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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. oh ok, so obviously not the owner of the bayside GTR. 'JL' said that he's seen it around Hampton a fair bit. doesn't drive it?? man....what a waste, i think i'll offer too 'nark i was in my mates commondore ute, 2001, so not sure what that makes it, VU?? dunno... and i was like "ah dude!! R34 GTR!! look look!!" and he's like "meh..."
  2. was it silver? Cos that's where i saw the one i was talking about at the start of the thread. Brighton on nepean hwy.... there is a guy on the SDU forums called 'Blaup' who has a R34 GTR and lives in melb. Not sure where tho... and ice, that rear wing on the GTR is a bloody disgrace!! u should have gone out there and taken it off, it would have done the owner a favour. The GTR stock rear wing is awesome, got that little bit of carbon fibre on it... very l337
  3. how much does it cost to do the Jim Murcott course?
  4. i thought the Gen III V8 only makes like 225kw... actually i'm pretty damn sure of that. It was nearly 30 kw's less than the 3.2L Straight six M3 .....hahahahha, nice one holden. what a waste of.... litres and cyclinders and stuff...
  5. R34 GTR wheels? the bronze ones? bloody expensive if u want them. Not sure how to actually get a hold of some. I heard hikari or something like that can get in 2nd hand rims. might give them a shot. Dunno where else u'd get em.... might be lucky and someone is selling a set here in oz.. not sure what u mean by black spoke tho....
  6. man, if his grammar and spelling are in anyway related to his intelligence, then i doubt very much his ability to earn sufficient amounts of money to buy a R33 GTR what a tool. just some kid spinning sh*t.
  7. no offence andrew!! i just meant to do prosperion it might be a bit difficult thru macca's. Not owning a skyline thru maccas
  8. i've been told navtrak is better than quick. 3 satellites being used instead of 1. 3 pt immobiliser. i think 1200 to install plus first year coverage, then 300 every year after. Apparently no car with navtrak has been stolen, but i don't think it's been around long enough for anyone to give it a good try. cheers.
  9. heard lots of great things abou the Type-R's, ppl who drive em go "all this crap about FWD, this car shows that it doesn't really matter" yep, i am thinking about settling for a WRX, possibly a 325i, but the appeal of the R34 GT-T is soooo damn strong.... awesome looking cars, and the performance to match. to the person who mentioned prosperion before. that's what i was talking about before. But they aren't just an insurance company. The package together the running costs of the car for a year (u sit down with em and budget out what u'd spend on fuel, servicing, tyres, insurance) and then divide into monthly payments. This then comes out of ur pay pre-tax. So u gotta get ur employer's ok to do this. That's what i was getting at about a decent job, cos i don't see this happening thru maccas. So in regards with insurance with prosperion, they insure more on the CAR rather than the DRIVER, big advantage. U can mod the crap out of the car as long as it's street legal. But u gotta install navtrak, which u'd prob do anyway. Of course they have excessse for under 25's and turbo cars, but the guy i spoke (chris) said it would work out to be $1500 for the insurance part. So as u can see, it's pretty damn good. But it's quite complicated to do it tho. And a bit restrictive for 18/19 yr olds who might want to go o.s. but have to be on a minimum of 12month novated lease. But it's really the only way of getting insurance and plus coming out of ur pay pre-tax, getting a tax benefit there as well. cheers.
  10. is there a R34 GTS-4?? wow...... never heard of those. If only they'd whack a turbo on!!!
  11. oh and if u'r giving the GT-T the flick.... GET A BMW!!!! yeah a FWD drive Type-R would be ok but it ain't no BMW
  12. even tho ur a student, u can still have a decent job. I'm will be a 2nd year uni student this year and i have a decent enough job to get insurance for a GT-T at around $1500, and i'm 19. Haven't got the car yet... but that's what saving is all about. If u want a GT-T, and i'm kinda in ur boat, really want it but it's looking REALLY impracticle, then get it. If u dad is paying the $35K or so to get the car, i don't think he'd mind paying insurance either... well i don't know... he might. Anyways it seems like u've wised up to the whole situation.. wonder when i will?
  13. hahahahah, i thought about putting this in wastelands, but then again i think everyone should have a laugh about this and it is kinda general auto discussion.. watching the late 10 news and apparently there have been 15 Hyundai excel trashings recently!! just targeting excels!!! ahahahahaha :bahaha: Mainly jumping up and down on bonnets and roofs, slashing tyres. but wait there's more... they then do a close-up of a car they think the offenders are driving and it's this riced up lancer with Evo rear wing, exhaust tip and clear rear lights... "police believe the offenders are driving a car with rear lights similar to these.... *close up of rice lights*" AHAHAHAHHAHAHA :lol: :bahaha: watch out guys, it's the RICE WARS!!!! ahahahahha sorry if no-one else thinks this is funny, but i thought it was bloody helirious!!
  14. i've read quite a few of these threads now.... most at SDU in smallish places around N.Z. With all the ppl reading about the theft and knowing the person's car with pics that are posted, u'd think someone would see something. Especially in the cases where it's happened in a small city in N.Z. so it got me thinking... what exactly do they do with these cars?? They store them at a warehouse somewhere?? Strip then straight away?? Change them enough so they can drive them? Send them off to someone they know who can sell it?? As much as i would love to be up in sydney now driving around with a machine gun in the back seat looking for the f*ckers, maybe there is a better way of going about it.... cos it seems that the police do jack sh*t about stolen cars... just my too dolla fiftee.
  15. sounds like i'll have my life expectancy cut in half by buying a skyline.... being on P's, getting defects, more chance of getting stolen, more chance of low life f*cks keying the car or badging it...... not good...
  16. ooooo.... that's nice ni, very nice.... hope u do get ur hands on one those kits... will look very leet.
  17. ok... this is probably going to be the ONLY way of getting reasonable insurance while ur 17. Which is a mute point bcos u can't drive until ur 18 anyway... so before i crap on about ur only option, just answer this question.... do u have a decent paying job? not macca's, not safeway,
  18. hey guys/gals, was down St. Kilda road on wednesday and saw a mustard/sh*t yellow coloured SS commondore on the side of the road with all the pretty lights flashing. Un-marked car with uniform officer inside but the very, very interesting thing i noticed about it is that on the rear windscreen there was a shade thingy stuck to it. But it was one of those square shaped ones, that only cover like a side window. And this one was covering only half the right-hand side of the rear windscreen. It was hiding the flashing lights!! So don't try and drag/do anything stupid with a sh*t yellow coloured SS commondore with a sunscreen thingy covering the right-hand side of the rear windscreen. that's only if u don't notice the driver is wearing a bloody uniform
  19. hmm.... almost makes me re-think getting a R34 while i'm on my P's.... damn, i don't wanna be driving around with that sorta of consequence hanging around the back of me noggin... hmmmmmmm *enters deep thought*
  20. SMG II changing gears in like 1/1000 of a second...gotta like that.. I would kill for a new M3.... no seriously, i would KILL for a new M3
  21. such a beautiful looking car too the 328i convertible.... classic, classic car... :(
  22. NOOOOOO!!!!!!!! not the BMW!!!!! argghhh that makes me angry...so, so sorry to hear about that donnie. As with everyone who reads this thread i hope they f*cking die.
  23. hahahahah non-skyline owners to skylines: /yoda voice "away with ur weapon, i mean u no harm!"
  24. yeah, so anyone had experience with costs of 2nd hand TE-37's??
  25. if ur 17 and can afford a R34 GT-T why u worrying about insurance?
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