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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. I'm a SKIER!!!! down to all boarders!! Just kidding, altho most snowboarders have an uncanny ability to stop in the bottle necks of runs or just after you get off a chairlift, and decide it's a great place to do your bindings up!! MOVE!!! I was in Whistler/Blackcomb in the summer just gone, and picked up some Rossi Scratchs' - Twin Tips Hope to hit the parks hard this winter!
  2. Dox i'm very interested in a Bayside Blue respray, could i possibly get you to do it for vely special SAU price prease? Have you resprayed a whole car before? go a full CHROME paint job
  3. Horus, what are u driving now? Is the Evo spec WRX coming or come?
  4. BMW badging can be followed literally to a certain extent. 320i - 2 ltr 325i - 2.5ltr .... etc. 328 is 2.8 and 147kw's BUT there was an update of that engine 97 or 98?? (Maybe earlier)I'm not sure. Power stayed the same, but torque was increased noticably. So if you're looking for Coupe/Convertible 328i's, try and find the update model. Only the 330i's, 530i's, etc have the 3ltr engines, 170kw's. It seems here that quite a lot of ppl know other ppl with E46 M3's (myself included) and we know these cars are rock solid, and popularity in endurance races show this as well. M Roadster, M Coupe, M3. I noticed that factory recall was for a 3 month span of engine production. Considering the car has been produced since beginning of 2001, 3 or 41 months and counting is hardly bad considering the level of technology in the engine. I know the Bathurst cars are far from factory, (altho the E46 M3 was running stock exhaust, and maybe 2 other mods, ie chip/re-map, intake. Pretty much stock as a rock) but that's why i said the 323i Our family has had 320i, 528i, and now 530i looking towards an E46 M3 a little later - Not ONE mechanical problem at all! 10+ years of BMW's, 3 diff models, QLD trips, ski trips, etc not one engine problem. All the Straight Six family. Only problem was with the rear left electric window switch on the 528i Trust me, you won't be disappointed with an E46 328i, or E36 M3. cheers
  5. EDITED: PM sent
  6. EDITED: PM sent
  7. Yeah, M3 engines are ROCK SOLID! All BMW inline 6's are for that matter... why do you think they are so popular for the endurance races like Bathurst 24hr? If i'm not mistaken, the first Bathurst a 323i won, that's a car with 127kw's out of the factory. Bout 1350kg as well. Yeah as Tony said, earlier M3 engines were only 3ltr till 1997. 215kw's or something like that, not a lot. But then 1997 onwards brought in the 3.2 with about 235kw's. And the E46 now has 256kw's. In terms of modification, these are 3.2 ltr, straight six N/A's we're talking about here. BMW Motorsport have rung these puppies pretty dry, they're kinda at there limit as it is. Nothing like a RB25DET or RB26DETT. Yeah, unless you've got the cash for a SMG II, don't bother. I know someone who was selling their 1997 Blue M3 for $47k i think. Maybe a little less. 328i Coupe/Convertible are sexy as cars, but if you can, try and stretch to the 330i range. Chalk and cheese those engines. 147kw's vs 170kw's. Soooooo smooth.... Is it just me, or is it everytime someone undertakes major mods, like Inasnt, it gets sold shortly after? I've seen it heaps, a major project gets finished, then a few months later, it gets sold? :confused: cheers.
  8. no wuckaz, so even for 'a large sum' you wouldn't do it? could you possibly point me in the direction of someone else i may be able to talk to about what i wanted done? anyways, all the best for the rest of the car assembling.
  9. Good to hear the car is in the final stage. by the way Troy, did you get my PM's by any chance? cheers
  10. there is a thread somewhere for that exact reason. Use to be a sticky, in the Vic section somewhere.
  11. I'm with DarkCoupe here 110% - MANUAL R34 2 DOOR, TURBO. When ppl say R34 GT-T, 99/100 they will be talking about a 2 door... but now that it's clear, i say again, you will have to be very patient to find a LOCAL, 2 door manual for under $35K, and sometimes $36K. And cell to clear up the J-Spec listed car, The only thing you have to add to the $28.9K price is Rego (Vic, $520) + Stamp duty ($600) + Tyres (they are only 17inch rims, so you can get some good Falkens, for example, for about $160 a tyre, so that's another $640) = $1780 plus the $28.9K landed and compiled. That's it. Service fee ($1000), import duty, buyers fee, GST, shipping is ALL included in the $28.9K - It's all written down on that link. So you are looking at roughly $30.6k on the road, roughly. cheers.
  12. that's importing, and that's the advantage of importing. cheaper cars. but to get a LOCAL R34 GT-T manual for less then $35K, you're going to have to be VERY patient. Just check every local interent listing, autotrader.com.au, carpoint.com.au, carsales.com.au, drive.com.au, can't think of any others. Nothing under $35K for a manual GT-T, maybe even nothing under $36K. and the under negotiation status? i might have something to do with that
  13. DAMN IT!!!! I usually start work at 2:30pm on a Friday, but have organised to come in 2 hours earlier tomorrow so i can go to the Gold Freddy Awards at Fed Square not happy jan! oh well, i might just come and say hi at 12:30 when i walk in to work.
  14. don't have to answer the 'what do u do?' question. i found some thread about a White R33 GTR hitting u a little while back. explanation in there. I really need to get into property/shares. i've just saved and had it sitting in ING, and now got some ANZ shares (only cos i work there) but that's it. which do u think is a better place to start, property or shares? cheers
  15. hey Cell did u pick that car up from Melbourne? About a year ago, maybe more, there was a R34 GT-T, respray Purple up for sale, $37K i think. U didn't bring it over to S.A. did ya? hey COPYME, kept the car i guess? it's the same dude from UPI forums. I don't think i'd wanna let go of a car like the one u've got. On the topic of affording the GTR, if u've explained it before can u point me in the direction of a thread? i'm just interested to know what to do, to get a R34 GTR at your age. I have to actually face the same "how can you afford that" questions now that i'm importing a R34 GT-T. ppl automatically think parents. i tell them it's called 'saving'. anyways, sweet, sweet ride cell - oh an ur's isn't too bad COPYME
  16. I heard Skylines weren't on the list? I know R33 turbo's onwards are illegal, but i didn't think quite a few imports where listed. And you really don't need an .exe to work it out, although i believe rrrage knocked that one up? handy for sure, if a computer is on recipe for power to weight 1 kerb weight 1 fly wheel power weight 1 calculator move decimal place of kerb weight 3 places to the left to get it in tonnes ie. 1410kg becomes 1.41 tonnes. as it's "power to weight" - get the power figure, say 206kw's. 206 divide by weight (1.41) - 206/1.41 = 146kw/tonne - illegal. and that's ur R34 GT-T - am i going to care? not really, i know a few p plater skyliners and they don't seem to have problems. cheers.
  17. Tues - Room Wed - Edgy (Mentone) Thurs - Mint Fri - dunno, play golf and gotta be up at like 5:30, if anywhere, Sandy Hotel Sat - Mint Sun - Work till 11:30pm - what time does Motel close? Thursdays use to be the best, Silvers open bar 9 - 12 cluding basic spirits, knock back about 15 burbs, never quite got a full 3 hrs, usually 2hrs, half hours wasted either side, cos u take the last sandy train back to the Sandy where they use to have $6 jugs Was THE best nite, cos then Sandy had karaoke But alas no more, Silvers is gone and is now Toorak Lion or some shit, better have 3 hours open bar or i'm not going No-one goes to Mint?
  18. Yeah, great to meet you too James. Sorry to leave ya there for a bit, but my 30min break stretched to 1 hour, didn't wanna push it any longer At least a few other blokes rocked up. Sorry i haven't replied to ur PM yet Jetdat. I went down to Smoothe round 6'ish, then gave James a sms, and it ended up being about 6:30pm. We were inside cos it was shit cold, and there were 2 guys standing around outside, so i went out and asked if they were waiting for anyone and they looked at me strangely and said "Jenny" or something whoops! Yeah we need a meeting point next time. That's why i thought we should pick a corner of Smoothe. Maybe meet at the ATM next time, just look for people not making a transaction at it, just standing next to it. Anyways, my ANZ email id is 'chind' so if we organise another one, maybe us ANZ'ers can hook up first then go down. Also i have a RED neck thing attached to my security card, but i leave it hanging out of the back pocket of my Jeans for easy access. So if u see some dude standing around with a red cord hanging out the back pocket, that be me! I always wear jeans on Friday as well. Maybe lunch next time? EDIT: jeans and colorado shoes, a given on a friday colorado shoes are those suede ones, the yellowy ones. So colorado's, jeans, red cord, that be me
  19. so u didn't end up selling your blue R34 Munro? had (or still has) the nicest rims! can't decide between those or the stock R34 GTR rims. killer car tho...
  20. Have seen this car as well, not quite in it's finished state as it is now, but was very easy to tell how immaculate this car is. Sorry to hear it's going Nathan, but i'm glad i got to see it in the flesh tho. Hopefully it'll stay within SAU Vic and you can get to see it on cruises and give it some luvin every now and then chin up mate chinny
  21. SII R34 -Diff front bar -Diff rims (GTR rim colour) -Diff interior trim. Two-tone steering wheel, gear knob. -More Torque -Helical as compared to Viscous LSD Bout all i can remember cheers
  22. so there were R34 GT-T cop cars as well?? damn, looks like the police got every car under the sun. Evo's, STi's, GTR's R32 thur R34, GT-T's. Nice looking police car lineup there
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