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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. hahhahahahahahhahah :)
  2. hey fellow p platers! (and everyone else of course!! ) just wondering that if i rock up to vic roads and ask them, i want to register a R33 GTS-t, are they going to say......mmmmm...no, too powerful?? I'm getting varied kw/tonne ratios and i'm not sure which ones are right, or what ratios vic roads has. I know there are a couple of guys down my way, um...Steve and Denton??? One of them is on p's with a turbo. Is it illegal and u have to spin a story? or is it just on the limit. I have very few days left to get all this organised (long fcking story) whether to import, do it my self, broker, yada yada. Pls guys, i need ur help asap, i am really desperate here... thanks.
  3. hey everyone, just wondering if any has had anything to do with these guys in Thomastown, Melb?? J.S.V.A Japanese Special Vehicles Australia. I've been ringing around to hold onto a compliane plate, been told they are very scarce, they aren't scarce, and this guys says i won't have a problem getting a plate. so getting told different things here. i know there are some dodgy compliance workshops just wondering if any u guys have heard anything about them/used them/had compliance down with them? thanks in advance
  4. i was talking to Craig at J-spec and he said that there are very few left, and it would be best to try and get a plate within a week. I tried UPI and he told me to get back to him today(wednesday) and so did Craig. But i haven't tried edge yet.
  5. hey guys, k, getting scared now, i'm told there is like only 1 week to get a plate for an R33!!!!!!! :eek: and i tried looking up the yellow pages for categories for compliance workshops, but it's a little too specialist. if any of u can remember where u got ur car complianced (if imported urselves) then i would really, REALLY appriciated cos i need to find a plate ASAP. pls help guys!! :P
  6. any free steak knives?
  7. hey guys, does anyone know or able to recommend a good compliance workshop in Melbourne? I'm looking to put a plate on hold pretty soon, but i gather have to get it done thru a workshop. So if any of u have heard of or know a good workshop, pls let met know. Thanks.
  8. yeah, just to clarify, that's not my list, just something i got from carpoint.com.au
  9. i guess that explains the "some are dreams" bit. maybe some of those cars are just something the manufacturers have played around with, or talked about. nice list ultim8....Z8, the ultimate convertible!! :bond:
  10. yep, me again! just wondering what are the commitments for holding onto a plate? do u have to buy a car? if u don't are u charged some sort of fee? if i don't get a car by Feb 2003 is the plate just forfeited or am i charged some sort of fee for not getting a car before the new scheme? sorry for all the q's!
  11. oh...forgot. do prices vary, or it doesn't matter....like can u just hold a plate at any compliance workshop?
  12. may i ask who u booked a plate thru? yeah, i know. the plate is much more important than the car................................at the moment!
  13. hey guys, most of u know about the shortage of plates at the mo, so i'll get to the point.. i've been told that i can put a deposit down for a plate for a R33, or buy one, or something and then have by about Feb 2003 to actually buy the car. Does anyone know how i can book/deposit/hold a plate for a R33? And if i book a plate, can i then go to a broker like j-spec or prestigemotorsports and use their services?? really appreciate any knowledge u guys might have cos i'm told the plates are going pretty fast :D thanks
  14. Top 10 cars we'd like to see in Australia: Some are real, some are dreams, all should be sold in Oz. 1. BMW M3 CSL 2. Renault Clio RS V6 3. Mercedes-Benz C55 AMG 4. FPV Falcon GTHO (supercharged 5.4) 5. Honda Integra Type-R (the real one) 6. HSV GTS 6.2-litre V8 7. Mazda MX-5 with 2.3-litre from Mazda 6 8. Nissan 350Z twin turbo 9. Lexus IS430 10. Nissan Skyline GT-R This was taken from www.carpoint.com.au now my query is...... 10!!!!! wat the f.u.c.k. are they thinking!!!! What is a Skyline GT-R doing at 10th spot!, behind a bloody HSV, Falcon, Renualt, Mazda, Lexus, (Real Integra would be nice) and Merc!!! the bimmer can stay, she's fine where she is , but 10. gotta be kidding me.
  15. oh...and yoda's planet is spelt "Dagobah"....sorry, star wars nut!!
  16. hahhahahaha :lol: :lol: :lol: u'd have to drink and drive then wouldn't you??!!?? :)
  17. hey guys, just wondering if i could get ur opinon on whether i should: 1). use the help offered from someone i know who imports japanese cars every year (mostly skylines) who said that he'd help me bring a car over all the way thru under my own name and buy it privately in Japan as his cousin lives over there. He told me that buying privately is safer bcos the cousin gets to really check out the car, test drive, engine, blah blah. Oh...and he's helping me for free. 2). Go thru an importer, pay them their fee and let them do it all for me and get it thru an auction. I've heard nothing but great things about a few companies so it seems a pretty safe bet if i went thru say jspec of edgeimports, but i'd have to pay them a fee and the buyer a fee in Japan. as you are most aware, time is running REAL low to get the old compliance plates so any help would be very appreciated. thanks guys.
  18. whoops, there's a PM button.....
  19. sorry bout getting off the track, but i can't click on ur name like u can in SDU.... hey steve, just checked out ur site, awesome stuff!!! man i am in the EXACT same position as u were, dreaming of a skyline for the end of the year and just looking at pic after pic, and reading thru these forums, everything u said, exactly the same. I'm on my P's, and i'm 18 so insurance is going to be a bit of a prob. The thing i want to ask u tho is that i know someone who imports skylines pretty much every year and does them up a bit and then sells them, making a bit of a profit. Now he's offered to help me import one all the way under my name, as he's helping me i don't have to pay him anything, but i haven't talked to any import companies yet, so i was wondering what it was like to dealing with "edge imports"?? I live pretty close to you, sandringham, so i'm a little bit up the bay and just wondering how u found edge?? Helpful?? Just trying to decide whether it is worth getting this guy i know to help me or whether just pay a bit for someone to do it for me.... By the way, if you don't mind me asking, how much did ur skyline end up being?? Auction+getting it out here?? I'm looking to spend around 16 - 16.5k but not sure if i could get a R33 GTS-t for that tho... Hopefully i'll give ya a bell at the end of the year and we can go for a cruise, haven't seen any skylines around the sandi/hampton/brighton/beaumaris/black rock area. Maybe i should have gone a little further to parkdale to see a couple of fine examples!! p.s. my email is [email protected] (as to not get off the track of this thread)
  20. down Bayside way in Melbourne, i don't see any Just a crap load of BM's and mum's in big f*ck off 4WD's taking kids to school Someone say X5?? :)
  21. i'm planning on importing a R33 at the end of this year....i don't understand about this plate business?? Do u mean no more imports for this year/ever/long time???? :confused: :confused:
  22. 500kw Godzilla? Give me a brake. I know it had GTR front spoilers and Wing but i didn't see one GTR badge on it?? I know if i had a GTR i wouldn't be taken any badges off....anyway, i was so mad after watching that show. I'm trying real hard to get a skyline, but it's bloody near impossible getting the idea past the parents, i'll be paying for pretty much all of it, but they'll be putting in a few grand, like 2-3. My brother hates them, so does mum and we all saw that story. It just gave them ever more stereotypical ideas they needed to further their negative stance against Skylines. As if it wasn't hard enough already...and don't get me started on insurance. Birty u are so right, unfortunately they picked some fcking idiots to do the test, but u can tell that that's exactly what they were looking for when they made the story, that's exactly the ppl they wanted. But u're right, there's no point getting fired up about it, it's just a bloody shame that jap/import car drivers get stereotyped so badly. Where were the commowhores and falcons in this test huh??? exactly....another sh*t story, from a sh*t show.
  23. 110km/hr in 1st gear???? :confused: i don't have a skyline, but is that even remotely achievable?
  24. 1300 762 788 and also www.prosperion.com.au I've been trying that site for the last couple of days, wasn't working.....anyways i think they have some claim saying they'll save at least 10% on the costs of running your car, something like that. The website looks professional.
  25. hey guys, just found out about a company called "Prosperion". Does car financing from what i could gather from the guy on the phone who i talked to, they package all car running costs together like rego, petrol, insurance, blah blah, RB26DETT engine swap...well perhaps not that last one but yeah, puts all the running costs of the car together and then you pay that sum off monthly. Now the "too good to be true?" about this is that the insurance part of the year figure was $1,500. Now that might seem like much to some of you, but for an 18 yr old with a R33 GTS-t with about 5 months insurance history, i couldn't believe what he said! After i'd just rang Suncorp before and was quoted.....get this.....96 thousand a year for full comp! Anyways, has anyone heard or better yet, with Prosperion?? Because if this is all legit and good, then it seems to be my ticket to the R33 turbo Thanks must go to "2fardown" for telling me about them and also supplying me with a list of about 25 insurance places to check out. Thanks dude.
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