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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. ahh... so that's your new car Matt.... nice i see the old brakes from your GTT - any more details? and has RE changed their name?? so behind the times...
  2. wheel shop is grossly wrong on the RRP pics of the stickers will definitely help
  3. sweet - i reckon hit up all the other SAU chapterz presidents and see if we can all have an event on at the same day around the country - and maybe see how far that can go, ns.com (a necessary evil) rexnet, soarer, supra have forums i think, surely there's some bits-a-missing forums. Nominate a 'holder' of donations, then present a massive novelty sized cheque to charity of choice
  4. considering the cars most of us drive (and i'm sure more than a few people interested / fascinated with Japan itself), perhaps we can have some sort of a charity event? The easiest i suppose would be having a donation 'box' at the SAU Renewal BBQ/Dyno day - but perhaps people want a specific event all in itself? And considering recent events with certain car clubs vs police in the hills, maybe we can get any club with Japanese made cars together for a bigger day, maybe even some media coverage of the day thoughts?
  5. would it be possible to have a collection going around on the day for the Japan quake? i'll be in NZ unfortunately, but i'm sure a lot of us have an affinity with Japan on some level, so i'm sure people woul dbe willin g to give a little
  6. ^ the build Primal did for you... do you reckon that was good value after everything was put together compared to what you would expect to pay back here in Oz for the same thing?
  7. yep all through JSAI, mu secret is a dealer i'll let you know how i go
  8. you need somehwhere to stay overnight, factor that in $$ i think you can do it in about 18-20hours non-stop, but if you ask me, that's just asking for trouble - i don't care how much red bull syrup from thailand you drink straight, it's too much driving without a good break
  9. join the club, that's why mine isn't for sale to GTR owners - we have the same problem, too narrow. I also guessed it was for a GTT Did you get it from JSAI? i'm trying to deal with it at the moment, but two people with the same problem i think puts us in a stronger position for money back. Shoot me your email address, as i'm dealing with the dealer here in Vic - he's very helpful and might be able to finally resolve this if there is someone else in the same position.
  10. ^ thought about this as well - reckon it's cheaper to get it put together there and sent out? I was wondering if you got a big workshop to do it, whether they could get parts cheaper than we could
  11. left a message on your phone earlier this arvo email has been sent as well EDIT: ah... see that it's sorted
  12. how much labour $$ would we be roughly looking at ontop of the $4.5k to get it all together? assuming you have a running rb26
  13. will be in Un-Zed been hanging for a deca too
  14. i think it's wv... no wait, there's a g in there somewhere i think... i'll check and get back to ya Steve
  15. yeah those photo's do sux teh balls nothing a few snaps of via the new 7D can't fix i'll shoot an email off to the above address, need more details
  16. the infringement is straight forward - but i do have some pretty valid reasons to contest it though (no standing sign) but the location is not correct - my concern is, i'll go, it's the wrong st i was parked on xxx and they'll say, ok cool, here's another ticket with the right street - not sure if they can do that though
  17. Just writing up a contest letter to city of melb for a parking ticket, and just noticed that the place it has listed down is not actually the street i was parked on. Do this make the infringement notice invalid in anyway? Still going to send the letter in, but thought i'd check, might save me some hassle
  18. but surely all this harsher stuff you have to be ultra careful with the cars trim/rubbers etc?
  19. toooooo cheap EDIT: ahh... i see, copy - toooooo expensive for copy! farrk!
  20. would 18 x 11 set need guards mods for a R34 GTR?
  21. 36x-rwkw something?? running those secret squirrel -5's?
  22. yeah, i'm like... is it's the car birthday or what? ahhh those were the days... the uber rare midnight purple R33 jokes happy birthday mate
  23. yep, scam offer to pay via paypal idiots agree and say, "ok!" you receive a paypal "receipt" in your email, purporting to be confirmation of their transfer to you they then ask for you to transfer money to western union or something like that for 'shipping' or some random expense idiots agree and say, "ok!" you send money, pull carsales listing thinking it's sold but car never moves, you just blew $1500 or whatever and when you actually check your paypal account, there's no money in there willL: have people ever ACTUALLY sent their cars anywhere? or is just the transfer of $$ they're duped out of?
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