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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. i've got Nismo mats, and because of the 4WD system, the front mats might not fit that great, especially the passenger side... but could be wrong. i might have my standard GTT mats still, i can compare the two if you like. But... why would you not just get the Nismo mats for your car specifically?
  2. screw bunnings, get this!!!!!!! http://forums.finalinspection.com.au/showthread.php?4873-FS-MELB-Bosch-GEX150T-Professional-RO-Sander&p=103714#post103714 Bargain town!
  3. ID1000's would be my choice, will handle E85 and of course plenty for hte 98 setup
  4. in the tune, as Trent was advising me to go the D-Jetro had i not wanted to go flex-fuel etc etc - D-jetro is more than capable. Vipec is a rebadged Link, so they're exactly the same. I just preferred to buy direct from Link as they are Christchurch based and unfortunately lost their HQ in the earthquake
  5. running the original, Link G4 Plugin, fantastic ecu. I looked at the Adaptronic/Haltech options etc, but tuner (Trent @ Chequered) advised to go with the plugin, as did Rob @ RIPS. Also have flex-fuel setup with wideband as well, all good What are the prices on each unit?? Haltech is quite a bit more isn't it?
  6. having struggled with an old Bosch RO only and then upgrading to a 150T, forced rotation is DEFINITELY the way to go. a few friends have gone to Rotaries and didn't find them as scary as they thought. Obviously need to be more careful, but they said they're soo much quicker again of their prev units (Rotex jobbies $$$) - depends how serious you think your hobby is going to get
  7. Traction Tyres recommend the C or A drives when i send non performance cars down there (mum's car with 17's, gf's car with 15's) one was slightly more performance orientated than the other, can't remember which way around. I'd just take it to TT and ask them what they think, you'll get straight up advice, won't bullshit ya and won't offer you more than what you want (ie, push you to get a set of AD08's)
  8. SS8_Gohan


    also heard Rob is the man to go to if you want the best job/product. Reminds me to book a time with him... i'd get in before the weather gets too warm as he can get very busy
  9. 2530's yeah? don't think there is reall a need for surge tanks etc - i looked into all of that. I've got the Nismo in tank, 2530's, ID1000's and all good 400rwkw on E85 at 21psi although, this 'boost' mod to the Nismo tank sounds interesting
  10. that's exactly where i had a spin?
  11. Hi team, late notice, but got sent an offer from my gym for a 2 for 1 deal working out at $24.50 p/fortnight for a gym membership. Brighton East and Hampton gyms. Offer ends this month So if anyone in the bayside area is looking for a cheap gym membership, send me a PM. Hampton also has reciprocal rights to Sandringham 'Good Life' (King Club) as well (where i go all the time despite being a member of hampton) ends in a few days, so let me know asap if you're keen cheers, daniel
  12. interesting day firstly, massive thanks to the Racepace boys as well and to Ant and John - i had some catch can issues that needed sorting out, but with plenty of help managed to solve and despite a few missed morning sessions, i was back out in the arvo i think for 3 more sessions with no issues, so ended up being a good day in the end first proper track day with the GTR (only had done the August deca before) so i'm still very much getting use to the speed and power, but was definitely feeling more comfortable as the afternoon sessions wore on which was nice. I started out around the 35's it seems but the last clear lap of my last session managed to get a 1.29 I know the car is capable of immensely lower times, but i'm happy to work on it slowly. Just need more confidence with the braking mainly i think. Never done a timed event before, so it's good to get some lap-time results so i now have some to work towards/compare too Thanks to John for jumping in with me in the morning session and for letting me be passenger in the passenger lap session. I have almost double the rwkw of your car, but you're still about 5 seconds quicker haahahah Paul, nice to meet you. You've definitely picked up a weapon of a car! Ant, 19's.... silly quick, well done I think that's the next thing, jump in a car that is similar to mine and see what it takes to get that low. What tyres were you running? Bel, considering you have a dead-stock GTR, putting down some good times I'm sure you're putting together your mod list as we speak Joe, thanks for letting me share your little alcove for all my stuff. Didn't realise how early you have to be to get a spot... know for next time. Scrutineers let me go for my bonnet, which i thought was ok given it's the factory setup, but will definitely have a secondary restraint next time. I'll also check my catch-can next time too There were lots of photographers out... do they post at the WRX forum? there's a members only photo section (for paid WRX members) is that where the photo's go generally? EDIT: think i found it, http://www.wrx.com.au/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=71511&p=800889&hilit=sandown#p800889
  13. a couple things blue triangle, 34 R, do i just put it on the bootlid pointing at the battery? headlights don't need to be covered do they being plastic?
  14. Status/Chequered dyno is about as accurate as you'll get. Conservative ramp rates and up-to-date correction methods means it will be very similar to DD results etc. I know that within melb, there's less than 5rwkw diff between the major DD shops and Trent's dyno. So the numbers are very accurate.
  15. ahhhh... ok, at the DD days we just park in front of them but they're all locked. Ok, so that bits still free, as long as no one is behind you haha do most people get a garage or just park in front of a locked one?
  16. you have to 'buy' garages at these days?
  17. well i'll be doing the driver training do we always have to have a person with us in the car?
  18. not 100% sure what to put for 'event history'? does it relate specifically to Sandown? or just events in general? DECA's, etc? only other thing i've done at Sandown are the Driver Dynamic track days and that was a while ago.
  19. we weren't sure if it was the Ethanol shortage from the floods that caused the real low winter numbers or if they were being ultra conservative from a cold-start point of view and hence have a higher petrol content. What will be interesting is if they go to full E85 in summer, shall be checking the laptop with interest I should check if Fueltown has their E85 back up as well...
  20. springvale was down in the low 60's for a while in the dead of winter, but i fill up from Glen Wav for the last few months and have been back to Chequered for some touch up stuff since, content sensor was saying E70. Actually, i should really get this all going on my laptop. Parallel desktop then Link software, then i can tell you EXACTLY what Glen Waverley is at the moment (filled up a couple days ago) But to be honest, the two outlets should be the same as it's the same truck and delivers it. off to piratebay.org...
  21. very limited flex fuel cars here in Oz though, U.S. has heaps of GM flex models that's the cheap option as i have mentioned previously, you can get them for around $50 from the wreckers in the states (and given there's a lot of flex-fuel GM cars, you'll find one pretty easily) but i wasn't going to risk it - $250-$300 for piece of mind is pretty cheap really.
  22. haha, Steve, that's my car Those pics do make it a bit lighter than it is i think, this is probably more accurate http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj294/chinny83/midori_3.jpg And John, didn't even realise i was talking to you the whole time!! haahah, nice to finally meet you. Been watching all your track vids and what not. Thanks for those that took pics and videos. Ryan and Russell, driving skills are just fantastic to watch, especially your battles on the pan. The sil80 was just smooooth and the 32 was just banshee style... loved it! Supra, impressive driving. Mark, in the 944, very impressive. Lots of great drivers and the RS5 was silly quick and nimble for such a big car! Tip for those re: tyre pressures on the skid-pan... don't run 40+ psi like i did... - i dropped to about 37'ish i think for the arvo events, and it was much better. Probably the only one silly enough to go that high -
  23. hahahah, you obviously were controlling yourself on the passenger lap then PewPew, thanks mate and everyone else for the comments too - i must admit, i'm glad i pulled the trigger on the Nismo items, i will admit to just looking at the car parked sometimes happy with the way it's turned out
  24. What's your duty cycle % thingy with the 1000cc's at the moment? i'd be thinking you might not need bigger. And more importantly, what turbos? 1) how long's a piece of string? i would say it rests entirely on your current setup 2) link to Ford sensor please, it might be a lot more economical for people then if it's cheaper. I wasn't aware of any other options at the time other than getting a $50 s/hand one from a wrecker.... which i didn't want to take the chance. 3) No idea 4) How do you know you need to replace the 1000cc ones? in other news, i have been mixing and matching a bit around town but where the Flex setup came in ultra handy recently is on the drive back from Shepparton. Motorsport even out there, car was on E-flex on the way out, took a couple jerry cans for the event (and to top up after the drive out), running a bit low on fuel on the way back though, no e-flex left in cans, no worries, pull into the BP at Wallan, throw in some 98, smooth as you like spirited entry to free-way on exit and cruise home, without a hitch Easy, simple and works flawlessly I highly recommend
  25. United is out at the moment though yeah?
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