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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. car was built on 10w40 Motul 300V (got most of the receipts for the build and servicing, glad i wasn't paying! lol ) so that's why i stayed at 10w40 with the AMSoil, but i don't know if the owner for track days changed to a heavier oil. Might see if i can use a contact in Japan to check with Midori if they run something thicker on track days
  2. so we're pretty much the same then. Built 26, 2530's. ID1000's and intank Nismo. That's it Full time Eflex use (unless i need to fill up with 98 if i'm not near an Eflex outlet, then i just let the flex-fuel setup take care of things) but 95% eflex use, couple track days and about 6 months i think on this setup
  3. big build? i've just got an intank Nismo, and it's been fine with Eflex and E85.
  4. and just to clarify something with my title, by E-Flex i mean Caltex's fuel (E70) not 'Flex-Fuel' like Paul and my car. my only concern was running a 15w50 as a street oil, thinking it was perhaps a bit too heavy for every day use?? rather not change to 15w50 for track day, then back 10w40 for street all the time.
  5. yep, originals with the annodised lip like these are more $$ than the SL's. not exactly sure why, might be different materials/build process
  6. SS8_Gohan

    Hail Damage

    as for williamstown, there was hail but like pea sized hail. Had some family there during the storms and they were caught out but i had a good look over the cars and didn't see anything, so williamstown would be ok i would think. no big hail
  7. with respect to the 'what oil does Holden use' comment i was digging through some BITOG (bob is the oil guy) threads bout a year ago i think... as the yanks have had high E% for a while, the oil recommendations for their flex-fuel cars seemed to change over the years and in the end (from the car manuals) they didn't specify any special oil, just the drain intervals. I know with motorsport applications you need to be more precise, but from the US it seems for their factory flex fuel cars, the manufacturers didn't recommend any brand/type specifically. Just wonder how much it's just caution on behalf of ppl like Motul etc, you know, just to be on the safe side... anyways, i'll check up on some of these other oils mentioned. But like others in this thread, i'll stick with the US oils at this stage as like Royal Purple, AMSoil advise their oils are ok with high % ethanol fuels. As for UOA, who are we using?
  8. interested to see what oil choice people are going for with E85/Eflex now a lot more people are using it. i've been running AMSoil 10w40 (which i also used on my prev GTT on E85) but for track days i'm thinking of running something a bit thicker, say a 15w50, but my normal yank choices are a bit limiting in the thicker choices... specially keen to see what people are running at the track with E85/Eflex and what your experiences are cheers
  9. SS8_Gohan

    Hail Damage

    ^ wtf? how does that work? an 'act of god or nature' or whatever, and she loses ratings and premium goes up?? how has she suddenly become a riskier driver as isn't that what the rating/premium change is ultimately suggesting (probabilities etc?) if people are looking for a dent person, Mr Dent (Vince) does fantastic work. Originally recommended to me by Damian @ Final Inspection. If you google it, you'll find his number (no website)
  10. i've got 256's in mine, 2530 turbo's so an ever so slightly bigger turbo from what people say. She's responsive for the setup, but -5's/2530's aren't ever going to be that responsive on a standard displacement 26. They are Midori camshafts, can check those out as well perhaps.
  11. this might be a bit more fitting, considering we somehow have two posts in a row praising Nu finish...
  12. SS8_Gohan

    Looking At A R35

    yeah but that R looked like he/she crashed... much different scenario to the Fezza pics. They just decided "well, i've done... oh, i dunno, 5,000kms, that's a good run... time to spontaneously combust!"
  13. SS8_Gohan

    Looking At A R35

    you get the idea
  14. k-sports are getting some good rep too here and over at gtr.co.uk, decent price too
  15. don't worry mate. Did a Sandown day with AD08's in Sept, still perfectly fine. SAU DD invasion in March?
  16. Sam Newman? he picked up a pearl white one... can't be two Aventador's already in Melb surely? perhaps it's Warney - they're both Lambo fans
  17. differing opinions? seems like everyone is in agreement... nothing to worry about
  18. I've got a genuine Nismo R-Tune bonnet (the bonnets were made for the R-Tune before the Z-Tune was built) need me to take pics of anything in particular?
  19. 100% Splitfires over OEM, cheaper and better. Very very common GTT issue - was the only thing mechanically that went wrong with my GTT, changed to splitfires, problem solved. Although, i think they sound more like a WRX when the coilpakcs fail Error code is 21 i think if the engine check light comes one. Does the engine checklight and TCS light come on at the same time? Problem is generally through that mid-range there as well
  20. AD08, 285/30's /thread. seriously, end thread. I run LMGT4's 18 x 10.5 +15, 285/30 AD08's. Madness to run anything else. tirerack.com, split shipment to avoid GST and sent to different address of decent time apart.
  21. Car looks stunning! Love the boot. What LSP you got on there? Caltex is pretty much bang on E70 last few months. Only saw a bit of a dip in the middle of winter (mid 60's) prob for a little cold start help, but since then, E70. Can the Cobb take the digital signal from the Gm sensor to alter the tune on the fly? Not sure if you know, but Trent @ Chequered set my car up with the GM sensor and a Link G4 to be completely flex-fuel capable, ie, tune will alter real time depending on the content/mixture of 98/E85. Safer and optimum performance.
  22. would the Flex-fuel and z-tune kit sneak me into 'most improved'? is Threat the car that had the crazy ice install at SAU Nats? will try and get my votes in later tonight
  23. what is with our SnS and the weather! Still a great day though, pity i had to run off half way and just come back to move the car, but had to work Some great cars there, and some nice mods too (like the uber rare Top Secret LE37's) thanks for those that voted in my direction too I also enjoyed my lunch at Nando's with David Beckham (yes, the real David Beckham), he obviously had heard the SAU Vic SnS was on and needed a quick bite before checking out all the cars. and lol @ Charles for being incredibly subtle in Nando's It's a great location, but i'm just wondering if the event is going to be held back by having a narrow opening window on a Sunday morning. Pros and cons, but maybe we can try something else next year that allows some of the stragglers to turn up? I know the entry time was more than communicated but we all know it's going to happen, and if the net result is having a bigger and better event, then maybe it's worth allowing a bit more for those that can't get up early enough?
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