways, even though i've been a member since the first sign up day, i've never had the car to go with so i hope i can see some of you at SAU events, but with a Skyline this time thanks for reading chinny
  5. got rims if you're interested
  6. Stock R34 GT-T rims, with 1000km old tyres? (225/45) - 17", pm if interested...
  7. got a set of standard 17" R34 GTT rims if you want, 225/45 tyres. Almost brand new, only done 1000km's (drove car from compliance workshop in Sydney - Melbourne), if you're intersted, PM me
  8. there was a page at DOTARS that went through every model and was 'yes' 'no' - but looks like it's all be cleared up anyway you've got PM aridyne cheers, daniel
  9. how exciting, i think anyone at SAU would love to be on the hunt for a R34 GTR, and realistically be able to buy one! if you do go down the importing road, the workshop that complianced my R34 (just GT-T but has approval for EVERY variant of R34) is the cheapest in Australia (located in Sydney). PM me if you'd like some more details If you can, make sure the brakes have a good chunk left on them, bout $1500-$2000 to replace if not up to scratch come compliance time good luck mate! cheers, daniel
  10. is that a Ferrari i see deciding to mow the lawn???
  11. Yep, it is the cheapest in OZ and by a significant amount too. I'm helping out... it's up to them if they want to take on some sort of 'sponsor' role with SAU. And of course, i can help out fellow SAU members by letting you guys'n'gals know about the cheapest R34 compliance. cheers, daniel
  12. from good advice (SK) the Split pipe is the better option, even if it's like $180 more... the cost is justified for response/flow, etc...
  13. mate, if you could that would be great. but if anyone else happens to come across it in the mean time........ i'm glad someone knows what i'm talking about! always nice to know that i'm not losing my mind
  14. hey y'all i'm trying to find this link to a step-by-step process of cutting the lip off the GT-T bonnet. I'm pretty sure it was a .jp address, but not 100% certain. I can't for the life of me find the link! i think it was in japanese but it had pictures as well, like step-by-step. Tried searching here, skylinesdownunder.com - hongkong skyline club - no luck I would have had it in my favourites before my computer died and was probably in a thread here before the big crash - anyone know of the page i'm talking about? or better yet have the link? cheers, chinny
  15. SS8_Gohan

    Car Trailer

    hahahaha, is there ever a time where a Simpson quote can't be made relevant?
  16. don't you have to de-mod before you deliver the car to the workshop anyway? because it has to come over stockers under SEVS, so what mods the car has isn't a factor. I'll PM you a compliance price for a workshop in Sydney that i can vouch for. But i'm pretty sure a RAW will need a stock car... but if they have to de-mod, shouldn't be a drama and then you can get the stuff sent seperately or listed down with the car for insurance purposes in case of any light fingered truckies.
  17. yeah, indoor soccer would be great... altho springvale... light weight body armour anyone?
  18. BOV is prob a waste of money, not really need unless you're running serious power. Yeah, go to the suspension area, and check out SydneyKid's R34 Suspension kit. Bout $2.2K i think... you can make your car faster without increasing the power. Full exhaust with some BATMBL parts is prob the only power upgrade i'd do with the money, the rest i'd spend on suspension, brakes, tyres, etc... um... does the $4k have to spent on the car? maybe travel? some highly speculative shares? or just buy like $4k of ANZ shares, or something safe as houses...
  19. thirty four: - your car looks mad! such an awesome colour, love TV2. just noticed that the rear lights of your cars (thirty four and Ian) have the GTR white and red reversing lights in the rear bumper. Is that a SII R34 thing? oh and nice vids! car sounds great!
  20. custom would be cool i reckon... chinny's SKYLINE R34 SKYLINE Oo SKYLINE oO Oo R34 oO EMERGENCY EXIT
  21. well non turbo is 147kw's i think, take roughly 30% of that to get rwkw's... - and take a little more of it it's auto.
  22. dean (dean wasn't it?) no worries mate, glad you got home ok... couldn't help but laugh when you and the guys left, hahaha, good times... snorkel? why would a rear bar need some sort of intake? but no, no snorkel... 4 door and 2 door rear bumpers are different. Front bumpers are the same as far as i know. www.powerplayimports.com - has a East Bear GTS-R rear bumper... exact same style as a GTR rear bar. what lights are you referring to exactly?
  23. where bouts is MSC? EDIT: whoops, see above....
  24. almost mate... the workshop is now a RAW (no longer an 'applicant') But my plate, or should i say sticker, hasn't come through yet. They paid the plate application fee on Wednesday arvo, shows up as being paid on the site but still 'plate pending'... but the workshop is actually a RAW now so i suppose they are good to go. almost there, almost there....
  25. spacers aren't law friendly are they? or are some types ok?
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