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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. hey guys/gals, thought i'd post this in this section. Cos i'm quite proud a few little things i did, here's what i reckon the back of the V35's should look like... EDIT: here's the original pic for comparison...
  2. thought i'd post this in here as well...
  3. *tears streaming down face* lets just hope the blue GT-T is having a bette life
  4. yeah, i was trying to upload a file photoshop said was 97k, but bloody bytes and bits are different, so i never know it is under the limit or not. But it doesn't matter now, i have put in on my site, cos it's edu.au it's quick. EDIT: i think u'll find the pic i posted a little different
  5. EDIT: well it looks like no-one has taken it as even remotely real. here's a comparison pic... i put a bit of effort into the first pic, get the reflections/shadows and colours all right
  6. Nissan are finally listening. The design is kinda getting there, still not a big fan. But these non-promotional pics do make the car look better i reckon.
  7. yeah. Dark and creation, there is that one. But there was also another purple, pretty sure it was different. I can remember a 'Bendigo' or 'Ballarat', i think maybe it was at autotrader.com.au.... purple looks bloody good on the R34 tho, very nice. oh and creation, what car is going to be urs??
  8. 19" rims i think.
  9. mmm carbon fibre :uh-huh: EDIT: i'm not sure if that's carbon fibre?? oh well...
  10. me got some! I'm an R34 man
  11. $36.5 does seem a touch high. I'm budgeting around $37K for an R34 GT-T which i'm going to import later this year. Just saving at the moment. The only info i've been goin on is the J-Spec auction lists, and average seems to be around 35K, cheaper ones low 30's, more expensives ones around 37-38. I'm trying to find one like the one in my avatar which is going to make things a little more expensive again. Tempted about black at the moment too, coming to join ya nismo!! the silver one looks very nice, really like those wheels. Suit the car real well. There was a private GT-T for sale in Ballarat. Saw it at carpoint.com.au. It was the GTR Purple, looked very, very l337! I'll try and find it...
  12. hhahah, and to top it all off, as he was walking around the corner, now in his own street, ANOTHER cop car races up to him and does the EXACT same thing!!! He's real pissed off now and the cops radio into the other car to check the story the he gave them. They let him go... tell u what tho, he was not a happy camper!! :lol:
  13. It's not just cars that attract stupid police. Mate was walking home the other night, and he was rather maggoted, but not being an idiot, just walking. Cops come round the corner, must have spotted him up the street. Sped up the street, over the limit with no sirens or pretty lights. Jump out of the car, grab my friend, slam him up against the bonnet (TV style, no shit), put both arms behind his back, don't think they cuffed him. THEN, started asking questions about where he'd been, where he was going etc. This sort of prejudice towards young ppl, i think is getting out of control and is absolutely pointless. The major crimes, murders/rapes etc are prodiminately adult related. I think they should worry more about those than busted young ppl for trivial things.
  14. maybe try the supra forums?
  15. SS8_Gohan

    Nice To Meet U

    yeah like miznismo said, i was just saying. all this talk of pics, i was just saying that i hadn't seen any. I wasn't asking for any! altho by the sounds of it inasnt seems to post them regularly.
  16. well as it's been posted before, it's been widely documented that the general public hate the GTR concept car. And that Nissan knows about this. I'm not baggin u or anything, of course some ppl are going to love it. But i'd have to say that u'r in the minority. I'm pretty sure (hoping) that the design will change considerably.
  17. the article says Feb 6th?? maybe a reprint. just hope they completely change the final design and make it more a progression from the R34. hehe, like that.
  18. what's with that autospeed article?? R33 GTR 0 - 100km/hr in 6.2 seconds??? all of ur GTS-T's can do that stock!! Isn't it more like low to mid 5's for the R33 and then about 4.7 0 - 100 for the R32?? http://www.jbskyline.net/R33/GTR/ this has got a little info on the V-Spec version.
  19. GT3 or any of the Gran Turismo's are only for Play Station yeah?
  20. SS8_Gohan

    Nice To Meet U

    argh!!!!!!!!! pls no "LAH" none of this pigeon english pls!!! no offence but i just really hate it. I'm half chinese so it's not too racist if i say it just really gives me the shits never seen any pics of u mznismo,
  21. at least it's a Nissan
  22. definitely JIZMO, that would rock! but, then u've got that jizz problem again kinda :lol: still reckon JIZMO is pretty clever tho
  23. see that ppls! hehehe, for sure i'd like to hook up, anything to see that beast in the flesh. But don't be fooled by my avatar, cos i don't have a skyline. Doing the old saving trick at the moment. Getting there tho, slowly but surely. Good old ING Direct is helping me out! but yeah, by all means when u get back, would't mind getting together at all. U anywhere near me? don't have to say where u r, just wondering if u'r in the area.
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