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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. SS8_Gohan


    ahh, she's all finished. Looking very shmick there narkeh! Those rims really suit the 32 - does gordo have a 32 now? gordo?
  2. haha, maybe u didn't see one ..... but they might have seen u.... muahahahah nah seriously, if u remember brighton beach car park from that Import Cruise, they sometimes camp there. What i means is that at the entrance of the car park, they pull in, spin the car around looking like it's going to go, but just back a bit so they don't block the driveway. So basically, backed them selves into a corner of the car park, and have the gun trained down beach rd as they have a clear view of it. Bad thing is, is that you come around the corner on beach rd and u'll NEVER see them, bcos they'll be behind u as u drive pass, tucked up away in the station car park. I thought that was a bit rude!
  3. bout 500m's Waz, and that's more a trap than a deterrant. I would understand if they put 2 cop cars (specially the expensives one which they have last night) in one of baysides black spot areas, but this stretch of road would possible be the safest in melbourne! dead flat, dead straight, 60 limit. 2 lanes either way - they were there just to make money, not to increase the safety of motorists But i do see ur point, and that's basically what i did. Dropped back a bit, then once passed, brought my speed back up, but not 100% if i like brought it back up and past a bit. Like to 63 So i would had to have been pulled over if i was speeding that night?? Andrew - walked home from st.kilda road!!!!! R U NUTS!? they're called taxis, pretty handy things
  4. SS8_Gohan

    34 bodykits

    Anyone make R34 GTR front bars for GT-T's, like the plentiful supply of R33 GTR bars for GTS-T's?? I'd love to know if any company makes a copy of the R34 GTR front bar...
  5. Hey Wardest, i'm 19 and drink from time to time (altho uni workload is not allowing for that at the moment) - u got a prob with my age, and when i drink?
  6. There was sooooo a blitz on in the Bayside area tonight. 1. Driving down beach rd from Brighton Beach station and there is the policed riced up Monaro blocking a driveway out of a parking lot along the beach, was coming around a corner at the time and i don't think i was speeding (by that i mean, i don't think i was doing 62 or 63 ) I'm not 100% on my speedo anyway. So past the Monaro and i swear, 500m's down the road a blue i would assume BA XR8 had a coppa with the gun out the window, he too was parked in a driveway. As i had dropped back after the Monaro, like below 60, i was bringing my speed back up to 60, but may have gone to like 62, 63 then dropped back again. But by the time i was checking all that out, i look up and there was the f*cking Ford!! The bit of beach rd they chose was seriously 2km's or dead straight, flat road. Having TWO cop cars setup there is ridiculous!! Why not placed them where there is a known accident area or a dangerous stretch of road!!! Not a 2km stretch of dead flat, dead straight road!!! Anyway, off down sth rd getting petrol, pull into shell. Look across to sth rd and see another cop car and then this ute go past him in the right lane he must have been doing 71 or 72 (traffic was all going same speed, he was just slightly faster) On went the lights, so cops must have been sitting dead on 70 and this other car crawls past at like 2km's faster and they pull him/her over!! On way back home, another cop car, this time VY SS, pulls over this bike as he makes a right hand turn and the cops were going straight. Cops saw something, i don't know what because it was a legit turn and change their lanes, turn the lights on and pull the bike over. I still for the life of me can't figure out what for, i guess they assumed they would find something and get more $$ or they hadn't got their quota for the night or whatever. So that's 4 coppers now, and i proceed to see 2 more down Hampton st on the way home prob going around hassling kids, that's about all they seem to do in Bayside. Anyways, with all these revenue raising threads, i thought i'd add my disgust too. If i get a speading fine for like 63km/hr on that stretch of beach rd there i am going to be the unhappiest camper Why the hell waste police resources like that and put 2 expensive (relatively) cops cars within 500m on a dead flat, dead straight road?? It was night time, so there was no way of knowing if i was booked was there? He had a gun leaning out the window, no flash, but do they even use those anymore? How do they get ur license plate num? someone, contact M.A.D.
  7. hahaha :bahaha: There was a real nice clean yellow R34 just parked down from Sandringham station and couple of Friday nights ago. Bout 3am, stumbled out of the Sandy and had a real good look. Real nice, clean as, looked very shmick. Lucky u weren't there Wardest, some drunken teenager with his face almost pressed up against the window of a R34 GT-T, would have been a beat down!! Anyone know of any Sandringham'ites or Bayside ppl with a stock yellow R34? No stickers, so may or not be a SAU person
  8. ah... oh well, still sweet R34 GT-T cheers for the pic Rezz, i think that looks spot on with the R34 pic.
  9. i was under the impression getting gts't GTR Front bars was quite easy? As in, quite a few places have them, and they are made to fit GTS'T's only? Just wish there was a R34 GTR front bars for GT-T's!!
  10. Tommy_R34 - looks great mate. Good price, nice mods and i don't think i can add anything else as there have been some very cool replies which look to be very helpful. The get a future customer one is great idea. Anyways, you don't happen to have any more details on the rims on the car? Like most ppl, i think they look awesome and would love to know what kind they are if u know cheers! P.S. i'd get the car, looks and sounds great. nice price too.
  11. What sort of front bar is that dznutz? looks the goods BUMP!
  12. sorry, nother question. The standard R34 Xenon headlights aren't hight adjustable are they? U do something to the lights to make them hight adjustable?
  13. is it Silver, or the Pewter colour? some look silver others look pweter. rims look sweet. nice car! BUMP!
  14. u mean a S3? I don't know my Audi's, but i thought that was the turbo hatch one... Doing some research on S3's a little while back and they're good for 0 - 100km in about 6.5, 6.7secs. But full boost comes on ridiculously low, like, 1500 or 2000rpm's. So with a chip, maybe low, flat 6 seconds. R33 bout the same, should be a close race! i think they are 1.6l turbo's... not sure... 1.8 prob sounds more right. cheers
  15. no need to worry at all Joe, i can vouch for Fraser (aka Canman) 110%. He's a bit of a guru over at SDU u could say. U were a previous SDU guy Joe, u must know of him? He's got a R34 GTR Vspec II, he does a lot for SDU. trust me, u'll get the goods
  16. doesn't Bad Boys 2 come out on like Sept 18th or something??? u got some connections Munro?
  17. Canman over at SDU has compiled a metric shiteload of Bathurst footage from like 12 or 15 VHS tapes and has made a few DVD's. http://forums.skylinesdownunder.co.nz/show...&threadid=26696 There is also some footage from some of the Wellington races which featured the GTR. This ISN'T an ongoing thing tho, and there are only a few copies of the DVD's left so if you want some, make sure u READ the SDU post fully, has all the info you need. 1. 1990 Bathurst 1000 (2 Discs, 8 hours) 2. 1992 Bathurst 1000 (2 Discs, 8 hours) 3. 1992 Wellington Mobil 500 (2 Discs, 8 hours) 4. Bonus disc for those buying full set. I know that some of you guys ask about this from time to time cheers. P.s. u'r a champ Fraser!
  18. SS8_Gohan

    R34 Plates

    JET34 is already going round on a very nice Yellow GT-T
  19. 86-88, well why the f*ck are comparing 94+ cars to 86 cars???? OF COURSE THERE IS GOING TO BE A BIG F*CKING PRICE DIFFERENCE!!! man, this is stupid!
  20. what year range are VL's anyway?
  21. watch ur racist comments there. that's going to get you nowhere, fast.
  22. woh, where's narkeh boy This is prob just friendly banter, cos i don't know what hte whole story is but don't let it get too outta hand. Fine, Nissan VL goes quick with some work, just like GTS-t, but can it handle/brake like a Skyline coupe? More to a car than straight lines. Build quality, etc... never been in or driven a VL, so could be wrong, but i'd assume a Nissan turbo coupe would have pratically any holden in the build quality/handling/braking, etc stakes.
  23. howdy y'all Just doing the old drive.com.au, carpoint.com.au check, for car articles etc, and came across this one... http://www.drive.com.au/news/article.asp?a...FXR7DK3NJD.html Briefly: 270kw's, 370Nm, 8400rpm rev limiter, 0 - 100: 4.8 secs. 1385kg kerb weight. Engine: Just the a tweaked version of the M3's 3.2 Straight six. 19" Rims with pratically racing slicks Glass-fibre racing seats. Tech Goodies?? Nope, adds weight 270kw's out of a N/A 3.2 Straight Six, i think that is just f*cking impressive. Hats off to ya BMW. cheers.
  24. shit, that's an awesome price mate, gotta be happy with that! Did u import or buy from somone/where here? cheers
  25. Which one specifcally gordy?? There are 2 bad ones at Sandringham Hotel (thursday nite karaoke ) One is pratically opposite Hobsons Restaurant, i think it's called Melrose St. And the even WORSE one is the one right at the intersection of Beach rd. I have a pulsar hatch and still go slowly in/out the beach rd one. I can't imagine ANY Skyline getting up or down that bit. ok, in proper format Area: Sandringham Location: Sandringham Hotel/Bottle Shop Danger: Entry/Exit at Beach Rd intersetiong. Entry/Exit on Melrose St. If u'r near there on a Thursday nite, pop in a say hi, i'll most prob be there! Live 5 min walk from Sandringham Hotel, or 'The Sandy' to us locals. Location: Royal Melbourne G.C. Danger: Speed bumps are NOT drive overable unless you have a X5, etc. I have NO IDEA how the 360 Modena's, etc get in there. Tip: Just go AROUND the bumps, if no cars are trying to get out. Once again, i try to avoid them in my pulsar, pls don't attempt in ur nice cars. cheers.
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