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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. watched "Wheels PCOTY", they release a vid or something?? i'd be keen on seeing that, M3 won it didn't it?
  2. if i can hitch a ride can i come to spectate (with a digital camera of course!! ) ?? I'll pay money as well...
  3. AHAHAHHAAH, yellow panda with 4 eyes, hahahaah
  4. i haven't personally sorry, but there has been talk about at least Perfect Run recently, click the search button and punch it in, i'm sure something will come up. cheers.
  5. so ash, u end up getting merli's R33? what's happening now??
  6. shell, Meteora is a f*cking killer album, 10 times better than Hybrid Theory. personally, if i wanna cruise (in my ful sik 1990 NISSAN pulsar gl hatchback) i like some Chicane, but becareful some of it is so chilled u can get a bit sleepy. But if i'm in the "screw everyone" mood, Tool r0x0rs! m/ That cover of the 2-Pac song by Jaz-Z and that destiny child's chick is pretty cool for cruising, but i gotta admit some of the "bling bling" music is made for cruising but so is some of doof doof. Personally i usually just leave it on Triple J as i don't have a CD player and my tape player eats tapes and won't give them back. but yeah, whatever u like is what u should be listening too... just don't do the "everyone listen's to that, i guess i should to..."
  7. Turbo1, "u have mail!" such a beautiful car
  8. i did a bit of research into this but more along the lines of RX7 vs. R34 GT-T. Series 6 onwards is the shape u want. They have twin turbo rotary engines, in a sequential setup, so 1 small, 1 big, sorta thing. Go for about high 30's, low 40's locally, well that's what i've found. Importing has to be 1992 or earlier i think, cos Mazda sold them here locally. Suppose to handle brilliantly but are more thirsty than a normal single turbo skyline. Plenty of go, bout 206kw i think, but only weighs about 1300kg. Brakes are supposed to pretty spot on too, same as the R32 GTR?? not sure bout that one. Being a rotary engine i've heard they need to be looked after a little more, and i guess might be a bit harder to work on compared to a RB series engine. Maybe servicing/repairs is another issue. anyways if u do a search for "r34 gt-t vs. rx7" or something like that, there was quite a bit of discussion about it. cheers.
  9. I don't think they've even confirmed whether the GTR will come to Australia or not. I believe the head dude of Nissan Oz says if they came in RHD, then he'd like to get them here but i have a feeling it's mainly up to Japan. I just hope they change the final version heaps, apparently after the first concept was shown at the Tokyo Motor Show they got a lot of negative feedback and word is that they have changed the look heaps. Hope so.
  10. UPI (Ultimate Performance Imports) www.upimports.com.au Heard good things about these guys, don't know personally tho. They've got RAWS approval as well, which should be handy. Can get parts, do compliancing, servicing. well. just check the website.
  11. seems logically but i think we can thank the legal system for why we can't post dodgy importer ppl. Something about SAU being liable and there for shutdown, it's a WHOLE SAU thing... but don't quote me as i'm not sure. I'm sure Prank can give ya an answer.
  12. that sucks big time, not surprised tho.... does have "Malaysia" written down the bottom, dodgiest country. disclaimer: my dad was born in malaysia, i've been there at least half a dozen times, prob more. Country is backward and f*cked up. So before ppl cry "racist" i thought i'd add this little note. But i'm half chinese anyway, no malaysian blood.
  13. hmmm... this should be interesting oh... hey Fraser! nice to see u over this side of the Tasman, and get ur avatar fixed mate! I wanna SEE the Silver Beast! by the way, how's the kit going??
  14. dude, if u make ur question a bit clearer you might get an appropriate response. At this stage, i don't think anyone can answer u'r question as they don't understand it.
  15. here's a q for meggala and troy, what do u reckon u guys could get a stock standard R34 GT-T 1998 for? what's ur fee meggala if u don't mind me asking - and no INASNT and Nark this isn't a chance to come up with some witty sexual remark
  16. Craig at J-Spec and Geoff at Prestige (link already posted) www.j-spec.com.au There should be some good bargains coming up in regards to imports, just that the compliance is the problem. Also nark swears by Mark, is it CentreLine?? anyway got to Nark's site, he has a link. Locally... i've seen a silver R32 GTR at Daniel Prince Motors on Nepean Hwy, but i reckon pretty much all Import yards are dodge to the max... um... oh yeah, Red Ace Motors in Carnegie i think, on Poath Road. Akeenan got his car from there, really recommended them to me, 1 was so close to putting a deposit on a R33 GTST compliance plate there around Oct 2002, but parents pulled the plug like the day i went to pay... but if u want, speak to Hannah, she was really helpful. And they have their own work shop, it had 3 car bays so it might be RAWS complianced, not sure. also UPI www.upimports.com.au - they got their own workshop as well and are all RAWS ready. So yeah, heard good things about all these guys - Obviously Geoff and Craig at THE most well known at i'm sure (with a few exceptions to prove the rule) are prob the best to go thru. But yeah, compliance for a R32 GTR might be a bit of a problem now. Anyway here's an email i got form Geoff today, as i'm sure most of u also got. Looking good for my R34 GT-T purchase! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Geoff Risbey at Prestige MotorSport. Old Import Scheme Finished Sadly, it's now too late to import vehicles under the old import scheme, so we will be working hard under the new import scheme from now on. New Import Scheme We are now taking orders for vehicles to be imported under the new import scheme. Compliance availability will quickly improve over the next 2 to 3 months, however for those models for which compliance is still pending, we are able to store the vehicle in Japan for our customers for free. Depending on the model, this should not be necessary for more than 4 to 10 weeks. Vehicles must be very close to stock standard under the new import scheme, at least until we see how the scheme progresses over a period of 4 to 8 months and whether there is any relaxation on modifications. At this stage, aftermarket wheels and exhausts must be replaced during compliance, but it appears these can be refitted by the owner following compliance. We will make further updates on compliance availability and other issues as the scheme progresses. Bargains Over the next couple of months there should be great opportunities to pick up vehicles at auction for significant reductions over normal prices as demand from Australian buyers for popular imports drops to virtually nothing. Prices at auction have already fallen for some models, and the exchange rate is also excellent. If you are in a position to buy and wait for a number of weeks before importing then you may be well placed to take advantage of this unusual situation. However, cars will not suddenly be free, so please don't think that. (o: Australia is not the only country that recognises the value of Japanese cars. 15 Year Old Vehicles We continue to take orders for 15 year old vehicles (1988 and older), which are not affected at all by the import scheme changes. There are some fantastic options available. 15 year old cars with modifications are also fine to import without restriction. If you are wondering what you can import and the likely cost, please go to the link below and select Past Vehicles for a range of examples, or send us an e-mail with your questions.
  17. hey dale do u know if u can get them powder coated in the R34 Series 2 colour?? Cos that colour looks awesome bcos it's really similar to the R34 GTR rims... well i think for the Series II R34 rims look better.... oh yeah... piccies nother one, love this angle shot, dunno why.... just thought i'd throw this one in. best rims eva in my opinion and just looks carzy with the gold brembo's :uh-huh:
  18. website for a respray..... SCORE!!!!!!!! shit, wanna pass on any other websites?? i could do with some extra money for the Skyline Saver (yes that's the name i called my IGN account, got a problem! ) - or if ya need any design help ni, i'd be happy to lend a hand. Not very good at the coding/behind the scenes stuff. ah dude... SCORE!!!
  19. what's this about a respray ni?? when u planning on getting that done?? free??? i've been busy, but i didn't think that busy....
  20. hey guys/gals with my rather recent obsession with skylines etc, and my increased interest in cars (always been interested, but a lot more now) some of this has seemed to rubbed off on my dad cos he's like, "i might lower it a bid" or "u reckon i could turbo the car?" i've been pushing for him to mod it a bit, like exhaust, filters, maybe a chip. Got him to get 17's for it actually, he was gonna get the standard 16's. anyways, i know it's not the first car u think of when modifying, but what do u guys reckon?? Could it be done? at the moment, it's a 3ltr Straight Six, 170kw: stats: Max power 170kw at 5,900rpm Max torque 300Nm at 3,500rpm kerb weight = 1605kg (ouch, stupid leather, tv's, satnav etc ) 0 - 100 7.1 secs. ** plus a killer engine note, mmmmm BMW straight six :drool: So looks like a pretty good platform, but whether the BMW engines are up for it is another thing. Being BMW i'm sure they are up to the task with a bit of strengthening of some of the components. What's the basic steps for turboing a non turbo car? what needs to be changed to except a turbo?? as u can see, i have no idea what-so-ever so any info is much appreciated is it even possible? cheers
  21. go skiing u lazy bastard!!! bout 1.5hr drive to Whislter/Blackcomb!! And buy ur tickets from 7-11 before hand, cheaper that way. hehehe, good to hear from ya. keep us posted. chinny.
  22. there are HEAPS of R33's round these days, and i'm sure that a fairly small percentage know about SAU, and smaller use the forums, so yeah. could have been anyone.
  23. Series 2 rear spoiler, mmmmm very nice. My fav factory spoiler, well.... my fav ANY spoiler for a R33, but f*ck it, ur car cheers.
  24. what do u mean by beat??? 0 - 100, are pretty comparable. Both are low 6's i think, 6.1 or 6.2. If u want to compete in EVERY field, then i'd prob be thinking some supension/brake work for the GTS-T to keep up the WRX, but straight line i'd image the R33 would have it mid to top end, but the WRX might have it low down due to the AWD grip. So get urself some grip cos the skylines are very susceptible to mods, so u gotta get that power to the ground, supension for the twisties to keep up with the WRX and i think u should be sweet. but it also depends on what u mean by "beat"
  25. 15-20g hey..... well u could get a nice 1994, 1995 mabye, R33 GTS-T, they have 2.5ltr, 6cylinder, Turbo engines. Produce 187kw at the engine, i think. 0 - 100 in about 6.2 seconds. So a pretty capable car. Um... the R33 model has 2 series, i only really know the cosmetics differences. The Series 1 rear spoiler is very low in height, and is rounded, as in if u'r looking at the car from behind it has a slight arc to it, i u get catch my dorfito. Series 2 spoiler (which i think is an awesome spoiler) is slightly higher and a has sharper lines, as in goes straight up for a little bit from each side, then goes straight across to make the cross beam bit. Front bars are also different, Series 2 are slightly more aggressive style front bar. Also the bonnet on the Series 2 lip over a bit more, as in the bit in between the 2 headlights comes down a bit more, and doesn't just stop at the top of the headlights. The headlights of hte Series 2 are also a slightly different shape (or are they positioned slightly different??) In terms of interior and performance, well meggala.com will have the answers, i don't know of the top of my head. But i'd imagine there would be some updates between the 2 series, maybe a bit more torque for the Series 2 car, but i'm only guessing. U could also think about a R32, 1989-1994. Smaller car, had 2ltr, 6 cylinder turbo's. Could get a VERY nice one for 15k, but u can also find a nice one for around 12K. Both R32 and 33's have 4WD models, the R32 4WD drive model is turbo, and the R33 is non-turbo. Oh yeah, and u can also get non-turbo R32's and 33's in the same respective engines. 2ltr non-turbo's for the 32 and 2.5ltr non-turbo's for the R33. There are a few other variations of each model, but they are the basic, basic ones. I don't have a skyline myself, but from all accounts and the why Skylines Australia is so big is because they are GREAT cars, very capable and very reliable as the RB series of engines (used in Skylines, eg. RB25DET 2.5ltr turbo) are i think cast iron blocks, so heavy, but reliable. But compared to meggala's site, this post ain't got nothing. Just thought i'd give u a quick run down and also contribute to the forums, cos i was in the exact same position a little while ago (not knowing anything about skylines), and these guys have answered a lot of my questions cheers
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