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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. BMW's, pure class. I'm still planning on the R34 GT-T, but a 325i, 2 dr would be nice. But, can't really go past the performance of a GT-T, plus there are very few around.
  2. i win!! 1.6ltr 4 cyclinder, Puslar GLi ( i think) Hatch, hahhaa, i officially have the slowest car!!! To make things fair, i can use it on the go-cart track so i feel like i can go faster than u guys some of the time!
  3. i'll take the spoiler thanks!! to put on my imaginary R34!! nah, but i guess those are the sorts of places i'll be getting my 2nd had parts from like spoilers and front bar. hurts looking at such an awesome car in such a sad state.
  4. hey guys, my dad owns a digital printing company. Creative Visuals, and might i add one of the fore runners in like the southern hemisphere he can print large onto a HEAP of materials, if u guys give me some sizes/materials ideas, and DPI resolutions i can get some $$ figures for ya. And of course being a group thing, with "connections" i'm sure a good deal can be arranged. www.creativevisuals.com.au - i think that works.
  5. Austin, just post a reply and at the bottom there should be a "Browse" button to attach a file. Pics have to be 100k or smaller tho. try that! cos i've heard some good stuff about these rendered photo's. cheers.
  6. SS8_Gohan

    how much?

    http://forums.skylinesdownunder.co.nz/show...&threadid=21357 found it, but not much help. sorry!
  7. SS8_Gohan

    how much?

    not sure ni, but go to SDU and in one the sections someone else asked the same thing. ( i think) it was either do a patch it job by welding away the problem, cheap. Or get a whole new manifold or whatever which is expensive. But i think it can be fixed, but there was also a huge difference between the two options. I'll try and find the thread for u.
  8. SS8_Gohan

    Decca Fun Day!!

    damn i wish a had a skyline... sounds awesome. i think my little pulsar would give up and die
  9. SS8_Gohan

    New Pipe!!!

    u'r right troy, they some bald tyres u got there! yes, pics of the car pls don't the R34 GTR's have carbon fibre rear and front spoilers under the car? well maybe not spoilers, but help pull the car down?? diffusers?? i dunno... something carbon fibre underneath on the front and rear?
  10. i'm with mznismo, this sh*ts wrong and i can't believe u posted it, and then be so flippant about it. I hope i'm just missing a big joke here and u were only mucking around.... and no, not with another chick.
  11. well dave i work in the credit card fraud area, maybe i could do some "creative" re-arranging of ur account? make a few things disappear???
  12. SS8_Gohan

    Nice To Meet U

    it's MR SPARKUROO!!! can't say "l's"!!! ummm it was an electric company and a fish i think. getting close inasnt?
  13. take my little pulsar too red-line?? i....... don't think i'll do that (1.6ltr, 4) it doesn't have a rev meter and i think it sounds like she's struggling at about 3500-4000rpm :lol: , so i don't push her harder. I think i might just wait until i get a decent car till i try these sorts of things EDIT: DBZ rocks!!! i think i just saw the very last episode. Won't say what it is if u or other ppl haven't got thru it yet but it's ep 272. Oh yeah, thread.... my car is REALLY dangerous in the wet. 14 or 15inch hub-caps, tyre width of about an inch and soft suspension. 20km/h, que rear wheel shudder, 30km/h turn que good bye back end, only thing i got going for me is it's a RWD. But it's fun to drive tho. Just gotta change to 2nd after about 20km/h :lol:
  14. so i can't change gears without a clutch in my little nissan pulsar?
  15. hehehe, and he's a melbourne person too!! i am in love with TE-37's, man u've have a nice car!! just looks......awesome!!
  16. ahhh, i keep reading this.... how do u change gears without using the clutch?? :confused: and no i'm not having a go at ya, i honestly don't know.
  17. i think a 95 here in oz would be a bit more, low to mid 20's. If u privately imported u could get one for 20
  18. chaos, just call em.. there's a 13 something number on the website and ask for Chris Penney. Won't have to wait that way.
  19. hehe, yeah much talk on the V35 .... *cricket noises*
  20. if ya got a decent job, try www.prosperion.com.au - not JUST an insurance company. ask for Chris Penney, good bloke. cheers.
  21. ooooh yeah.... the beautiful black 328i is back!! yeehaaaa! so happy for ya mate. Hope she's running fine and everything. i agree with brendan here, congrats to the coppers. i am quite surprised. But the Bimmer is back, and that's all that matters....
  22. a normal RX-7 is much sexier :uh-huh:
  23. just watched the trailer... quite a few crashes i must say, wild abandon taken with some of those cars... if they come even close to wrecking the R34, heads will roll!
  24. so those GTR's actually go?? Like mini RB engines or something?? i'm confused whether they are just models or radiooooo..... ooohhh.... RC, heheheh never mind but they aren't little petrol engines with turbo's are they??? :confused:
  25. hey guys/gals just wondering why ppl are mainly interested in quarter mile times?? why isn't there more discussion on track set-ups?? not having a go at anyone, just curious that's all... ok, all this talk of good setups for 1/4 mile times, what about good setups for track work?? ... i'm guessing the theory behind both differs quite a bit. so yeah, what are the main differences between track and 1/4 ie. suspension, tyres, mods, brakes, stuff like that. Just wondering, cos when i get my car i want to make it a track car, not a drag car. cheers
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