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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. That's the exhaust i'm looking at getting too, and i'm the same rob, wanna see how it sits. Don't really like all these funky angled exhausts. Anyone got an N1 on their R34 that i could see some pics of? cheers. EDIT: Do you know how much they cost Rob, new or 2nd hand?
  2. refer to my first post on like pg 2... something along the lines of "give Justin DVD now" By the way Justin, love australianinfront, and plus your project work on the site, some awesome visual dialogue. I'm doing a digital compositing class at the uni at the moment (After Effects is crazy powerful as well!) and does the name Willy Beecher ring any bells for you
  3. SS8_Gohan

    the beast....

    that the rule for a UVP? How strict is this? Can you just say you're heading to a workshop and flash a quote for something?
  4. SS8_Gohan

    the beast....

    what's a UVP? oh wait... Unregistered Vehicle Permit??? Do you have details on that because my car might be down here in Melbourne before it can be regoed as well... cheers. oh and if you see or talk to Shan, tell him to reply to my various msg's!!!
  5. SS8_Gohan

    the beast....

    ni you must be stoked!!! My car made it to Sydney a couple of weeks ago, apparently waiting for parts for compliance?? It's been that long that it doesn't really feel like i've bought a car anymore, it's just this thing that i have to keep trying to move forward. It must feel great to finally get to drive the beast! AND SHAN REPLY TO MY EMAILS/PM'S/MSN MESSAGES YOU LAZY BASTARD i need to bout this Masa kit... what was the reason for your hold up ni? I had a 2 import approvals go missing....
  6. ok, so you think it can be done then? Cos the initial line up was just too see if it was plausible and i'd go and get a GTR rear bar after if you thought it could be done? Because if you think it's the way to go (rather than try and mould something) i'll go and get the rear bar from someone who has one here in Melbourne. cheers.
  7. Anyone know whether the black car you guys checked had a Factory GTR wing or copy?
  8. ARGHH!! Bayside Blue GT-T!! take it away! i don't want to look at one now that i've bought my black one You're taunting me aren't you Dale! 1. - CAN'T BE FACTORY TV2 - Not made until 2000. So it's a respray. And something about those rims and there shitty-ness and thin-ness makes me think it might not be turbo, although you'd have to have some balls to advertise a non-turbo as a turbo. Car has been resprayed, although doesn't say so, already off to a very dodgy footing, don't go near it. cheers.
  9. 350Z Style? like M3, pipes both side of the car, but from your pics i know what you're doing now. Whatever you think is best, i did have someone willing to lend their R34 (hi Bass Junky!) but you'd still rather use my car?
  10. group buy CES? Would it be fair to say that the price difference between CES and BATMBL's front/dump pipe isn't justified? I'm 99% on the BATMBL one. cheers.
  11. I was hoping you wouldn't find this thread Justin! Shan, get ready to give Justin all the prizes from here on in. Go to australianinfront.com.au and then projects, some AMAZING stuff in there.
  12. and if you needed anymore assurances, Sydney Kid recommends Centreline as well, plus one other place in Melbourne. I'll try and dig that up for ya.. cheers.
  13. so is this going to be like 350Z style? or Just the standard R34 GTR exhaust, but fatter twin pipes? Looking good so far, and your car looks soooo shiny! I'm guessing the paint job came out rather well ooo, you got the front/rear bumpers on, ready for the line up yet? cheers.
  14. Would you consider selling without tyres? Or is it all or nothing? cheers. EDIT: any other pics of them on the R34 would be great, diff angles, etc.
  15. dude, you live very close to me! As you can see, i'm in Sandy! anyways... smooth sailing so far (touch wood) Been driving a 1991 Pulsar Hatch (1.6l, 57kw's ) since getting my P's in Feb 2002. No accidents and no speeding fines (touch wood) So that's... 2 and a bit years, but for the remainder of my P's (bout 7-8 months) i'll be in a R34 GT-T, so hopefully i've got enough experience under my belt for things to go alright with my baby. I've never driven a Skyline so this is going to be a bit of a jump, i think an advanced driving course is in order And about bikes? For the longest time i thought bikes had a different speed limit. I shit you not. I would constantly see bikes doing at least 20-30km+ speed limit, weaving in and out of lanes. Of course now i know they abide by the same rules, but as much as i agree that drivers don't take as much as care as the should on the roads (especially with bikes). Car drivers aren't the only ones to blame here, i've seen just as many stupid acts by bike drivers as well, most noticably the "weaving" in and out of lanes. Shocking practise i think, when most the time it is done at a higher speed than the limit. I think some bikers are asking for trouble the way they ride. I def think there should be more awareness from car drivers, but also don't think it's a one-way street/argument/discussion/whatever in regards to awareness. And rrrage, i sooooo agree with you. When learning, doing tests, etc, you head check your head off (ass doesn't quite work ) But when driving with parents, they don't head check, don't indicate, don't fully stop at stop signs. Just habits ppl get into after years of driving. Get complacent. Worse one i see is cutting corners in surburban streets, asking for trouble. Even if it's 3am in the morning, and i can see for miles in either direction, and no-one is on the road, i still head check. I just hope i don't grow out of the habit. cheers.
  16. Glad to hear all is well. So is the car faster now? Can it run 9's yet?
  17. yeah, the trademens ship is definitely not in question here. From what i understand, this is actually making the car stronger and is if you wouldn't want that. Why troy is going to cut and shut me a front/rear bumper (well most prob only rear)
  18. damn it, he stole my rear wing idea! Yeah pls buy, and take it back to Sydney with you Sorry, but can't help you out. I haven't got mine yet so don't really know my way around 34's (let alone cars much!) very well. Best of luck tho... as i said, buy it and take the wing back up to Sydney pls
  19. does the factory BOV make a venting to atmo sound??? I wasn't aware of that. Still haven't got my R34 so i don't know never driven one either
  20. For manual R34's, between Series 1 and 2, the LSD changed. And i can never remember which way I think it went from Viscous in Series 1 to Helical in Series 2. I've got a 50/50 chance cheers.
  21. Yeah, def from a R33, unless it was a factory option. I highly doubt that cos i've never seen a R34 with a 4 spoke before. To me that def looks like a R33 wheel. your car mate?
  22. http://www.j-spec.com.au/list/index.php?ID=0819 2nd cheap one that's come up recenlty, the other one http://www.j-spec.com.au/list/index.php?ID=0710 looked mint. Suppose it's the high'ish km's for the good price. How bout we all chip in, and then each state can have the car for a little while, on a rotation basis Oh what a hard life it would have
  23. would have to be an after-market one, there are 2 series for the R34. 1998 - mid 2000 was Series 1. Series 2 had a two tone steering wheel. Here's a pic of mine def after market, i think momo have some 4 spoke ones, altho i'm sure a lot of other brands do as well. cheers.
  24. ok, i'll try again and try not to get shot down by Dale so they direct more air to your radiator and makes it run more efficiently, what's the benefit in that? More reponse? better fuel economy? better reliability? greater chance of me winning the lotto? what? cheers.
  25. i think i would much rather have an airbag on a race track than the road, even if you are wearing a helmut. that momo steering wheel while racing will save you 50 secs on each lap, i swear!!
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