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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. you could argue why anyone would need that if it doesn't see any sort of track/drag work...
  2. right o guys, back on the market, same price, $200
  3. the reason why the cops say they have a hard time policing the power/weight is because technical they have to go off the list Vic Roads has, ie, locally delievered cars (R32 GTR being the only Skyline on it). They have no factual evidence to back-up fining someone with power/weight but you know and i know when a car is over (ie r33 gtst) - that's why some officers let it slide, as far as i know.
  4. interesting to see after a few years whether you'll get this problem of ppl just off p's going and 'hooning' around... who says anyone with a drivers license (considering how easy they are to get) can handle ANY hi-po car? i say if you want to get a hi-po car, get a separate, considerably harder to get and more expensive, hi-po license. Or just intro that for p platers and not full licensed drivers? i dunno... very old fashion way of looking at a problem like this... i reckon education and training is more the key....
  5. i was under the impression the suspension on the 34 was quite different to the 33... 34 is shorter to i think. NEO is something significantly different. Styling can hardly been seen as an 'upgrade', looks markedly different Haven't driven both but i still think the 33 and 34 (Gtst/GTT) are quite distinctly different cars
  6. woh... blast from the past, Danny and Nick in the one thread live bayside way, so not that close to you but will def keep an eye out... police been contacted?
  7. it is factory option kit, but it was made by 'Altia', the REAL Nismo kit is actually quite different. But if you were buying a R34 from a showroom, and ticked the boxes in the options list, you would be getting a Sports Kit, or Aero Kit. Altia is one of a handful of companies that get the details of new models early, so they can have kits ready by the time the cars hit the showroom. But you wouldn't have known the kit was made by Altia, it would have just been a Nissan option.
  8. cool, thanks guys. i was just going along and saw this small red dot in the distance flashing at me, as it was 3am my headlights reflected off the decals once i got closer and then saw the red dot belonged to a copper sitting in his car, pointing a radar up the road (sitting at the edge of a side street to the main road) wasn't in the 'Line so maybe that was working in my favour
  9. it was a marked cop car. so the marked cop cars will pull you over if they wanted to fine you?
  10. hi, just wondering how a cop car parked in a street, at night time, using a hand held radar goes about catching you for speeding, etc? Can they get your license plate a nightime without a flash, just using the handheld radar? Or if they think you're over, do they have to pull you over? cheers, chinny
  11. i'll see your hand and raise you.... 17 months
  12. i noticed this problem last week, and have seen a lot of 'out of order' signs across the bp's.
  13. hahaha, i've just gone through this whole thing about changing workshops. short answer yes, but quite complicated. Is your a test car? What has happened so far? How far along is the workshop?
  14. just sent ya an email... yeah, no drama's at all. Consider it held at $200 i'll check the postage situation
  15. dude, i'm thinking i will let go of it. still interested?
  16. just to let u guys know what's happening, i pm'd the first guy interested, to see what he thinks... i'll let you guys know how that goes. cheers. p.s. i'll fix the front bar link too soon.
  17. cool mate. i'm at work at the moment so can't access any email, will check later tonight (finish at 11:30pm)
  18. yeah, after the respray, the interior was the first thing on the list. Thanks for that Pete, wasn't sure who to get
  19. yeah, the lovely ppl at Powerplay hooked me up with a VERY nice front bar (thanks tosh/jo) no less than $600 u reckon tosh? oh well... you deal with these things all the time so your word is more than enough for me. I have someone who was already interested in this bar from a little while back, but now that i'm ready to sell, we weren't sure what to ask/pay for it. but if it falls through, i got ur pm's guys cheers chinny
  20. ah... the aero one. like i said. Nismo (or technically, Altia) front bar. As in the pic in my sig. No cracks, but a few scuffs i think on one of the corners, i'll have to go over thoroughly and check it. So i'd say very good, with a few scuffs (thank you shipping)
  21. Hey y'all I've tried searching the classifieds but really couldn't find anything. Just wondering how much $ i should put on my Nismo R34 front bar? i've bought another front bar, i need to sell mine but just don't want to give it away for what might be too low a price. cheers, chinny
  22. Ethanol 98 in a GTR?
  23. craig's from j-spec? dude, do it... make that one yours and rock up at the end in it Make sure you are wearing like a bowler hat, have a jewel encrusted cane, black sunnies with diamantes around the frame, and a ring on every finger - Pimpin'. then get out of the car with a lady on each arm
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