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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. don't get me wrong, i think it's friggen incredible... everyone know's about canman's car, even all the way over here! I *meant* "bcos of the skirts and the rear bar..." wasn't using some crazy acronym... Ah yes... the Mines vents, you got those first didn't ya.... then had to wait for the rest??.. Mate, can't fault that kit at all, brilliant. Cheers, chinny.
  2. hooray!! congrats on the kit fraser!! now i don't have to kept constantly asking you about what the story with the kit is . I keep checking SDU from time to time, to see if u started a thread there, but haven't been over there in a couple of days. Kit looks great, is it the Nismo one? i'm thinking it is, bcos of the skirts and rear bar... u lost ur VSpec II sticker?? Anyways, yeah, congrats again, car already looked incredible, now even more so.. cheers
  3. yeah very sad, i've just sorta started following rallying, so i was getting to know all the names and what everyone has done. He certainly would have one impressive trophy cabinet... bu didn't he pass away like last week?
  4. :uh-huh: both are f*cken impressive cars.... *continues to dream*
  5. SS8_Gohan

    cheap insurance

    i challenge u to a duel then!! We'll fight it out for cheap insurance going on individual skill... *slaps gordy with the back side of a leather glove*
  6. 20th hey.... yep, have a safe trip... cos i don't want to whore up the FS: R34 GTT thread, did u mean that u liked the R34 in purple?? or hated it? cos i was kinda interested in that car.... certainly unique....
  7. where abouts u located jed?? cos i'm interested too... don't think pics do it justice, i think u need to see it in the flesh... u anywhere near my location??
  8. :drooling: stupid 'worship' smilie thing isn't working
  9. now here's the blue one i was talking about, denton at www.r33skyline.com took all these pics...
  10. well well, seems denton has already taken some pics of Dean's car... check this out.. hahahaha, i know sniffy, look at dean's "Car" section, R34 GTR VSpec and R32 GTR.... very nice! mmmmmm... nice.... now for some comparison... EDIT: hope you don't mind that i've put these up...
  11. yeah, so russ, expanding on what narky said, is the extra .2 mainly done for torque? or power? Any other advantages of increasing the litres? cheers, and good luck with the rebuild!! I really want to find out how everything all works, etc, so when i get my skyline hopefully i'll be able to do most of the things on the car. Service etc.
  12. TV2 All the way!!!... altho the Purple R34 GT-T in the for sale section is a close second.
  13. mmm... nice, but still something about the Bayside Blue tho , any pics to change my mind?? Mind if i ask why u changed cars?? The blue looked awesome!! Vented bonnet, 19inch rims (i think)... looked like quite a few goodies in her too... oh and congrats on the new move. Been recommended by quite a few ppl to your place, cos i was doing some research into where i could get a car serviced/modified etc as i wasn't too keen on going out to Thomastown or whatever, seems i live in Sandringahm, so u guys are pretty close. have u had experience with any RAWS compliancing yet? or still too early? cheers.
  14. as per my previous post i'm pretty sure Fraser Simpson ('Canman' from SDU) scanned it, and i'm pretty sure he took those photo's too because the photo's of his R34 GTR VSpec II are taken in the exact same spots. Did u get in from www.gtrcentral.com?? I don't think he has it in .doc form tho, just has everything split up.
  15. hey Dragon18, good to hear that you finally got the 180 u've wanted for soo long! but didn't u get one imported thru Craig? i think i remember u putting pictures up about it a little while ago.. :confused:
  16. Not a respray?? Limited edition R34 then?? wasn't aware that they came out of the factory as purple...
  17. that a respray here or japan? awesome colour... EDIT: seen that at carpoint, been around for a little while hasn't it? what's the reason for selling if you don't mind me asking...
  18. u got a new ride Dean? i heard something about a Silver R34 GTR and black rims??
  19. so how much does the guy want for the guards ni?? and u do HAVE to have them to fit the GTR bar? cos if i get a R34 GT-T i wanted to fit a GTR bar too, but wasn't 100% on the guard situation, is it something u gotta do? should look very 733t!
  20. so what's the major advantage of increasing the litres from 2 to 2.2?? Is there any comprimise by doing that? cheers.
  21. ahahahahhahahh :bahaha:
  22. hey... that's all Canman's stuff? (fraser simpson) Isn't it??... i thought he took all those pics and scanned all that stuff... very interesting read tho. nice pics too. anyone know if that's just a brochure of the Series 2 GT-T cos most the pics are series 2 pics.
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