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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. i hate to say it but Nations Cup, PROcar doesn't mean productions, it's more professional. Therefore, as the Mongrel isn't a production car, it doesn't matter, it can still race. But there are issues of parity, meaning weight and intake restrictions. It seems tho that the Mongrels are somehow "evading" these parity issues. The M3 GTR running a practically stock, M5 engine, 4.9ltr V8, has more restrictions thant the f*cking Mongrel cars, f*cking pathetic. But don't worry guys, cos guess who's coming to the party next year?? Falken R34 GTR anyone?? And that's Nations Cup, not just 24hr. I think they have 2 pretty much confirmed entries for R34 GTR's in Nations Cup next year. Hopefully some more GT500 cars are gonna make it down for the 24hr. 600hp R34 GTR wouldn't be that hard, and with ATESSA, and stripped down - Mongrels won't have a chance. cheers.
  2. hey hey gordo, haven't talk to ya for ages. wat's this QLD business?? holiday or u going to live/work up there now?? anyways, glad to hear fixing the door wasn't too big a problem. I thought it would be a problem too, being that u were in albury, but all's well that ends well. good luck with the plans u have. chinny.
  3. i've seen this bleed valve thing come up a few times, what exactly do they do? sounds like a pretty cheap mod... cheers.
  4. ken, could u explain the "engine breathing" thing? not 100% sure what u mean by that... cheers.
  5. If u even take the GT-T power output as correct, 206kw's, a stock dyno run (148rwkw) shows pretty much 30% power loss thru the drive train, that's 30% not 33%. If u translate this powerloss percentage to GTR's at about 190 - 195rwkw's, making them about 280kw's at the fly. Now i'm not sure if transferring 70% of the engine power to the wheels is reasonable to assume, but if it is 206kw for the GT-T and 280kw for the GTR sound about right. Oh and just in case u didn't realise, the GTR engine is 2.6 litres and has 2 turbos, instead of one RB26DETT Tiptronic can be done via the gear stick as well yeah? Or is just steering wheel mounted buttons? And the "206kw" limit was a "gentlemans agreement" in Japan between the different car manufacturers. But if u look at some of the cars that have been produced, 22B STi's, GTR's, Twin Turbo Supras, etc, they haven't been following it completely. But the agreement is no longer so yeah, time for the Japanese cars to mix it with the Euro boys in terms of power output. cheers.
  6. Those wheels haven't been sprayed, the Series 2 GT-T has those rims as stock, IMO better than Series 1 Rims - but i know ppl who prefer the more alloy look than the dark one. cheers. oh the thread... heheh, sorry mate don't know of any. But getting some Series 2 GT-T rims might do the trick.
  7. hahahahha, THAT IS priceless!!
  8. hahah - i guess it just goes to show that despite all the modifying that goes on here and everywhere with Skylines, how we never/rarely see threads where someones done a few things and find they have NO engine left. hehe, go the RB's!!! And other parts, diff, box, clutch etc... moral of story.... don't buy a WRX (or go to MRT it seems) EDIT: I would actually love to have a WRX, pre bug eye era, but they just seem too....fragile and not very hardy.
  9. oh nooooooo... are u serious?? r u sure? wasn't a GTR was it?? i am soooo crushed at the moment.... so ...... very ............. very.................. crushed....
  10. i've looked heaps into this. I've been told u need to obatin: GTR head lights, Guards Front bar. GTR Bonnet Now, i've had conflicting stories about the head lights, but nark swears they are diff to a GT-T. I haven't seen 2 close together to compare. Some ppl also say that u don't need to change the guards either. Franks, didn't u know someone doing this? I've also wonder if someone could make a mould of a GTR front bar and then possible just tweak it a little on the sides to fit a GT-T, that could be an option as well, a bit of a custom job. 'ylwgtr' offered to make a mould for me, but i'm not sure if his car is in the best of condition at the moment... With the bonnet, i'm not sure if u can just cut the little front/middle lip off the GT-T one, so i'm not sure if the GTR bonnet is essential. I totally agree with u about the mean look, the R34 GTR front has to be one of the best designs i've seen IMO. I want to do the exact same thing as urself, change a GT-T into GTR. I reckon u could do it easy for $5K if u wanna spend that much, i don't think it will be a problem at all. cheers
  11. SS8_Gohan

    Mine's 34 GTR

    yeah, seen it before, but do not mind at all watching it again. I wonder how a car like that would go at a Bathurst 24hr??.... i so wish some of the Jap tuning houses got into the act for the 24hr, altho i'm not if a Mines R34 GTR could be entered in the first place... would be soooo cool tho.. cheers.
  12. wow, i can't even begin to imagine driving a car that fast (i have a whole whopping 56kw's @ fly to play with ) from that graph, and what very little i know about them, looks like it's pretty streetable?? looks to be a fairly linear cept for the top bit. What it's like just to drive around day to day? it's it a daily driver? M3 hey.... nice choice dorifto.... cheers. oh and is the 30% loss thru drive-train applicable to all cars??
  13. sssshhh!! Bayside Blue is mine, i baggsed it!!! So help me... i will be the first with one.... (too bad it's gonna have to be a re-spray)
  14. nothing in the Fords and Holdens are from the production cars. As said before, purpose built 5.0 V8's. The funny thing is, is that the Holden is running a Ford wishbone suspension what a surprise, Holden taking someone else's parts. Do the JGTC cars run the factory engines? like RB26DETT, or VQ35DE, Supra Twin turbo engine etc?? I know in racing form they are far from factory, but do they at least have to start with the factory engine? Ford vs Holden = hella boring. Would it be legal for say a R34 GTR VSpec II Nur to run in the Bathurst 24hr?? The monaro's (and did anyone notice how that from last year on the leaderboard thingy it was listed as Holden Monaro 427 HRT, and now this year it's Monaro CV8, come on guys, u'r not fooling anyone...) had 600hp apparently, it would be fairly easy to get a R34 GTR cranking out that much if someone had the budget to do it, it would be lighter than the Monaro as well. I reckon it would have a real chance if someone had the money to run one. But i don't even know if it can be entered in the first place.
  15. what the fudge is with the over abundance of those mad/lightning/cloud thingies nath is it like when meggala couldn't type "all" or something crazy would happen??
  16. Yep 125kw/tonne is the legal limit. 32 GTR?? just a "tad" over R33 GTS-T - 187kw, 1380kg. 135kw/tonne - illegal. But it seems to be a bit of an unknown entity tho, as there are HEAPS of P platers driving over-powered cars but the coppers sometimes care, sometimes don't care. I was going to get a R34 GT-T and take my chances (19) and most prob still be on my P's when i get one, so i'm not going to worry about it too much. R32 GTR is tempting, but i think u have to draw the line somewhere. cheers.
  17. SAU decal on the pulsar?? why not!! so skyline owners don't give me weird looks when i wave i can point to the sticker i'm in!
  18. From what i've found from BMW's, they are quick on the up shift, but a little slow on the down shift. Change gear real quickly going up, but when coming to a corner, from say 4th to 2nd, it takes a little while. But that's what SMG II is for, changes gear in 80 milliseconds! But if we're talking R34 GT-T's, i'd be going for the manual personally. If u'r doing a lot of city stop/start driving, maybe the auto might be more friendly.
  19. that car does look choice. But yeah, new ones look shite, i think my fave are the Evo 6's, sorta went downhill from there in my opinion.
  20. SS8_Gohan

    Poor cops

    f*ck bracks is pathetic!!!! i tell you, labour CANNOT manage money. full f*cking stop! all they do is spend, spend spend. and go, oh shit, we don't have anything anymore? f*cking pathetic, kick them out. put ppl back in who can actually manage a state economy. so, so, soooo pathetic. And where the f*ck is the speeding revenue going??????
  21. Yeah, def legal as the new BMW 5 Series as HUD, but full colour graphic HUD! World first. Luminoscity of 7000 candelas (1 candela is roughly the light of one candle), comparison is that an on board TV for the BMW is about 300 candelas, and i would assume same for most cars with TV's. So the thing is friggen bright!! Basically so u can see it any time of day. How are these S13, Bluebird ones during midday?
  22. well i think u have been getting some overwhelming support in here morboost, and i think shows that most people use the term rice boy when is it REALLY necessary case in point. A friend of mine bought a white Lancer, $15,000, 1.6ltr. He has lots of things in mind, but they include lowering, kit, wheels etc. Who know's, maybe another $5k on top, so $20,000 all up on the car. Yet he still talks about racing, dragging, etc. If these people putting on the evo kits etc want a performance car, they could bloody well buy one with all the money spent on their NA 1.6ltr. I have a 1991 pulsar 1.6 hatch, looking at spending about $3k on it, to get about 110kw's at the fly (only weighs 1000kg), and not touching anything on the exterior. Car's worth about $4k, so say $7k all up for a 110Kw, 1 tonne car. And my friend will have a $20K kitted lancer?? IMO it's just not justified to do these sorts of things, it's such a waste of money. I've talked to him, asked him, do u want a fast, performance car?? and he's like "hell yeah", --- "then buy a f*cking turbo skyline or something with all the money u will be spending!!!!!" $10K Pulsar GTi-R, beast! These people want fast, performance cars bcos they are trying to make their cars look like them!!! They admire Evo's, WRX's so much they want their cars to be like them. By the time they total up their bill, prob could have got a bahn storming SR20DET model. you can use the each to their own line till u turn blue, but i will never understand it. my friend is a fnf fanatic, he's lost count of how many times he's seen it. i blame that movie damn it!! he is full serious when he talks about fnf, it's like his bible!
  23. Warpspeed i have seen ur 'doomsday' posts pop up quite a few threads now, not having a go, but u do slip them in there whenever the opportunity presents itself Good to have alternative view points. Can't say i share ur view on upcoming world events. PC's are DEFINITELY not in a boom period, they are in a very laggy, shit period, not going too good. Internet is def branching out as everyone is eventually getting connected, but you can't say that any tech area is in boom... well web biotech, etc. I thought in Japan they wrote off all the highly over inflated property prices etc?? I thought that the new prime minister had something to do with it... I think i remember talking about it in yr 12 eco 2 years ago. Australia has been doing good over last few years, actually has been doing good for quite while. I don't really see where this world wide cataclismic economic crash is coming from?? cheers. oh yeah, Carlos go back to wherever the f*ck u came from. Head designer of the 32, 33, 34 GTR's should be the CEO of Nissan damn it!!!
  24. SS8_Gohan

    R34 Cop CAR!!!!

    R34 cop car! hella cool. Munky invite him on a cruise.... INVITE!!!! hahah, NOS in the supra. Someone is def watching too much fast and furious. i've seen the Yellow GTO a bit, is it GTO or top spec GTS? Seen it twice on St.Kilda road, i think one time it had pulled somone over? can't remember. unmarked R34 GTR cop car on a SAU cruise? i reckon that would be tops. Is it Vspec? Vspec II?
  25. mistake one is silvers on a SATURDAY nite... i practically lived at silvers on THURSDAYS bcos, it was good crowd, open bar for 3 hours (yes, includ basic spirits ) and lots of hot rich chicks. We would take the train from sandy or brighton beach, hop off at sth yarra. Then take the last train home from sth yarra at 12:16 back to the 'Sandy Hotel' - was the best thing ever!! record is 15 bourbon and cokes, in about 2 hours, maybe 2.5 hours. but yeah, sorry to hear about the car but u couldn't pay me to go there on a sat nite. Thursdays, only thurdays. No offence to anyone, but never saw a "muzza" or "sik VL" on a thursday, much younger crowd. oh yeah, i remember seeing like a 60 yr old guy with white hair driving a R33 GTS't there one night... looked slightly outta place there in toorak cheers.
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