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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. no difference in output as far as i know, both 206kw's. i guess it depends on what the car will be used for? I got a manual cos i want to hit the track, plus i feel like a turbo 34 coupe needs a manual, but that's just me. If you're commuting to the city everyday, a manual could be a bitch. I'd always go manual i think, but i've heard the tiptronic isn't too bad. quick on the downshift, not so quick on the up. Which is completely the opposite to the BMW steptronic funnily enough.. but yeah, i'm sure you'd be real happy with either, and i think you should be able to find a good condition manual turbo 34 for around $32K, but you're right, they do attract a higher price. EDIT: if you can stretch to the manual, and don't think it will get too annoying for u, could be something to consider for resale value. For this type of car, i think you'd have more ppl trying to find a manual. So that's something else you might want to consider.
  2. hahaha, bring me a friggen compliance plate and i'll bring you 10 slabs of Asahi Duncan! hey patrick, blind_elk has kindly offered his services for thursday evening, so i'm right at this stage. Thanks for the offer tho, much appreciated
  3. if the car has been tuned well, the engine/induction mods coupled with the suspension mods, you've got a beast of a car already... how quick do you want this thing to be! i thought you were going to link to a stocker... EDIT: just a quick q, pls don't take it the wrong way (cos my car workings knowledge is quite limited) but do you know exactly what you've bought? as in, about all the mods which are on the car?
  4. i need to get the alarm guy to come around to fix a few things, but the battery is flat so he can't really test anything. Wanna chuck in the new packs so i can give the battery a good charge without worrying bout driving the thing around, or leaving it idling with dodgey coilpacks. thanks heaps for the offer, i'll pm you now
  5. Michael (BOS Importing) has good prices I'll take pics soon, but i've got ballast and globes. Full kit. 8500k globes. I've still got the OEM Xenon assembly, so i hope they're up to the task of the 8.5k globes i can BYOBB them down to the BBBQ if anyone is interested? Korean made, the boxes look stylish at least not sure how they go but someone else in this thread they got the Kaixens as well. Not sure how they stack up against the Philipps.
  6. ah... this kit has come around, i remember you talking bout this I actually gave Chris at Centreline a call quite a few months back, and was asking him bout a full whiteline kit, etc... anyways, he came with this kit option for me... King Springs Bilstein Shocks Whiteline handling kit (can't quite remember what was in this specifically) Adjustable bars if they weren't in the handling kit Pineapples. i think that was it, so seems fairly similar to your kit? I think it was around $3K parts and fitting, all up. So yours seems a bit cheaper. Are there any major differences between ur kit and the one Chris came up with? Does one suit one application more than the other? I'm not interested in drag, just track work so not sure if one kit is better suited than the other. cheers, chinny P.S. i'll get the exact Whiteline part #'s, and other product #'s soon, i've got it all written down, what Chris said.
  7. my 4 or 6? level switch still works, just got halogens in them at the moment.
  8. sup y'all ok, i've attempted to play mechanic but i think i was trying to walk before i could crawl... see.. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...5entry1614695 anyways, got me some Splitfire Coilpacks and need to put em in the 34, just wondering if anyone knows how to do this and able to come round to my place and help? For your troubles, i will supply 6 pack of beer of choice. I've been told it's not a major job, bout 30mins from start to finish but i really don't know what i'm doing and don't want to screw anything up. so yeah, 6 pack for 30 mins work... not a bad deal i would drive the sucker over to someone's place to get help, but having no number plates is kinda restrictive mb# 0402853813 locale: bayside, melbourne. cheers chinny
  9. what's cheap? i got the Kaixen ones for bout $390 i think? but i have a feeling they're going to be blue as all hell as i got 8500K globes box says "for off road use only" as well - yet to see how.... ah... powerful they are
  10. thought i'd update... i had a go at the pliers thing... the main hose across the cover plate, i couldn't move (without worrying bout breaking something) but the little U shaped one i managed to wiggle it off a bit, but then there was like oil and shit, so i left it anyways... i'm going to start a thread in the Vic section. Help in exchange for brewskis (read, 6 pack of choice) i don't want to f**k anything up. cheers, and thanks for the help y'all!
  11. i would have pulled over and chucked a u-banger, but i was on my way to work. sorry mate.
  12. midnight... i was driving on beach road, saw a S2 33, but i was driving into the sun, lots of traffic. It didn't look black, but a dark colour... was gun metal every available in S2? i didn't think it was... it could have been a dark blue, i tried looking in the rear view mirror, but nearly had a crash this was around 4:00pm Tuesday afternoon, i forgot completely to post this. It was on Beach rd, not far from Elwood park? um... i just call it beach rd cos it's a long the beach, but i know the road changes names... might be an esplanade. But yeah, opposite that picnic type area in Elwood. are you thinking the car is in the northern suburbs??
  13. Item: Taylor 314CE Acoustic Guitar Location: Bayside, Melbourne Item Condition: As New Reason for Selling: Too many guitars Price and Payment Conditions: $1800 Contact Details: Mobile 0402853813 - Email r34skyline @ gmail.com Extra Info: hey everyone, recent guitar purchases have forced me to let go of this guitar, that i just don't use. Got it October '04, but then got a Martin November '04 and basically the Taylor might have had bout 10 hours play on it since (never taken outside the house) - Whilst it's a beautiful guitar and i would prefer not to get rid of it, the OM sized Martin is what i was really after, and for me, the Taylor 314CE is just a bit big. Plus i bought too many guitars recently From taylorguitars.com http://www.taylorguitars.com/guitars/model.aspx?model=314-CE "A Grand Auditorium body, Venetian cutaway, and the Taylor Expression System™ add up to a versatile guitar that's perfect for stage and home" BASIC SPECS (see link above for more details) Woods: Back & Sides: African Mahogany Top: Sikta Spruce Neck: Tropical American Mahogany Fretboard: Ebony Electronics: Taylor Expression System™ Other: Scale Length: 25 1/2 inches Neck Width (nut): 1 3/4 inches Bracing: Scalloped, X-Brace Finish: Satin with Gloss Top Cutaway: Venetian ------------------------------------------------------------------ Price: $1800 with Taylor Hardshell case It has a huge sound, and just been restrung (thought the factory strings had been on there for a while) with Martin lite's 11's. It's bright, crisp and clear. The expression system is great, and the on-board controls are a nice little bonus. You're welcome to come and try the guitar first if interested. I understand that guitars are pretty personal items, especially considering high-end acoustics like Taylor's. Located Bayside, Melbourne. Mobile: 0402 853 813 - Daniel Any questions, shoot If ppl want more pics or specific angles, just let me know and i'll post em up. cheers everyone!
  14. yes they do have pay by the month like i said before, i know cos it comes straight out of the credit card ouch... but i prefer that than having to pay like 1.9K upfront. Pay by the month doesn't add any extra costs either, it's just the year/12. yeah, that's what i was told. Normally they wouldn't insure anyone under 25, and even then they'd have a good look. But *touch wood* i've got no speeding fines, and accident history so it was a clean slate there. But i believe the main reason why they said they would insure me was because i was a member of Skylines Victoria. Being a club member was the main factor in them letting me get insurance. thanks SAU VIC Member #83
  15. eh? so which bit do i attack the pliers with? 1 + 2 = they're the tangs yeah? 3: just pointing to the band bit
  16. right o, thanks troy... so you sqeeze the tangs 'together' until the tang (which is not the arch one) slips under the other tang, like through the arch? that make any sense?
  17. don't know if S1 or S2 33 packs are the same. All i know is that Splitfire Coilpacks, the same model is used for R33 S2 and R34's. DIS-008. So maybe S2 and 34 packs are the same??
  18. car ever sound like a WRX? looks like you should know what that sounds like from your list of cars Impressive!! i've ppl have unplugged coilpacks one by one whilst the car is idling to see if it makes a difference, then you can determine the faulty pack. And if it makes no difference, unplugging one by one, then i guess you eliminate the coilpack theory....
  19. i got a Viper, without giving the model type, it's supposed a top one. 79.... model. I've got insurance with Shannons (21 yr old) and i said the car is locked up, but (at the time) doesn't have an alarm. And i said to them, i know i need a 2pt immobiliser, but at this stage it doesn't have one. If the car is stolen, am i not covered? They said it would be fine, and i'd still be covered. They didn't say anything bout aust standards, or black wiring. Just a 2pt immobiliser. Which reminds me, i haven't let them know i've put an alarm in since... yeah, Shannon's was a great price, plus pay-by-the-month Screw Just Cars.
  20. ok, i've unbolted all the bolts for the rail bit... but the left hand side of the rail has like a pipe attached to it? the pipe thing the ends by splitting off into 3 plug type things. and how do i remove the blue part?? they look like clip things around the black tube, not sure of the method to get them off tho... consider my engine knowledge zero chinny
  21. hi y'all.. wasn't 100% sure where to put this, hope this area is semi-relevant. anyways, here's the problem... my engine bay has colour everywhere!! no that's not the problem, problem is i need to get to my coilpacks, and i know they are lurking underneath the middle cover plate there but i'm not sure what i need to remove. And if i need to remove the Green part, how the hell do i do that? Also, what should i be real careful of? Anything i could REALLY screw up? Car has a flat battery at the moment too. any help would be appreciated cheers, chinny
  22. i live in Sandringham, but just saw this thread... don't see many skylines his way, so a dark blue S2 will def stand out. I'll keep my eyes open for ya for sure. i've seen a previous thread where a 32 GTR in brissy was stolen, but it was some sweet ride, custom this and that... top car. Anyways, ppl who stole it were just cruising around in it, being hoons. And over a week or so, ppl kept seeing it and stupid driving. I can't remember what happened, i think it might have been used in a bank robbery but they f**ked up somehow, and abandoned their "getaway" car. anyways, point is, if you're lucky, we'll get a few sightings here and there, and try and track 'em down.. oh, that's the other thing. SAU ppl who spotted the GTR were following the it, but apparently the driver caught on and got spooked for a few days. So try and stalk stealthily if you see it
  23. get that shovel out Marcus EDIT: by the way, i still haven't put those Xenon's in, still wanna check the size of em?
  24. i believe the only 4WD besides the GTR in the R34 line up was the 4 door, GT-X. And i think might have been available in NA and Turbo. As far as i know there was no 4WD variation in the Coupe lineup.
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