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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. it would definitely be 148kw for n/a. Cos i know for a fact that the Turbo is 206-207kw, depending what u read.
  2. the reverse lights i think are only found on the 4 doors. i'm not sure tho. I think it is turbo, cos there is the boost guage thingy, under the Rev meter. At least i think that's where it is on the GT-T, need Franks to confirm this or not. I just can't get over how well they flared the guards!!! looks absolutely perfect!! anyone know who can do that sort of thing here in Oz? or Melbourne?
  3. yeah, can't see first pic either this is the second thread! Ronin, i think u should become head moderator dude of mr2australia.com now, i wonder what's happened to mr2downunder.com, i know it was working the other day......
  4. Ronin mate, u gotta be loving this thread! mr2australia.com isn't it?? thanks a bunch for the 91 vid mate, i agree, not as good as 92 but still hella fun to watch the GTR's romp it in! u thinking of a blue respary?? That would look totally hot on ur car....with white powder coated rims..... :drooling: u got a timeframe for this?? or just an idea at the mo?
  5. www.prosperion.com.au - but it's not just insurance. They package the entire running costs of the car eg. fuel/tyres/rego/insurance/servicing. Budget what u think u are going to use for a yr and then u pay a certain amount each month. But the monthly charge comes out of ur pay pre-tax, so u have to get ur employer to ok the whole thing. Which also means u gotta be on a pretty good job as well. Regarding insurance, they insure on the car...not the age of the driver. So that's why it works out to be around 1.5K for me, i'll most prob be 19 when i start this whole thing. It's a lot more complicated then straight forward insurance, but there are some decent savings to be made. The only catch is that u have to install NavTrac 1600 to install incl first year coverage i'm pretty sure, and then 300 a year to monitor ur car after that. NacTrac said they've never had a car stolen, so it sounds pretty good. 3pt immobiliser. But more insurance companies these days for ppl our age, and with the cars we want, say we have to have a good immobiliser anyway. If u do give em a call, call this number: (02) 9004 7290, that's 'Chris' and just say "Daniel Chin" referred u. the other 1300 is just a general one, this is a direct consultant number. He's the coolest guy as well, he has a S15 i think he said, and all the other guys are car nuts, another has a R33 GTS-T, so they know what we're talkin about. Oh...and unlimited mods as long as it's Street Legal, doesn't affect insurance. cheers, Daniel.
  6. so it was originally a R34 GT-T??? man...that's exactly what i want to do when i get my GT-T, make it look as much as i can like a GTR. So if can understand the Engrish, they flared the wheel guards themselves?? looks bloody spot on. And then if they got the front bar on, that means they either cut the bonnet or just put a new one on.....nice, hopefully i can pull something like that off when i get mine. oh...without the extra doors of course!
  7. RACV will insure under 25's with Turbo's. Bloody expensive, around 5.9K i think, well that was for a 19 yr old. BUT! You can go under ur parents name, and then add urself as a nominated driver....now i know what y'all thinking, u don't get a rating, if u have a smash, it all goes to shit. Nuh-uh. If u decide to get insurance in ur name, ur history as a nominated driver IS counted, and if u have a smash it's just the same as if ur parent has a smash in it. And no, they don't care what % u drive the car, doing it this way knocked off about $2.5K from the original 5.9, so insurance for a 19yr old with RACV as a nominated driver under a parent is $3.5K a year. Which is about the best u can do around my age. But i think i'll go with Prosperion, insurance $1.5K yeee-haa!!
  8. oh...that was yen...starting price of about $68K before it's been complianced, tyres, yada yada.... You could get a R34 GTR for that price.
  9. congrats on the car mate, i love the purple on the R33 GTR's, would have to be my fav colour for them. yeah, i saw the 4 dr GTR on the J-spec lists....starting price 3,280,000......something tells me i don't think u paid that much for ur new car here it is anyway....
  10. i saw a Ford F250 in my golf club car park the other day....DAMN!!! that thing was HUGE!!!! Would they be an import to Australia?? What engine are in those things!!
  11. hey guys, well, if ppl read the "End of the world thread" u might make more sense of this. Just wondering if those here who have connections to other forums, like siliva ones, or supra ones, soarers, i dunno, any other import forums cos i only ever check SAU and SDU...pls let urselves be known bcos we need to get something started about all this. And we need numbers to do it. So if those who have "connections" pls post what exactly those connections are, and we might be able to organise a general meeting forum or thread for everyone to come and discuss what we are going to do. cheers.
  12. on another note, if i import a pretty much stock R34 next year, will compliance be just ridiculously more expensive than it is now?
  13. i think getting something organised is the way to go. Get everybody, skylines, supras, silvias, soarers, anyone in the import scheme. Do what Geoff says, start a petition, get a document together so we can let those absolute f*ck nuts in canberra know that all they are doing is making life easier for our local car produces to make even shitter quality cars. Simple economics. If you increase the barriers to entry to a particular market, competition decreases, monopolies/ogliopolies are made and the consumer has no say what so ever in quality or price. This is demonstrated in the laws about modding cars, and the very, very limited number of workshops which will actually be R.A.W. I'm fairly new to all this, been on here since about august, but I WILL be getting a R34 next year and there is not a snowball chance in hell i can get it before the new laws come in, so I really want to do something about this. I'm am offering to help organise this thing to get off it's feet. cheers.
  14. testing...
  15. touche inark, touche
  16. dude, i think i've just found my new signature! u mind?
  17. hahahhah :bahaha: classic!
  18. was talking to a mate of mine today, and he's done like all the jim murcott courses, plus the john bowe one and lots of stuff. skilled driver, anyways, he said wait around till Christmas as they have deals around then for cheaper courses, just thought i'd let ya know. Said they advertise in the paper. So maybe keep an eye out....i will. But i'm guessing u guys will be doing the HiPo course, i'll be putting along to the basic one first
  19. hey guys, my parents were out driving the other day (warrigul rd) and she said she was near the import car yards there and saw a White Skyline dragging a Holden SS off the lights, now this was my mum here so here details on skylines are pretty much non-existent. But she said it was white, and the rear lights weren't the same size, so i was guessing R34. She said it also had a "little R" on the back (they weren't far from springvale, so the validity of the "R" is negligible) , hehehe, oh......haha, and she also said "it has this HUGE turbo coming out the back...i hope u don't get one like that" hahaha, she was referring to the exhaust.....anways she said that there was no spoiler either. Now what i was wondering was does anyone know of any White R34 GTR's around with no spoiler?? i'm thinking it's a badged job. anyways, needless to say, the Holden lost convincingly, GTR or GT-T....don't think it matters.
  20. "i eat pieces of shit like u for breakfast!!" "u eat pieces of shit for breakfast?!" hahahah, sorry...i love Happy Gilmore.
  21. ahahahahahahh :bahaha: :bahaha: now go to sleep, before i put u to sleep!
  22. SS8_Gohan


    i heard the bikes like Harley's and stuff are some how "legally" allowed to be so loud, but seriously....some bikes out there.....F*CK!!! i wonder if bike owners get heaps of trouble regarding these things....
  23. hmmm....i was sure it was that forum dude, just a very big coincidence then... the car did look phat tho, hahahah
  24. hey guys, driving down bay rd today (melb) and say a Black GTR with the number plate "fat" that the guy on here call fatz, or something like that?? the name and the car (GTR) looked familiar from the forum.
  25. the 0 -100 times for the M3, M5 are very often misquoted. The 5.3 and 5.2 are used alot. But on "Top Gear" and independant timing found 3 sites, with 0 - 100 and 400m times. The M3 was 4.8 0 -100 across the 3 sites also on the "Top Gear" show. The M5 being a flat 5 seconds. So 4.8 seconds is ur target for Skyline to beat an M3. It is amazing that a 3.2 Ltr Straight Six can make 252kw, BMW just knows how to make a straight six, simply awesome engines. Put it this way: 3.2 Ltr Straight Six = 252 kw 5.7 Ltr V8 = 226 kw..... :confused: .... well i think we can all quess how made that waste of space V8
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