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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. hey just wondering if any of u mofo's were at Mint sat nite, church st in brighton... Saw 'HOTR-34' not if he/she is a forum member and also a nice 33 GTS-T with white Enkei rims, looked very tidy. Don't usually see any skylines down this way so just wondering if anyone from here was kickin it at Mint? cheers and beers
  2. any rough ideas for prices of R34 GT-T compliancing?
  3. pls for the love of skylines, don't buy the one that was for sale at carpoint. The link that was posted before. The EXACT same car could have been bought off Geoff for $19K + ORC's. The car yard is selling the car for $32K! - Import one cos in this case you have have saved urself $13K!!!!!!!!!!!. Importing one, i'd imagine $35K would get u a very nice example. i still can't get over the yard charging $32K....... :Bang:
  4. Yep, the EXACT same car, but with $13K added to the price!!! :headshot: :bs!:
  5. Do u need to have anymore evidence at just how dodgy Import car yards can be? They want $32K!!!! and look how much it would have cost if u bought it urself? http://www.prestigemotorsport.com.au/au/st...sp?StockID=1108 - $19.8K plus ORC's!!!!! That carpoint one is a f*cking rip off!! And whoever is selling it are absolute con artists!! I thought i recognised the pic of it. Some poor sucker will go, be interested, they'll say... "special for u, $30K, 2 grand off!" - that sort of thing makes me sick. :blast: :bs!: EDIT: Ad says 1997, and 1998 cars. I remember there were 2 Stagea's up for sale, i think a silver one at the same time as this red one. This place has prob bought both.
  6. The R33 GTS-T equivalent ones were selling from mid to high teens from a few on Geoff's list. like $18K i think. -4DoorGTR: Verrrrrryyy nice choice there mate. Considering for $50K, 99 car, fastest wagon, it is a bit of a bargain. I wonder how much the RS4 (or is that RS6 ??) wagons are going for, i would think a HELLUVA lot more. Pls post some pics when u've got it. I would imagine you would be only one of a select few Australia wide to have one. Congrats on the purchase. cheers.
  7. cool photo, i like! yeah shan, i first had a good look at the car park opposite 'Red Bluff Hotel', cos that has the 360 degree-ness u were talking about when u first organised this thing. Then all u guys weren't there so i was heading off down to half moon and just happened to catch a glimpse of some dude taking a pic of a white skyline thru the bushes anyways, if u r ever organising something down bayside again, just give me a bell if u want to clear anything up, cos i'm a yokel maybe i can be SAU sacrificial car for cruises, i can like dori across 2 lanes so u guys can all stay together and stuff!! oooo ooo, and get those commander things than can change traffic lights!! hehe
  8. Just wanted to say howdy ho!, Sorry i couldn't come to the BBQ, looks like i missed out on some fun!. Anyways, was a real thrill to finally see a TV2 R34 GTR in the flesh, such a beautiful car. Hotsky, new car looks absolutely tops, are those rims Team Dynmaics K2's? Yes, as with everyone else, the 4 door looks very pimpilicious, was more than happy to stop traffic on Beach road to let u out of the car park there danny! Now shan, u'r supposed to be all responsible and stuff being high up Vic person of SAU, and here u are pretending to be Takumi and ripping up some dori dori in the red bluff car park!! I saw that!! hehehe, did look cool tho... Anyways, my name is Daniel, nick is 'chinny'. My oakleys are a permanent fixture when i'm outside so i'm pretty easy to spot, shan remembered the post! . oh and didn't want to over-shadow all u guys at the car park, by bringing my Pulsar into the mix, i thought i'd let u guys have ur time in the spotlight Anyways, hopefully i'll make it one day to a cruise with me own 'line! cheers
  9. also if u go to www.prestigemotorsport.com.au, have a look a current stock i think, or past vehicles, there are a few Stagea's there as well. oh and cheers for the link, time to check if anyone can do the R34 GT-T coupe.
  10. Unfortunately my ride fell thru, so i think i'll just catch up with u guys at half moon (red bluff) - i live about 5-10mins up beach road from there so i think i'll popped down when u guys are taking pics, cos i gotta work at 3:30pm so i won't be able to do the whole thing. anyways, if u see some dude wearing Oakleys with blue iridium lenses (juliets) thar be me. As i don't have a skyline, i can't tell u what car to look for cheers.
  11. SS8_Gohan

    first timer

    You must find the jade monkey before the next full moon...
  12. 400R - 400hp i think. Just throw 400R GTR in google, i'm sure quite a lot will pop up. I think it would be very hard, maybe even impossible to find one to buy, i doubt anyone would actually want to sell one. I don't think many were made at all, and most probably something that will be held onto by those lucky enough to have one. cheers.
  13. did u mean georgios?? the restaurant in armadale? i think belmoris is beaumaris , just incase ur looking that one up Leon i live in Sandy, 1 or 2 suburbs up the bay from beauy, plenty of nice places along beach rd. Brighton Baths has real nice bistro type cafe place there now. Church st, Brighton, a place called Half Moon.. um, yeah, has this date happened already? Brown Cow in Hampton street on a nice nite is cool. I reckon Crown has a few nice places along the river there, also a nice place to take a stroll after. anyways, if the date has already happened, i hope it went well. cheers.
  14. I think there was a sequential shift kit floating around somewhere. Not sure what company, and i think it was for a WRX - but that could be a possibility? sorry, but i don't know about auto to steptronic conversions...
  15. Seen 'em, don't really like 'em. Similar to the V35 Skyline. Front is ok, not sure what's going on at the back.... but u are definitely right. They come packed to the brim with stuff and i think for the price they are asking, they would be a really good buy. Being a Nissan, i'm sure you would have no problems or very little, and if u're looking at getting one, from what i've seen and read sounds like a great package. cheers.
  16. I thought the stock R34 GT-T turbo's couldn't really take 1 bar? Plastic wheels or something like that? I thought i read that somewhere, u couldn't turn the boost up too much.... not 100% tho..
  17. The stripped down version of the Mongrel is 1600kg from memory R34 GTR is 1550kg or there abouts stock, stripped down plus full race gear, i reckon would be the same if not lighter. I think a properly and professionally backed R34 GTR, with a good driver would be very competitive. EDIT: Monaro CV8 Kerb weight: 1640kg (530i 4 door is lighter!, packed with TV's, Sat Nav, full leather, full 17inch spare wheel, 8 airbags, etc...) R34 GTR kerb weight: 1540kg (wasn't far off ) So yeah, i reckon in full race trim, the GTR would be lighter than the Mongrel. Just make sure the 600 horsies are ready to play, and i reckon u'd do ok. that's my tree fitty cheers.
  18. yeah that was sooo blantantly stupid. Last year the car was listed as the HRT 427, and this year, Monaro CV8! I hope they don't think we are that stupid
  19. yeah station wagon with RB25DET, and can get RB26DETT ones as well.
  20. ooo ooo, just thought of another one, Toyota Chaser! roomy, and got plenty of grunt. Plus u got Toyota reliability. Then u can pimp it out VIP stlye! :Pimp2:
  21. Autech Stagea 260RS - no further discussion required fun for the WHOLE family! Maybe not Autech, but possibly a Stagea. oh and ur looking at figures of about 30% of GenIII's with mechanical problems, major problems.
  22. Parity relates to intake restrictions and weight from what i can gather. But different types of cars have different parity areas. Turbo cars can have boost restrictions, and also some sort of restriction with blow-off valves. Other cars can have RPM restrictions, i think there are a few different ways to makes things a little more even. And it regards to putting a "stock" M5 engine in an M3, the M3 GTR, it's actually a BMW which u can buy... making it vastly different to the Mongrel cars. Gojira is right, and like i said at the start of the thread, Nations Cup is not production car racing. That's why John Bowe was rightly having a go at the Mongrel in the first 24hr, it's not in the spirit of Nations Cup. All the other cars u can buy, yes they have been tweaked but not tweaked in such a way in that they have been built from the ground up, with a known body shell thrown on top. Really, u'r admitting defeat. U have nothing that could compete, so how about we just make something up? The Falken GTR pic i put up, has standard GTR guards, and is the one that will hopefully make it out next year. I think the whole point with the Mongrel cars is that yes, they are legal in that they don't have to be a production car but i mean come on, u can at least start with one of ur own engines!!, or start with ur own suspension, just something remotely Holden besides the shell. M3 GTR runs a practically stock M5 4.9ltr V8 but yet has more restrictions placed on it than the Mongrel does??? :confused: I don't think nations cup should be "purpose built" cars. I think they should be highly modified cars from ones already in ur stable. Or, someone should step up to the plate now and make their own stupid over-the-top car. Something that weighs f*ck all but is packing say.... the BMW 6ltr V12... which oh wait, happens to be a production engine! fancy that... 760il or McLaren anyone? Hell why not just take one of those small "kit" cars and putting some stupidly big engine in it. Easily make a car quicker than the Mongrels, and use a heap less fuel, sounds pretty good for an enduro... anyways, i hope Ross Palmer isn't speaking shit and we can see a 600hp R34 GTR (same power as Mongrel) mixing it up next year. I'm sure u can make a pretty bullet proof 600hp R34 and the grab urself a good driver...
  23. Howdy, just did some searching over at procar.com.au, see what's being said about the R34 GTR, there is actually one listed down for this years racing. I think it was the Jason White, R34 GTR Vspec II Nur that was rallying, then tweaked for track work, but not sure if it ever ran or not. Anyways, these is some promosing talk about R34 GTR's running next year, comments from "Rossp" is someone who is like high up in Procar from what i could gather. And seemed to avoid some "parity" issue questions regarding the Mongrel cars... Anyways, i've edited the following thread to comments only pertaining to news on the R34, but i'll throw the link down if u wanna read through the whole thing. cheers! http://www.procar.com.au/forum/topic.asp?T...tle=Nations+Cup * = new post. ------------------------------------------------------ *Looki for Nissan NISMO skylines in NC next year[2 of them],and minimum grids of 25. *Oh how awesome would it be to see a Nismo R34 in Group 1 with a few concessions to make it competitive (ala Monaro). I pray for the day. Rossp No concessions needed the cars are all japan gt category 2 which align perfectly with NGT and therefore nations cup speeds. *well, the news about the new grp 1 Porsche and R34 GTR sounds good, and will certainly add a little interest with Porsche being competitive again. Its a shame we're loosing those beautiful grp 1 Ferraris to Europe though. Any plans for a beefed up Ferrari to take it's place? *I still don't like the Monaro being in there (it's not a sports car - and looks absurd sitting next to any other entry) but I've got to say Procar have done a good job with the parity this year, so if the Porsche and the R34 can both be up there competing for wins as well it would make for some great racing. *An R34 would certainly add interest to the category. The Skyline has a large fan base, and with a top driver, would certainly add to the status of N.C Wonder if Neil Crompton would do it? *Agreed, there is a huge Skyline fan base out there who Im sure would love to see it. (i thought these comments were rather good ) *thought the R34 GT-Rs in JGTC are in GT500 Class (Cat.1) and not N-GT spec. They run a non-production (yet) V6 Twin Turbo engine... *Yes you're right. I think the only Nissans in JGTC Group 2 (GT300) are Silvias and 350Zs. Other possibilities include Toyota MRSs and Honda S2000s. *Well, according to Rossp on another topic, the GTRs are looking pretty good - to the point that i beieve that Wayne Park automotive were already looking for a second driver with budget to run. If i rememer rightly, there was some mention about two teams?? it is beginning to shape up for 2004.. but even one GTR would be Awsome!! *I think what Rossp meant is the Super Taikyu cars, as there are no GT-Rs in JGTC GT300 (cat.2), only 350Zs & S15s. The (over-qualified) GT500 GT-Rs are factory cars so I don't think NISMO will sell them to privateers. A good "one season old" Super Taikyu car would be the Falken GT-R (Championship winner in 2001). The team has switch to running only the 996 GT3 this year so the R34 is sitting idle... *4 Monaros (2 x GRM), 4 BMWs (2 x Ademier Racing, formaly PHR), 2 Nissans (RPM, wayne park) Porsches from Richo, Wagg, Hills (Cirtek),Palmer and all the other porsche runners, A group 1 Ferrari for MCR of some description (simonsen), the Ultimate Mongrel: the Brabham Honda Judd v8 NSX, Cricky back in a developed Viper, Hoperfully 1 or more TLA Lambos, Rod Wlsons Masser up to Group 1 spec as intended. ------------------------------------------------------------------ And here is the post made by the "Rossp" guy about R34's next year... Rossp GTR ,Well you would be interested in Wayne Park,s Nations Cup Nissan R34 program that he is working on for next year. Apparently the cars are one season old R34,s from the All Japan GT series.[category 2 cars that align with Nations Cup Group One.] For fast well engineered race cars these are a low budget way of running and they have been on the Nations Cup list for 2 years. The maximum number of permanent franchises for each marque is 4 and so that would mean we could accomodate another professional 2 car team. Got any ideas? *Are the 2 cars already spoken for, or are they looking for commercial partners? The Nations Cup will come along in leaps and bounds with these kinds of entries... (and being Nissans they shouldnt catch on fire all the time, unlike Ferraris ) Rossp Wayne Park is looking for commercial partners and a second driver with a budget from a sponsor who would be compatible with the team. As for the second team we probably would advertise looking for expressions of interest from proven performers,who will run a professional effort. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- And before the Mongrel bashing starts... i agree, i hate em. I think if the Monaro's are going to continue to run (which they will, it's set in stone) with regards to parity, there should definitely be more restrictions placed on them. And YES they are a legal car in Nationcs Cup because they DON'T have to be productions cars. But it so happens that all the other cars ARE production, but they don't have to be. cheers.
  24. $130K for what will be a twin turbo monster?? That is an absolute BARGAIN! Who will pay that much?? Lots of ppl!! There have been record sales for new cars the last few years. The market is very strong. Just think how many 5 series, 330's, E class's, X5's, Boxsters, 911's, 7's, S Class's, All $100K+ cars. Back when the 32 came here, i don't think Australia was doing anywhere near as good as it is now. And with things world wide starting to pick up, if the 35 GTR can make it here with a 911 Turbo toppler for ONLY $130K... trust me the word will quickly spread, i cannot not see it doing badly. just my 2 cents. cheers.
  25. i'd be willing to bet a lot of money that the price will be a lot more than $100k. This car is going to be a monster, and hopefully a 911 Turbo beater. It will $150K minimum, prob more $170 - 180K i reckon. A brand spankers E46 BMW M3 is about $156K, and 911 Turbo $310K. If Nissan can make it equal or better than a 911 Turbo and sell it for mid to high $100K's, it would be hard to say that it's not going to do well. cheers.
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