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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. hey wilco, ah... don't quite understand ur post there. So i can't just add say $35k to the loan for the car? Some catch there for that? CGT? hahaha, performance car tax. Wouldn't be surprised if bracksie just made that one up anyway! stupid prick oh by the way, i didn't say earlier but thanks to Shell before for her post!! Cheers dude
  2. ooo, it is on TV! damn straight it should be in prime time!
  3. sorry if this is dumb q, but most of the explanations of the pics from ur site went WAAAY over my head But i'm interested to see how quickly full race spec track cars (not laggy drag cars) come onto boost? Like what rpms? That is an incredible GTR u've got there mate. Hope we get to see it racing on TV one day. I'm with Bleach1, love to see the GTR back on the motorsport map! Was watching the Nations Cup? on Foxsports, it was just shouting out for a R34 GTR Vspec II N1 to be in the field. Or this particular GTR right here! congrats grms! cheers.
  4. that was my concern. Getting into financial trouble before i've even left uni and got a proper full time job. If i get a fixed interest rate, doesn't the RBA decisions on rates become mute for me? :confused: that's another thing, will i be able to actually find ppl to rent? Only like a $400K place, about 400pw, i'd have a 200K loan. Repayments are around $1100 a month. After spliting rent money with dad, that's like $800 a month going straight to the loan. Prob a little more cos a month isn't exaclty 4 weeks. So i'd have $300 to settle every month. with about $1500 net every month i'm earning that leaves $1200 a month just for me, which is more than enough. So would prob thro whatever i've got at the loan after what's left. If i don't have tennants? Well servicing the loan wouldn't leave me with much, bout $100 a week. But for someone in my position, i don't spend $100 a week. But still, i wouldn't wanna be just putting everything i earn into loan repayments. All these larger financial concerns are making think more about a R34 GT-T, and just that. One came thru on Geoff's list $28700 + ORC's!!!! That's like $30k on the road!! And auction grade 4.5!! Was soooo tempted just to go "Geoff, can i have it pls!" Too bad it was the pewter colour but yeah, very valid points Franks, thanks. cheers.
  5. i haven't seem ur car sam!
  6. quality not quantity guys!
  7. i know, having werribee sewerage treament plant so close isn't ur fault, but was still close enough to smell if the wind was blowing in the right direction
  8. westbourne!! hahahahah i used to play sport against u guys! (St. Leonards College) no effence, but we didn't enjoy going out to lovely smells of westbourne and playing soccer amongst the cows!
  9. not interested in skylines? not that i'm knocking the s2 s14 choice, real nice cars but i guess could prob get a R33 or R32 as well...
  10. i'm trying to decide whether to get a R34 GT-T or Apartment/House. As everyone has been telling me, be smart get a place. Have you thought about getting an apartment/house etc?
  11. 200% agree there ash. i was like... damn.... i wan an R34 I was contemplating starting a thread just for this... but here it is! is this of the those ah... palankos pics? very very sorry i've got the name completely backwards, but i know someone beginning p taking wikid pics, something to do with 'frank' as well?? can't quite remember... i have a feeling i'm going to laugh very hard when i find the real name and look back at this post
  12. roll cage?? selling ur kick ass, immac condition R32 *cough* bump *cough* with a comment, "time to make way for the new beast" wat u got cookin over in yakuzaville
  13. hahha, i've got a nissan pulsar doxx, maybe our cars should be like wacky mascots for SAU wow... never knew the drift potential of the M3. In one of the Top Gear vids i've got, the main guy (besides Jeremy Clarkson) gave it a test drive, road and track. And he was drifting abit after he took the traction control off. I'm a huge BMW fan but didn't know they were that suitable for it... oh well, just another thing to like about them! Awww.. keep all of them!! If u can have as many as u do now, just 1 extra M3 is not going to hurt! Let the R34 go? i must admit ur in a very enviable position... a killer street R33, R34, EVO, and trying decide what must go the 34 or the M3. I could be wrong... but if u have all these cars (and an 'off it's tits' drag R33) i'm guessing it's not a $$ issue in regards to 34 or M3... maybe just build an underground car park, seen some around my area... pretty cool idea. hmmm... guess i should try and get a copy of the 1st speed mag. anyways, if u don't mind me asking.. what sort of line of work are u in? Maybe i should follow, seem like it's good way to end up with owning all these crazy ass cars! cheers.
  14. hey guys/gals, Just read the article in the 'Speed' mag about the GTR vs EVO vs STi, awesome read. But did notice something... that mentioning of a 'John Munro' and also a the fact that this person owns GTR's, EVO's and M3's... i'm assuming this is u Munro? Or some very freaky coincidence/identical lives! Anyways, i think it has been out for a little while so prob old news to most ppl but thought it was a great read, and yes the GTR is still King baby! And yes, Munro, u have THE best garage ever. Power FC plus exhuast + RB26DETT = 272rwkw That's what the mag said... that's what i call impressive, couldn't believe it!! Oh yeah, did have a question. Are M3's good drift cars?
  15. SS8_Gohan

    kazama auto

    hehehe, the 180 next to the S15... propped up on some tyres
  16. hehe, hey andrew i know cars go down, but aparments go up... but i'm factoring the grin factor of the R34 GT-T Opportunity cost.... man, that brings back the economics days Be some funny sh*t tho, after say 2 - 3 years, in a decent job and getting a R34 GTR, after driving the 67kw nissan puslar, hahah, wouldn't that be an experience!! yeah, i think i need to put my thinking cap on big time. But all this has helped heaps. Maybe a bit of number crunching too... cheers
  17. thanks for that enrico. But i don't quite know where u got that my parents pay for stuff. I still have to pay for everything, uni (eventually ), insurance, car running costs, etc (for my little run around) clothes, kinda lucky cos my bro works at Calvin Klein, but yeah, don't get allowance or anything, never have. So i guess the only thing i don't pay for is staying at home, board etc. I'm lucky my parents don't believe in that cheers.
  18. Ok, i admit i was a bit quick to jump on warrior the first time. I admitted i was in the wrong, and i said sorry. But the whole f*cking reason i started this thread was to get some opinions from other ppl who i thought might have been in a similar position, get a car or maybe put a deposit down for a place. Also, i know that not everyone on this forum is 19 or less... so i was thought it would be a good idea to get some help from those more mature. I can't believe i'm having to justify what i've previously posted by turning it into 'dyno sheet' type evidence. I've have taken a print screen as it stands at the 7th June, 10:20pm. as i previously said. $20k at the END OF JUNE, i still have 2 work payments to go ($1500), tax from last year coming thru in a few weeks (went thru dad's accountant and he's just got around to doing it ($400) and i have $350 currently sitting in my normal ANZ savings account, don't have a credit card. So just use debit card for cash, food, etc. =17,710 + tax + 2 more pays + ANZ savings =17,710 + 400 + 1500 + 350 =$19,960.... oh i guess i must have lied then, $40 bucks off EDIT: just remember, ING pays interest monthly, which is about $65 on that account. u f*cking happy now? do u want account and pin numbers as well! I only posted all this to prove i'm NOT lying. I would have preferred not to, but i can tell that there are some ppl have very closed minds. P.S. It's not as if dad is giving me $200k, and i'm getting an apartment for myself. 1. It's an investment property, so half of everything goes to dad, half to me. 2. I will pay back all of my loan, so theoritcally all dad has done is get the loan in his name bcos i doubt i could get a $350K + loan. He does what ever he wants with his half of the loan and half of the rent. I use my half of the rent to pay off my loan. Also going halves in the deposit, ok, so he'd be fronting up $20k. But if we sell, once again 50/50. So in the long run, i haven't go anything for free. I will pay my way. Lastly, it's not like i'll be in a $24k year job for the rest of my life!!! And i thought i wasn't thinking ahead, maybe u didn't think that i might finish Uni in 2 years and have normal full time job?? I only work 3 days a week now! Already starting to kick off some free-lancing stuff in regards to webdesign/multimedia so that's gonna be a little bit extra thru uni as well. build a bridge and get over it
  19. ahhh ok. hmmm... don't think i could afford living there for 6 months... oh well. Cheers Enrico!
  20. thanks mate. Unfortunately it has to be NavTrak, don't ask me why tho... i've heard about this first home buyers grant thingy? could i apply for that or does it only apply to house? cheers.
  21. Well i think u are going to attract A LOT of attention, whether it be 350Z or STi, 350Z maybe a little more... but thieves love their WRX's and i'm sure STi's i think the verdict is.................*drum roll*...............up to you!! seems like its come down to... 1. Praticality and a little more fun/hardcore = STi 2. Cruiser (slightly softer characteristics), not as pratical (2dr) plenty of fun but for the sophisticated person = Nissan 350Z figure out what u want the car to be, and u should be 95% sure on answer cheers.
  22. warrior.... i was getting myself confused. i mean $750 NET fornight... my bad. i get paid fortnightly, not sure why i said weekly. Ok, maybe my first post was a bit jumpy as well, sorry bout that. But i have saved up $20000 (end of this June) by myself in the last say 14 months, i spent quite a bit to start off with, guitar, amp, went skiing for a about 5 days with friends last season. Which i paid for... but yeah since then i've tried to stick to a budget, and my bro works at CKlein so i get half price+ clothes when i need to So that's helped a bit. As per my previous post, i work at the ANZ bank, doing credit card fraud. Another thing... this apartment ISN'T going to 100% mine, as i said, we'd be going 1/2 in it. So it's an investment for Dad as well... i think that might have been missed. So if we sell we split 50/50 again. [RedLineGTR] yeah, that's what i've been thinking about... do u wanna be $200K down this early, i guess as long as i keep my job and have ppl renting, i guess it would be ok. But then, u never know what's gonna happen. [002NVS] oh ok... i get ya now. [RedS14T] that's another thing i was thinking about, get a cheaper car now... R33, WRX, then start all over again to save up for a deposit for something, but i know that if i get a car i'd end saying "i'll just get this for it..." "just a little suspension work" Not sure how well i'd be able to save But yeah, still something else to think about. cheers again guys.
  23. think VERY hard next time before you say something like that. 1, i worked my ass off in yr 11, 12 (well school basically) to get a score which i'm proud of, and i'm certain helped me get the job i'm in at the moment. Which for a 19 yr old is bloody good. Work 3 days a week, 17.5hrs in total and end up with $750 after tax a fortnight. With f*ck all expenses due to living at home, i think i'm doing alright compared to some of my other friends. 2. I got the job in April 2002, and after splurging a bit for the first few months. By the end of this month (June) i'll have saved up $20,000 plus little things like tax (and also tax from last year, but that's a long story). So before you go throwing around the "spoilt rich kid" line, maybe just entertain the thought that i might have actually worked hard to get where i am. Did u save up $20,000 by urself when you were 19? 3. Yes i am very lucky to be offered such a deal (dad) but that's due to his hard work. Came here when he was 16, all by himself, no family, worked his ass off. Worked more than 1 job on a few occassions, started his own business. That was about 10-12+ years ago, now he's expanding to a new place near Docklands. I haven't just leached off all his hard work, i've also managed to save up, to me, what i think is a pretty decent amount. sorry, just had to get that out of the way. Anyways. thanks so much for your input guys. Being my age, i'm finding it real hard not to go the car route. After being knocked back for the R33 it's just made me save harder for the R34 so much more. P platers and Fast cars, go hand in hand!! But thanks to your comments, i think i'm starting to see the light... but it's very much like the angel whispering in one ear, devil in the other. Plus mentioning the R34 GTR's, 911 TT's (never realised how similar they are to GTRs, twin turbo, torque split style 4wd) Modena's... i know it will pay off in the long run, but i don't want long run, i want now! j/k [usuckpoo] just lucky to get the job i've got i guess... [RedS14T] your friend has some impressive garage! . so he did this sort of thing? how old is he now? if u don't mind me asking.. [bidDatto] there was not a snow balls chance in hell i was going to get a P/L for a car, 12-15% or whatever it is for a p/l? don't think so... but what do u mean, "thru a line of credit" [silverArrowz] dropping more car names... plan is, once i'm in a more full time job, outta uni... R34 GTR, no questions asked. Seems like this is a good way of going about it. [Gester] I've only quickly gone over figures, and yeah, getting a car as well isn't going to add too much to monthly repayments but... gotta run the car as well. R34 GT-T not the cheapest of cars to run. But yeah, if i can, i'd love to go option 3. Just gotta work out whether i can do both or not. [002 NVS]ok... first paragraph kinda went over my head i've got a little run around at the moment... just a little 90 pulsar hatch, absolutely gutless but pretty fun to drive, at least it's manual. What did u mean by "organise your loan with the bank as tenants in common with your father"? One concern i do have tho.. is that if i don't have anyone interested in renting, then pretty much everything i earn will have to go to loan repayments... is it hard to find ppl to rent? [meggala] i know that "get the car a little later" is something that i have to live with if i get an apartment/house, but loving cars so much, especially Skylines, u kinda wanna move on from the pulsar But i guess i just have to think long term for more kickass cars. So.. how much u reckon i'd have to budget to drop a SR20DE into the pulsar? she'd go alright then! [RedLineGTR]still not 100% on the whole, "just cos the property goes up, i can get a GTR"... but i haven't sold the property yet? and i've spent all my saved up money on deposit etc? Isn't the property going up only like... paper value? [AutoTrust]kids?? hahah, hold on. i'm trying to think ahead.. but not that far ahead! For my insurance (prosperion) i'd have to get NavTrak so unless u fit them, if i get the car, i'm sorry [warrior_350] already responded. of all the 120% helpful comments above, u had to post urs [doxxeh]i'd def have ppl renting. It be cool to live there, but there is no way i could afford living in an apartment AS WELL as paying it off on what i earn. I also work at the ANZ bank, don't know if that would help things in the loan situation. phew... i think that's all of em. Thanks again for all the help and comments, and if anyone has anything else to add.... feel free!
  24. Yes, GT-T win hands down... extreme weight advantage anywho... it's been pretty much a full year now since deciding on a Skyline for my 2nd car, and if i had it my way i'd have my ass in a R33 since about Nov/Dec last year... but there were certain... complications. The upside is that i've had all this time to save up and only a few months away, budget wise, from entering R34 GT-T terrority (low 30k's). But my dad has said that he'd be keen to go halves in an aparment. So half deposit, half the loan. As i'm only 19, this is where i'm gonna need ur advice guys and gals. I earn approx $1500 month NET (maybe a touch more). The type of apartments we were looking at were around $450K, so after paying deposit, i'd have a loan of about $200K for my half. But it would be an investment property, so i'd have ppl renting it. Hopefully nearly paying off the loan payemnts. So these are some options. 1. Just get a GT-T and don't have a huge loan hanging around. Cos i'd own the GT-T outright. 2. Just get an apartment... be smart, think ahead... yada yada, all that responsibility crap 3. Get apartment AND R34 GT-T, but add extra $35K onto the loan for the car and get renter ppl to pay off both. Of course i'd have to make up some difference each month, but hopefully it wouldn't be too much. So yeah, what do ya think ppl? Cos i really have no idea and if i decide getting the GT-T i'd like to take advantage of the good exchange rate and also the decreased demand at Japanese auctions currently cheers guys.
  25. just to make things even http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/commo...5E13232,00.html
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